Inspiration, Muse and Musings!

So I haven't written anything on here for at least a year and some of my stories are three years old. I really want to re-write them because I know how to write properly now (grammatically) but I lack the inspiration!I don't want to write the exact same thing I have written, I want to spice it up and such.So how do you gain your muse back? :/before, it was because i was feeling so depressed that I...
April 2nd, 2011 at 03:51am

I need YOUR! input (music:])

Ok so this is my two days I'm allowed to download music for and I really don't know any new ones or old ones I've forgotten.This is where you guys come in.If your feeling up to it could you tell me your favorite bands/artists? Favorite songs.Any music you might think I would like (I realize you don't know me personally)I'm into: Rock, any alternate(not to heavy), light metal,""emo"", punk, some...
May 13th, 2008 at 10:02pm

Things don't make sense here (mibba)

First I'm banned from the message boards for reasons unknown, apparently for not capitalizing "I" and "I'm" but did I get a warning!NO!It's so ridiculous.Want to know whats even more ridiculous.Most authors on the site would have received a message when they go to their "My stories" saying, "At least one of your stories is not following our writing guidelines.Please read this to find out more...
May 11th, 2008 at 08:54am