I'm back but without any improvement

I still feel like shit..More than before..I guess I just need a place where I feel like I belong. So I ran back to Mibba.But I'm afraid that going here again will make me feel worseI see other people's profiles and they all have a special Mibbians that they can talk to all the time, they have a friend here who they can share all the shit they have gone through and someone who are proud of...
February 24th, 2008 at 03:17pm

Last words... bye..

Dear Mibbians,You may have noticed that I don't update my stories anymore and that I never go online anymore. Well I have been really down for the past few months and it has affected everything I do from school to my friends to eating and writing. I'm just... blank right now. I even find it so hard to write this journal. I don't know how long will it take for me to get back to my senses....
January 17th, 2008 at 12:06pm

MCR MSN.. help please

Can you guys give me usernames of the guys? Please. I can't think of anything good so I'll ask for your help. Tell me why you chose that name too. I'm going to use it for a story that I;m going ti make. It wil be some radnom crap me and my sister came up with while on the road.I shall give you credit for the name too... ; ) .. So yeah. comment me. I wil choose from all of you. It will be a mixed...
December 6th, 2007 at 05:29pm

"dream of mcr" week

Yeah I'm having a "dream of crazy things about mcr" week. It's not the 'daydream' kind of dream. I don't control these dreams. They just sort of randomly flash through my head then I remmeber them when I wake up.They're really fun.. lol.. Yesterday I had a dream about Lyn-z. I wrote a one-shot about it coughreaditcough. xD.. and last night I had a dream about Bob.. It was a Bobard. well sort...
December 6th, 2007 at 01:47pm

I'm bored again.. wanna talk? share stories?

So yeah this is like the 999999 times I've been bored.. O.O .. I really need to get a life!! uhmm.. so any of you want to talk? or want to give me a good story to read? anything? lol..Well my dad is being weird again. he's singing that song from Akon but he changed the lyrics. "You can put the blame on me." turned into "You can put the blame on Meg." haha very funny..Blah! Bored..Comment me if you...
December 4th, 2007 at 05:29pm

Got any stories I could read?

So I'm really realy bored right now but it's way too early for me to sleep. What to do? What to do? Oh I know can you give me a good story to read here on Mibba? Doesn't matter what kind as long as its good oh and the fonts must be big. I'm not wearing my glasses so I can't read small fonts... Give me the link or title or whatever and I'll read em..Oh you could read my stories too if you want....
November 30th, 2007 at 05:41pm

Thank you

I feel better today. Last night I did that journal "I need friends :'(" and I can assure you that was real feelings.. lol.. so I woke up not expecting much but then I got a lot of responses. It made me feel so much better and proved me wrong, you people do care. Again, thank you. It meant a lot to me.To the people that gave me profile comments, journal comments, picure comments and friend requests...
November 30th, 2007 at 12:01pm

I need a friend :'(

I know that I have only been here for awhile and I know how hard it is to get recognition in this site but I'm starting to feel ignored and alone here. My stories get a bit of recognition but not enough to make me feel good about it. I hate making stories just for the sake of being "popular" but comments actually assures me that people actually read my stories. I am putting extra effort on my...
November 29th, 2007 at 10:24pm

I hate needles!!!!

Was my week gay or what?We had an eight hour drive and stayed in some crappy hotel. It was so small. I felt like I was in a shoe box. I hate sleeping in hotels. I get paranoid of noises from the outside and I cannot sleep on the bed because of who-knows-who slept there and did who-knows-what! I didn't sleep at all because there was someone or something knocking at our door at four AM but when I...
November 29th, 2007 at 08:28pm

An earthquake just happened and I acted like a tard!

I'm laughing at myself right now. An earthquake just happened awhile ago and I acted like a reatard!It was a mild one though so nothing to worry aboutI was at the computer about to update my story when my sister started running towards me. I thought she was screaming cause I was stealing the computer from her =P .. So yeah and she started yelling "Earthquake!" but I didn't feel anything but then...
November 27th, 2007 at 12:31pm

My dad told me i'm turning into a vampire xD

I just remembered! This happened last night. So last night was a full moon and I was just sitting outside when my upper canines hurt. They hurt like hell so I told my dad (who's a dentist). He would look at my teeth and look up at the moon then he said in a serous voice "Well you're turning into a vampire or a werewolf." xD . I told you that my parents are unpredictable!My friend came over at the...
November 25th, 2007 at 04:03pm

Happy for the first time in two weeks

Yeah I'm happy today. He stopped calling cause I stopped answering my phone. I didn;t go to school today and I'm so happy cause I get to go to Mibba all day! =D ... and I slept well last night.My parents are soooo unpredictable! Gah! They're driving me crazy. I asked them if I could go to a simple battle of the bands contest and she said no but when I asked her if I could go to this metal band's...
November 25th, 2007 at 03:43pm

I feel like crying.. depressed

I don't know why but I'm suddenly feeling so depressed. I think I'm having some sort of anxiety attack or something. I can't breathe. My eyes are watery right now and its weird because I haven't cried in years and its really hard for me to cry at all and now here I am breathing deeply for no apparent reason.I think I know why but it's not the main reason why I'm feeling like this. I'm so unsure...
November 21st, 2007 at 07:40pm

wa..wait am I bi?

I'm confused x) ..So I really like guys. Everytime I see a cute guy passing by I get tingly inside lol but then it seems that I feel two times worse (or better) if I have a crush on a girlAt first I was just actually observing her face.. weird huh.. yeah they ususally get creeped out when they catch me staring at them anyway so yeah and I realized how pretty she is. So she's pretty big deal.. But...
November 20th, 2007 at 07:06pm

i need some advice x)

Yeah so as I said in my previous entry ,this guy I have a crush on who used to ignore me and such just called me last night (i think) and now he called again.. squeee.. gah! i'm such a teenie!yeah but his ex girlfriend just cornered me and said that I should stop calling him but I'm not the one calling! Hello? He's the one calling. and I have no intention on flirting with him or whatever. we just...
November 20th, 2007 at 06:52pm

why does it have to be like this

Ok so I'm really happy right now because my crush just called me on my phone. Yeah. I was shocked. I didn't know it was him. We talked for a long time and I'm so happy cause he used to ignore me.. Before I tried to get close to him and at least be his friend cause let's face it I can never be his type and all of a sudden he calls me!..and it's really flattering cause he said that he can't sleep so...
November 19th, 2007 at 07:17pm


really weird situations that may seem like i'm some psychic or just really awesome coincidencesI wrote a poem as an assignment in our English class. I was really proud of it but I have no idea why. I've always written a lot of poems but somehow that poem was special. So anyway I got home and sort of forgot about the poem.. I turned the radio on and I like the song even if I just heard it. I...
November 6th, 2007 at 11:56am