Me, Ginge (Holly) and Kadie

Firstly i just have to let you know that i did not write these. When i was at school, i had two friends called holly, although her nickname was ginge, and Kadie. Kadie wrote a dairy about her activities at school and these involved me so i'm gunna add them here :D1) Louis strippes.9) Louis goes bare chested.One time when Kadie, Ginge & Louis had just left Kadie's house after school. They...
January 6th, 2011 at 08:37pm

why i hate Kadie part 2

Reason 14; She makes up lies about me but manages to connvince people thet are true.Reason 15; She wears the same socks everyday and when i go to visit her she wipes her feet in my face, and they smell bad.Reason 16; She has this deluded theory that we are going to end up together and plans our future together.Reason 17; She compares her moustach to mine, even though i shave.Reason 18; She had a...
January 6th, 2011 at 04:21pm

why i HATE kadie.

Reason 1; She is such a hypocriteReason 2; When she makes fun of you she finds it funny but when you do it to her she complains.Reason 3; She takes my Ideas for books and does them herself. She also does that on here so beware.Reason 4; She didn't get me anything for my birthday but expects somthing from me for hers.Reason 5; She thinks it is funny to take the piss out of me when there is a group...
January 6th, 2011 at 01:25pm

Why i hate this time of year....

This time of year…Okay, so I really hate this time of the year as it is a year I often embarrass myself.Helping a elderly lady.Around this time two years ago I was on a bus on my way to my mates. Just as the bus was getting to my stop I stood up. As I was on my way to the front of the bus, a elderly lady stood up on her seat. I stopped and nodded at her in a ‘You go first’ kind of way, a...
January 2nd, 2011 at 10:47pm