kneecola / Comments

  • Thanks for leaving all those comments on Starling, bb!

    August 10th, 2011 at 08:18pm
  • I'm excited. :3

    Things are still hectic around here. Le sigh.

    I haven't done a single thing! I might go to the zoo sometime next week, crash my brother and his friends' fun. :3 THAT my friend is how bored I am. I probably won't go though.
    August 10th, 2011 at 05:07pm
    August 6th, 2011 at 06:06am
  • SEASON FIVE? OH MY GOD. ARE YOU SERIOUS? AHHH. THANK YOU LORD! I'M SO SO EXCITED. :D When's season four coming out, October? This year though, right?

    It's okay. I was sort of not on Mibba either. Seriously, I barely come on as much as I used to. Things are a bit hectic at home so there's no time for a quiet little evening on the computer. It's 12:30am now and well, I've had enought hectic all day so I'm trying to relax. Not really working but I take what I can get.

    How are you? Done anything exciting? (:
    July 28th, 2011 at 11:21pm
  • Hahaha, yes I am! So, I'll cut to the chase:

    Arthur is the most believable character I have ever seen on TV. Maybe I'm just obsessed but I don't remember any other character that has touched me as much as he has so far. (Not to be dissing Merlin or anything. Merlin is love.) I really cannot believe he is the same guy that was bullying that poor guy in the first episode. And I really love how they went from enemies, to servant/master, to somewhat best friends. (God, I'm tearing up. How pathetic haha.)

    Getting me out of trouble? Life without trouble is stupid. I want to be a rebel. Well, not now, when I should be grounded and good and yada, but I wish I just did things. Your mother's a painter? That's so cool. I wish I could be a painter. (My mother just suggested I should not even go to college and open a beauty shop. I'm like, "Mother. You should've said that in fifth grade, not the summer of my senior year.")

    My younger siblings play way too much games and watch too much TV(in their case, there IS something called too much television lol) and...they're basically stupid when it comes to "common sense" and stuff like that. Or maybe I'm just refering to the 10-year old. But since I read a lot and they copy every SINGLE thing I do (seriously, it's like they're clones of me, the way they repeat what I say, and all of my actions.), they don't think reading is stupid. My younger brother always asks to read my books but they're either romance, mature (as in, umm...things 10 year olds shouldn't know about. Yet.) or too much horror, I suppose. (: I let him read my Nightmare Room books though hahah.

    Back to Arthur: God, he is so gorgeous hahahaha. His eyes are like marbles. Blue, shiny, "fuck me senseless", marbles. XD I have it real bad, don't I?

    Oh, oh. Did you watch it all? (:
    June 18th, 2011 at 10:18pm
  • My mother didn't like it, my father felt just as he always does: nonchalant. He's just so happy-go-lucky about everything. Sometimes I wish I inherited his careless--I mean carefree haha...-- attitude instead of my mother's worrisome one. I've missed out on a lot because I'm always playing safe and thinking before doing. God, I infuriate myself.

    True, amen to that! Harry Potter won't be the first they will read, I don't want them to hate it. I'll give them something small first and when they're a tad bit older I'll spring HP at them haha. Those kids will have the childhood I wished I had hahhaha. xD

    ^There's the other comment haha. xD
    June 17th, 2011 at 09:40pm
  • SORRY NIC I have a double ear infection and feel like dying.

    But check my page for new stories verrrryyy soon? Like maybe when you get this?
    June 17th, 2011 at 03:14am


    Please start ranting oh so help me God, I will!~
    June 15th, 2011 at 12:26am
  • I wouldn't know because I ditched. Well, not so much as ditched as didn't even bother to show up. Blah, prom is overrated. I didn't even want to show up for my graduation but I did. I don't even know why, it sucked.

    I'm just one of those girls who will grow old and tell their grandchildren stories that don't have anything to do with prom, high school or pretty much everything they actually want to hear about ha.

    Do you know Merlin? (: (:
    June 13th, 2011 at 04:53pm
  • Okay so there are a few kinks w/ the coding I need to work out but it was like 4am when I pm'd you that and I was obvs lazy then.
    June 12th, 2011 at 06:11pm
  • PS: you're going to kill me but I'm like two seconds away from deleting Conduit. EH I KNOW BUT I just have a beginning, and an ending, and no middle. So I might just re-write it as a one-shot or something. BUT LISTEN I HAVE MORE IDEAS THAT ARE COMING TO HEAD ewww oh god that sounds like a zit, scratch that. I won't delete it til I post something else. I have a lot of ideas.

    Don't I always though?
    June 12th, 2011 at 06:54am
  • Not eveeeeen girl. But thanks!
    You need a new layout for your profile, haha. Like desperately. I'm about to re-use my own coding and make you one :)
    June 12th, 2011 at 06:52am
  • Oh, Nic, how you flatter me!

    BTW, it's SUPER awesome to see that you and SHino are friends, she's basically the coolest person on Mibba ever :)
    June 9th, 2011 at 07:06pm
  • Thanks. I think it sounds corny now; it's been three years since I was nicked that. :3 I am so lame, btw. I just realized why your username is kneecola hahahahaha. Creative, I must say. For a minute there, I entertained the idea of what a kneecola would look like. You know, like a jelly candy, cola flavour?
    I'll stop talking now.

