I've ***ed things up, again.

Why is it always me who does the stupid things?And me who always fucks things up.Jeez, its getting harder every day to keep on like this.My parents are overprotective, nosy, assumtious people.My best friends are my only hope.And the boy i've fallen in love with, lives miles and miles away.Woohoo. That leaves me a lot of options.I've always been someone who gets shaken up easily.But when i cant...
April 26th, 2011 at 07:47pm


I wake up to texts saying: Morning beautiful :)If i'm down, i'll ring him, and we'll talk for hours..He makes me look, on the brighter side of things..If i put myself down, it will turn into a neverending battle..But,How can i know if my feelings for him are real..When we've never even met, just spoken on the phone, texted, etc..I really like him anyhow.. It cheers me up when his name lights up on...
April 21st, 2011 at 05:53pm

My Diary, written from the pages themselves.

Sunday 26th December '10It'll be the new year soon, time for a change i think, even if it involves breaking some of the rules, which is something i scarcely to nowadays. School is a load of rubbish as usual, all this stupid pressure about our options is wearing me down, i'm dreading going back in January. I mean, they seriously expect us to know what we want in life already? Its pathetic. All this...
December 28th, 2010 at 10:34pm