TORI TOXICATION™ ~~~A.L. Ridaz~~~ by Tori (me lol)

Ok well this personally is MY first music review :) well im just hoping you like it.Has anyone heard of A.L. Ridaz? Well you should! They are going to be just like the next Snoop Dog!! Ok well thats a little bit over exaggerating but hey! Their Pretty awesome :)I think their music is really cool and I especially love how their beats are constructed together. Their songs will make you want to put...
February 17th, 2008 at 07:46am

TORI TOXICATION™ ~~~Untraceable~~~ by Leyna(one of the leaders)

This is by one of TORI TOXICATION™ leaders/runners This is in all means by Leyna. Oh and this is our very first review and such so enjoy!"Yeah, first review and all. okay, so I went to see Untraceable, and in my opinion, it was AWESOME.whatever you've heard, its not a horror movie. Its not really scary at all, just blood and guts and such. It gets pretty suspenseful at times, but I'm not going...
February 17th, 2008 at 07:00am


So, me and some of my friends are going to be starting something called TORI TOXICATION™ and we need your help!Well we are thinking of doing responses on music, tv shows, and pretty much just anything. We are going to be kinda random in it sometimes.We might just do all kinds of stuff.But before we get TORI TOXICATION™ up and running, heres where you come in!We need your suggestions and...
February 16th, 2008 at 12:42pm