    I'm bored and hungry, but I'm doing alright. My prom is tomorrow. Yikes!
    June 8th, 2011 at 01:07am
  • Hey, Nicola. :) I'm SHino. It's about time we meet muhahahaha. (Sorry, too much television.) You're very welcome, dear. I just read a comment or two about Cate ranting about some guy called Will so I thought I'd check it out. ;)
    How are you? (:
    June 5th, 2011 at 09:58pm
  • NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICOLAAAAAAAA I'm so fcking frustrated, I'm like literally making myself sick.

    May 17th, 2011 at 01:56am
    May 16th, 2011 at 12:17am

    okay, I'm sitting here in a hotel in Daytona Beach while my friend is at the flea market, and since you said I could talk to you about my awesome ideas, here I am, because I'm having this agonizing thing where I have no idea what I want to write even though I have all these ideas. Obviously I'm writing Knotty Pine. 46 pages of planning later. I love Abby/Noah...but I love Hollis the mostest! Yeah I know that's not a word, deal with it.I can't wait til I get to dump his backstory on everybody! But that won't happen until the sequel...but oh God oh God he's so cute. Like I know you're not supposed to love your own character this much but I don't care.

    But beside that I have ALL THESE IDEAS. and characters. So here begins the dump. I wrote this zombie story a few months ago, well I started writing it, and then I just up and deleted it on here but I'm thinking about re-writing it a little bit, because I LOVE the characters. Like it's obviously got a plot but it's so character driven at the same time. The MC is this girl Sully, and she's leaving her hometown after being the only person there for a while. She doesn't really know where she's going but she gets a flat tire and stops only to stumble upon this boy McKinley (she makes them only go by their last names because she doesn't want to get attached) and it's pretty clear that he has no idea how to use a gun or to be badass or anything. He's book smart but thats about it. Anyway, Sully is trying to decide whether she's going to leave him or let him come with her when another guy stumbles upon them. After some high tension, they all finally agree to stick together, though Sully is reluctant to do so. O'Donaugh, the other guy, has nowhere in particular to go, and neither does Sully, but McKinley says that he wants to go to the coast of Maine, where his older sister lives. Last he heard, she had outlasted the zombies, and he thinks if they get there, it will be safe. The unfortunate thing is, they're currently in Texas (this might change???idk) so they have a long journey. And the whole time, while they're kicking zombie ass, they're getting to know each other. And yeah, someone dies, like besides a zombie. It's pretty emotional. Hahaha. So that's that.

    And then there's Delano/Kennedy....le sigh. I was watching this thing like 20 greatest unsolved crimes, and the heist at the Isabella Gardner museum or whatever it was in Boston was on it, and it got me thinking. What if Delano was like an art thief, and Kennedy was like a seller on the black market, but she overhears him talking about a huge enormous heist he's planning, and she decides to join him. He's reluctant at first, but she threatens to oust him, so he agrees, so then there's this planning, etc. Idk man...idk. I really want to write about them, and then them being like on the run ebcause they almost get caught in the heist. Sheesh. I'm not sure about this.

    And then there's, as you call it, my healer story. I'm really conflicted about this, but I'm in love with the characters. Pippa would be the narrator. I'm thinking about making her this red-headed fiery fighter. Since they live in a pretty remote village, it's okay for her to be a hunter as her career, like they don't really care about traditional gender roles. She hunts with a cluster of boys about her age, including one called Laurent, who is her closest friend in the cluster. But her best friend is Sorrel, the healer. When Pippa was like 10-12ish, her house burned down in the night, and she ran out to get help. She just so happened to stumble upon Sorrel and his mother, who's like the village apothecary, making a home visit to someone. While Sorrels mom runs to the house, Pippa collapses onto the ground, and Sorrel, who was still not completely sure if he was a healer or not, starts to heal Pippa. The rest of her family doesn't survive, but because of Sorrel's help, she does, and Sorrel's family adopts her. As the years passed, they became incredibly close. I have their whole backstory but I have no idea what the present story is. One idea I had is that Pippa's mother (who was always known to be from a different village) was actually some kind of supernatural being (most likely a fairy but maybe a goddess, something like that) and by leaving her own kind, she knew she was sacrificing Pippa to them. Those people send a flaming arrow into the village during their harvest moon celebration. Running from the fire, she sees the arrow, and then she instantly remembers the same flaming arrow flying through her window to set her house on fire all those years ago. Sorrel and Laurent follow her as she goes deeper into the woods, trying to figure out where the arrow came from. Even though she tells them to leave, neither one of them will. She meets one of the people from her mother's kind, and they try to explain everything to her, and then she has some kind of thing to do to reclaim her a challenge. Ugh dude idk I wish I had a good idea for them because I love the three of them. And this comment is super huge, and I'm not even done, but I'm going to eat some cookies and then write more.
    May 15th, 2011 at 08:24pm
    YOU CREEP!!!!!!!!!!
    April 26th, 2011 at 10:58pm
  • HAPPPYYY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    January 1st, 2011 at 09:51pm