Dr. Asphyxiate

My name is Kassi and I have a sticker for you!

Let's get the basics out of the way, shall we? My biological name is Kassidy, that is why I go by Sid. xD I was named after my grandfather, so no hating! I abso-tabso-lutely want presents on January third! Okay? Okay! Glad we agree. I have yet to figure out what my sexuality is, but that doesn't bother me. I use far too many smiley faces, and when I get hyper you are S-C-R-E-W-E-D if you're speaking with me. I try not too be too "ghetto," even though I come from a shithole town full of rundown houses and collapsing buildings, though the abandoned warehouses are fun to chill in. I will be honest and tell you I have never been in a relationship before; they don't appeal to me. I am in a relationship with Steve, and he is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me? I like to "create" things [i.e. illnesses - rawr (only one of you will know what I'm talking about here c:)]. I think I write poorly, but I still like to try because I love doing it. I speak my mind far too often and keep my mouth shut far too little. I'll try anything once, and yeah… I don't know what else to say… o-o

Will you play with me? ;D

I like making friends, and I love photo comments.
You comment me and I'll comment you back. It's the rules!

I'll be your doctor if you let me. ;D
Add me on AIM: sidasphyxiation
Follow me on Tumblr: kassphyxiate.tumblr.com

Things from friends: