Aimbo / Comments

  • So how is my favorite Australian Killjoy?
    October 20th, 2011 at 03:17am
  • I miss you too! :[ I'm sorry I'm not online more lately...hopefully once party weekend is over; I can get my brain back to writing, and being online...

    MCR will be playing with Radiohead on the same line-up at BDO?! I bet the Way brothers are damn excited about that, being the Radiohead fans they are! I love it when line-ups work out like that! I can't believe you can't go : I swear, if I win the lottery I will pay to get you there no matter what - maybe I could send ya mom to a health spa so she'd be happier and more relaxed about you going...*cue mass daydreaming session*

    That blows - does your mom's friend know it was supposed to be your party? If so (and apologies in advance for any offence at my next statement) - then she's a total bitch. Are you not allowed to invite a friend with you to ease the crumminess? :/

    It doesn't sound stupid or brattish AT ALL - so don't ever apologise for needing to rant. Even if I'm not online as much lately, I'm still here to listen and getting it all out helps a lot :]

    The major news stories in my life:

    - Writing is a fail. I literally can't concentrate, so I'm hoping as soon as party/planningness is over, I'll suddenly have a massive burst of inspiration. I'm sorry for being so lame and late with my WNLTHYWP chapter :/

    - Life is going actually oki I think. I mean, I'm totally story&art blocked - but I managed to write two new sets of lyrics, so I don't feel totally useless. I'm painting a pop-art pic of me and my friend for her bday pressie (her bday is friday); but even that's going slower than planned.

    - I managed to stop being chicken, and went into the tattoo parlour to give Paul the tattooist my phone number. If he texts, that's cool - if not, then at least I won't hate myself for not making a move. For someone who doesn't want to date/want a relationship...he sure does have a smile that sends me blushing in a heartbeat :P

    - Party planning is stressful. I've done a massive booze-shop for people; written notes to the neighbours to apologise in advance for noise and invite them round for a drink if they fancy; the garden's been cleared; the bathroom is spic & span; all the chocolate, cakes, sweets, plates etc have been bought - and I just need to get frozen food now; and everyone I've invited is still coming and seem massively excited for the theme. I'll take tons of pictures through the night to show you when I'm next online!

    - My blink-182 presale bundle has been posted at last too! So I get an American deluxe version of the new album with tracks you don't get here, a t-shirt with the album artwork on, and an as-yet unknown surprise from the band! The site says it could be anything from an extra shirt/ an exclusive guitar a bass guitar from Mark lifetime show passes! I'm excited to see what I might get, but I'm cool with whatever it is - I just wanna listen to the album already!!!

    Other than that...I can't think of much else, and this comment is pretty much an essay so I shall endeth it now :P

    *huuuuge massive hugs*

    "So give me all your poison, and give me all your pills!"

    *dances like a very cold, shivering British person who really needs to by more jumpers but is freakin' LOVIN' how cold it is at last!*

    xx <3 <3 <3
    October 19th, 2011 at 05:05pm
  • Hey! I'm doing alright, just finished up marching band and now getting ready to transfer out to another school... SO FRANKING EXCITED. I'm also working my tail off on my new Killjoy fanfic (hehe I don't have a tail....), and naturally Angels Made From Neon and Garbage as well! But... Mostly the other one... I've been writing it since Christmas break of last year and i'm hoping it'll see Mibba by January.
    October 15th, 2011 at 03:30pm
  • I'm good - uber stressed and busy with party planning, friend catch-ups, family stuff, cleaning the house, clearing the garden, & getting new toilet installed as well - I have no time for anything...


    I don't know what is it really - but they're playing 5 dates for something called the Big Day Out - the dates and places are here

    I hope you can go/can get there - either way...they're finally hitting up Aus!!!

    Oki, I have to go 'cause on top of everything my sister's ill and I gotta look after her....

    <3'z you mega-tons *huuuuge hugs* and I miss you!! I'll try and get some time soon to get online more

    xx <3
    October 13th, 2011 at 08:29pm
  • I'm going to really try and knock out some pages tonight...wish me luck!

    It's an amazing Killjoy story - I will forever be infinitely jealous of your ability to write it so damn well ^_^

    Elvis ain't all bad...but at least you got to rock out to some stuff you like :D Karaoke games on the playstation 3 are fun; but in public...? Yeah, I need a while to get up the courage :P

    That sounds so Amazing!!! I've always wanted a tutu dress - I will get one at some point in my life! Halloween birthdays/birthdays around Halloween for the win! I'm busy with planning my party and everything - it's a Tarantino party like in GMaRtB (I actually wrote it into the story because I was planning it haha) with everyone dressing up, the films playing, and a Tarantino playlist - but the food is all halloweeny, including a blood red chocolate fountain ^_^

    I get to dress up three times this year as well! I'm being Stuntman Mike from the film Death proof for my party (got all my outfit, and I get to be a boy for my 23rd! So exciiiited!); I'm being a creepy doll the weekend after for my friends Halloween party on the saturday; and then on Monday itself (a.k.a. Halloween a.k.a. Ieroween) I'm going to bring out my old favourite and be a zombie...but make it a bit different - thinking I may have bleeding eyes and a slashed throat. Don't worry, I'll take photos of everything and show you :D You better take a photo of your costume too so I can see!

    Hmm...well if you can't find any online, you could always paint up a white pair? Use tones of grey, black, & white and change the colour/feather a paint effect :]

    Eeeep - I'm so buzzy about our birthdays! Practising my creepy doll make-up tonight I think :D

    xx <3
    October 9th, 2011 at 09:12pm
  • I can't believe SESS is close to being done! :O I don't know whether to be happy or sad - sad 'cause it's ending or happy 'cause I get to find out what happens!

    Writing is pretty much failing. I wrote a chapter for IFD - then deleted the whole thing 'cause it sucked. I'm stuttering my way through the next co-write chapter; and trying and failing to make the final chapter of the Ray-shot believable and not clichéd :/

    How were things at your grandpa's...?

    xx <3
    October 7th, 2011 at 05:40pm
  • Amy! It goes okies I are things going with you?

    At the holiday house...? Is that far from where you live? :]

    xx <3
    October 7th, 2011 at 12:26am
  • I'm going to try and wake up early to talk to you tonight...but if I'm not on, I hope you have a good day and I shall talk to you sooon!


    Loves you!! xx <3
    October 4th, 2011 at 03:40am
  • I'll try and be awake early for you then my dear, 'cause I've missed talking to you :D

    I'm taking a picture now of the final a few of it during the process. The writing was part of the piece...I had to repetitively write 'On A Plain Can't complain' on the painting for a certain part (it's from a Nirvana song called 'On A Plain' which I adore and adds meaning to the piece); and it actually looks pretty good. If the rest of the pieces are this fun, and make me feel this proud after - then I'll be a lucky Lyzsi :]

    A, a randomly-appearing one..?

    Yaaay for cramp-be-goneness! ^_^

    xx <3
    October 4th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • Thanksiiies for the hugs *huuumungous massive huggles back for lovely Amy* I'm okies now, don't worry :]

    Street Fighter is DA BOMB!! Oh I used to play that game so much...I miss it! I may have to find a friend who has it and go crash their place :P

    My tonight, or your tonight...?

    And that sucks a lot :[ *go away bad stomach crampy-ness! Leave Amy alooone!* I'm hungry...but finishing that piece is actually making me not bothered to eat. I just keep staring at it. Plus, my hand hurts now from all the writing I did for it (It was like doing lines at school as a punishment!); but it was worth it I think :]

    xx <3

    P.s. *Mooore huge hugs to make you feel betterer*
    October 4th, 2011 at 12:46am
  • You don't ever need to apologise dear...and when I say that, I mean it. :]

    And don't worry about the ranting - you know I'm expert rant-listener-to ^_^ On the issue of the boy-problem...if he's got a gurlfriend and he's messed you around before/you don't want any of the love-shit atm, just tell him straight and clear that you're not interested. You can be friends and nothing more, and if he can't handle that then friendship is completely off the table. Sometimes you just have to be blunt with this kinda thing :]

    I've been...meh. I fell badly pass-out wise the other night and really messed up my hip. Don't worry - it's better now, but I was in so much pain I could barely walk. Lay on the bathroom floor when I came to and stayed there just really hit home how bad my VS has got again lately. I got fairly down about it, but then realised the year has been so great, and there's so much more to come - that being depressed about something I can't control is pointless :]

    On a random note - finished the first of the exhibition piece project I'm doing. I'm rather proud of it ^_^

    How are you other than boy-issues...?

    xx <3
    October 4th, 2011 at 12:17am
  • Want me on Skype dear...?

    xx <3
    October 3rd, 2011 at 12:12am
    September 30th, 2011 at 03:47am
  • Coming on now if you're still Skype-able :]

    xx <3
    September 30th, 2011 at 02:37am
  • I am so dumb. I just sent a message to mysf, that was meant for Lyzsi!
    September 30th, 2011 at 12:43am
  • Zombie gurl Lyzsi is amazing! I want your make up skills! The one with the eye is creepy. In a good way :)

    How was your day?

    I just woke up, but yesterday consisted of my brothers psycho friend being over, playing the bass ( I learnt a few things, one of them being The Kids From Yesterday), writing half of the next SESS update (two chapters left approx) and then going to a familiy dinner where my mum showed everyone photos of her 1850's children, and the crop Circe that's in our front paddock (there's nothing there....)

    Yeah so my day was pretty damn boring :)
    September 30th, 2011 at 12:42am
  • Haaaiii!

    You shouldn't trust my and listen to who you want. I just have a personal vendetta against Chris Martin, that's all :P

    ZombieGurl pictures as follows!

    And this one I edited the eye online to make it look scarier...

    I hope that last link works...lemme know if not :P

    xx <3
    September 29th, 2011 at 06:07pm
  • I will be having fun!!!!

    And I hope they go to Australia soon for you ^_^
    September 29th, 2011 at 01:50am
  • Oh yay, you're back!!! Thank you, by the way ^_^

    Yay for internet connection!!! =D

    It's all good =] I hope your writer's block goes away soon!

    I've had my ups and downs, like usual, but right now, I'm great! I get to see the four greatest men in my life (AKA Gerard, Mikey, Frank, and Ray X]) tomorrow!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!! =D
    September 29th, 2011 at 01:05am
  • Day-to-day drama sucks arse...but eventually you'll get to the point where nothing happens at all, and it'll actually be quite boring.

    ..Relaxing as Hell; but damn boring.

    I've been rather art-blocked lately, and just generally kinda frustrated - but things are getting better and I actually started the first of the exhibition pieces today. I had to spend hours looking at Jessicka/Lindsey/Mark Ryden/Marion Peck/John Waters stuff for motivation - but I got there in the end.

    Bass-learning wise, haven't really learnt anything new, since I was learning on my friend's bass and I haven't seen him for a couple of weeks. I'm seeing him soon though, so we'll see how that goes :P I now want to learn Cemetery Drive above all else! You should be proud...all those tracks are fuckin' awesome.

    Unfortunately, I'm British - so I know all the words to Coldplay songs. I say unfortunately, because I really hate them and think of Chris Martin as a smug pompous music-stealing bastard. Saying that, I already mentioned I know all the words - and yellow is a decent track which I have on a mix CD from a friend. 'Fix You' is also one that I like to sing, and brings a tear when I do...but I still.hate.Coldplay.

    I actually haven't a clue for the next chapter yet :[ My mind has just been elsewhere, and I've been fairly poorly. I've got like one or two kinda random ideas - but not a lot. I need to get back into 'Cherry-mode'...

    I also need to finish Rouge/Ray four-shot...

    I also need to crack on with Scarlet's sequel...

    Writer's block For.The.LOSE.

    'This Night walk the dead in a solitary style and crash the cemetery the dress your husband hates..'

    *dances like a half-gurl half-zombie which I was last night. The pictures of me in zombie make-up freak out everyone but me...*

    xx <3
    September 29th, 2011 at 12:57am