So let's drink,
to memories we shared.

Hearing: Saviour by Black Veil Brides
Drinking: Chocolate Milk =3
Eating: Kraft mac and cheese. It's the cheesiest!
Thinking: My life. Is. Complete.
Doing: Watching Ghost Whisperer, updating, pondering Halloween.

Updates: Chapter 6 of The Playlist is up; I know, you're all so excited. Oh, and I finally figured out how to link shtuff. =3

Down one,
for all the hopes and cares.

Hello and welcome to my page, I'm about to waste two minutes of your time. Sit back, shut up, and enjoy the ride. My name, to you, is Autumn, and I'm a teenage girl of many obsessions. (Obsessions I've been told I need help for.) Many of which include, but are not limited to, Eminem, hot sauce, Destery Moore, Whoppers, Powerade, Skittles, and your mom. My favorite bands at the moment are Escape The Fate, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, Hollywood Undead, Black Veil Brides, Framing Hanley, and My Chemical Romance. I'm the biggest grammar Nazi I've ever known, which means I may refuse to talk to you if you don't use correct spelling and punctuation. I've been known to have...intense... anger issues. I have a shitload of sarcasm and I'm not afraid to use it. And, I won't waste my time on hypocrites or ignorant people, so if you fall into either category, leave. Please and thankies. =)

Here's two for being unaware,
that you're gone.

The Playlist
Genre: Hm... Let's call it drabble.
Chapters: 6
Status: Active, but don't expect constant updates. Last updated 10/27/11

Story title

Story title

Because before too long,
you'll be a memory.

Rounded edges idea from allyssa at lieslikelullabies
Image by chililady
Layout by Sean at hummingbird layouts