If You Didn't Want to Wake Up in the Morning... Just Go Die...

Waking up late, taking forever on his hair, taking just as long to dress, always being the last one to finish... the first to leave. Active in class... in the negative way, and my brother. All in all, a typical male in the location of Fort Worth, TX but all in all a disappointment to everything in his path. Being the middle child of 2 over achievers may cause something, but ALL IN ALL they still...
January 29th, 2011 at 02:09am


So I got two and a half weeks off for Winter Break, and I blew all that time sleeping, gaming, blasting loud music, eating, and... sleeping... and... watching TV. Grammatical error but SCREW THAT, I type as I speak. I have such a horrible procrastinating problem for someone who is so... Asian. I didn't even practice for my solo and ensemble... and I'm gonna be a musician when I grow up, pshh like...
January 1st, 2011 at 09:24am

People That Owe Me Money Should Pay Back

I know... I know you have MY DAMN MONEY! If you owe me $10 why won't you give me that $8 you have right now?! Idiot... I don't mind certain people, but he just doesn't friggin pay! Stupid brother... I mean, I have friends that pay me to do their homework and I don't mind that they pay me a little late because I know they'll pay, but the dude's been in debt towards me for a good 2 friggin years!...
December 18th, 2010 at 11:30pm

Man... I am one HUGE Jerkface

Have you ever caught yourself AFTER you've done something horribly wrong? Like right after. And then you couldn't bring yourself to apologize for it? It's... A BAD FEELING! To have her look into your eyes (more like glare) and have that "Oh shit, I just pissed her off." feeling in your body in like a fingersnap AFTER you can't retreive (however you spell it) it. Ah..! I'm a friggin bad person!! I...
December 16th, 2010 at 11:25pm

Screw Your Christmas Music! >Extended with Randomness

I understand that it's friggin Christmas music... but that doesn't mean you get to play your Holy Christmas music, that praises Gawd in almost every other word when there's a friggin Buddhist sitting right here. Ahh...........! This is getting sort of agitating... I need a match... Screwy Christmas music.I didn't think there's a limit on Journal Entries... Sounds like my English Teacher, Silly...
December 16th, 2010 at 04:04pm

If I could I would I swear to Gawd I will.

Go... to... hell... burn, die, go to Heaven, don't reincarnate, and then NEVER come back. Stay in Heaven and let the good Lord upstairs listen to your BULLSHIT, 'cause I don't givva shoe in a horse's hiney. And if I can be, by the greatest gift of Gawd, the one to send you on your way, well Hell come forth, because I'll take it in a jiffy. I swear to Gawd small child my fingers don't have to be...
December 16th, 2010 at 03:21am