I'm aliveeee

UmHi. When was the last time I did anything on this website? I seem to have other things on my mind. Like cosplaying, and RP, and writing a book, and having a Norse God buzzing in my ear nearly every minute of the day. Don't be a Pagan, kids, its noisy business.I'm kidding.But in all seriousness, whooaaaaa. It feels like an age since I last did anything productive in the way of faniction and I...
November 19th, 2013 at 09:13pm

Stuff for if you read my stories

I dont even want to comment on it but I feel as though I might as well get some things said.You know what I'm talking about.All I'm saying, really, is that I do and will continue to support Lostprophets as a band. Because they've made a huge difference to my life and...yeah.And about my fanfics...I dont know. It sounds sad but the prospect of not being able to continue and finish some of them...
December 20th, 2012 at 07:39pm

Note to my readers c:

Hello there.So you may have noticed that my updates have been fewer lately....Especially with Solitude and Tell Me Those Three Little Words. I have an excuse. That excuse is: PRELIMS.Ah yes. I have my dreaded Prelims starting a week monday, and yeah, I'm trying to revise. (Not that it's working, I end up procrastinating on tumblr) but anyway...I've written a couple of oneshots here and there, I...
November 21st, 2012 at 09:42pm

So I just saw Yashin again

Yashin gig number 4 (5th time seeing them though cause I saw them as support for another band).And it was fucking amazing, seriously.Some people were doing the Gangnam Style dance when We Butter The Bread With Butter were on and it was hilarious. WBTBWB were pretty good too, actually, I've never listened to them before..We got a couple of rows from the barrier at the start of the gig, though when...
November 17th, 2012 at 11:54pm

More ramblings of meaningless...ramble

That title makes no sense but then again neither will this blog post. Do any of my blog posts make sense? I cant actually remember writing ANYTHING in the history of EVER that makes sense. I just sort of bullshit my way through most english essays and manage to get top marks for almost all of them. Its great....This blog actually had a purpose and now I've forgotten what that was. Damnit.Allow me...
November 16th, 2012 at 05:34pm

NO clue what to call this but yeah if you read my fanfics read this ok

Hello Mibbians.I'm really only posting this to ask one thing but I need 200 words so I shall ramble a bit beforeWhat can I say that is interesting? Nothing much, really. Sigh.It's Samhain/Halloween on Wednesday though which is fun even though I'm probably not doing anything other than some Pagan stuff on my own and then having food and watching horror movies. Like last year...but I was sick last...
October 25th, 2012 at 08:00pm

Regarding stuff and more stuff and a new story

Hello I haven't made a blog in agesI have been busy.Well actually that's a lie, I haven't, but anyway. I saw Young Guns on Sunday with my girlfriend and we were second from the barrier and we spent the night jumping around like mad and screaming and crying, it was awesome.I keep crying while listening to them. (TAKE ME BACK). Yeah, they played Winter Kiss and Stitches which are my favourite YG...
October 17th, 2012 at 11:23pm


...TOMORROWI am actually so excited I'm just going to scream and yell and dance and cry for a thousand years, or something to that effect. I still remember when TBO released the first videos for Hope and I was literally screaming at everyone and me and my mate were running around at school flailing and looking really insane and probably high...But yeah, tomorrow is good. I am also meeting...
September 16th, 2012 at 10:45am

new fanfic ohohoho

Good evening. My last blog got deleted :'c But I hope you all got my twitter :o if you didnt then you should tell me and I will link you and force you to follow me. And if you don't have twitter then you will make one....or else. u_uAnyway though that's not the point in this blog. I was sitting at school today half falling asleep and being ill because my head has been in agony all day (stupid...
August 22nd, 2012 at 07:18pm


feeling ignored is the worstokay just noas soon as I got back to school with my friends I felt left outand that shitty, depressing story I posted a while ago is literally how I feel about everything and oops I may have sat planning ways to kill myself in french today at school and ugh. I dont know. I feel awful right now. It'll pass soon and I'll be hyper or whatever again but right now I hate...
August 20th, 2012 at 08:58pm


I HAVE JUST SEEN THE WEIRDEST IMAGE EVER AND I CANNOT STOP LAUGHING I FEEL LIKE SHIT RIGHT NOW BUT TEARS EVERYWHERE. FROM LAUGHTER. AT THIS IMAGE:Oh god seriously. I'm laughing so hard it hurts.Ah.Anyway idk I'm going to try and make a nice blog all the blogs right now are sad and I dont like seeing you guys down I want to hug you all come to me my babies -grabs you all and hugs tightly-Happy blog...
August 19th, 2012 at 11:36pm

overthinking things again

Ah, overthinking sucks.You know how in my story, TDI, Sean's all 'I dont like to be left alone with my thoughts because I think too much and remember shitty stuff'? Yeah well that's literally me. I think things through too much and get myself really worked up and then I end up like, having some sort of anxiety attack and I forget how to breathe and stuff and it sucks.Yes.And I keep seeing how...
August 18th, 2012 at 11:08pm

my art teacher is weird

she keeps saying creepy stuffonce, she yelled 'YASMIN HAS NICE APPLES' and we were all laughing and she didnt understand so she kept repeating it and omfg it was hilarious idk and then today she was marking a design sheet for our current class project and she said to the guy whose sheet she was marking, 'There's too many gaps, it's too spaced out. You need something long and thin to put in here'...
August 17th, 2012 at 09:24pm

Autumn feels

Seriously no I actually need Autumn here right now because it is my favourite season and my birthday is in Autumn and I'm seeing Young Guns in October and Yashin and Lostprophets in November and you know there's Samhain (Halloween) and that's always a good laugh and then there's all the corny stuff like leaves crunching under your shoes or collecting conkers and wearing cosy jumpers and having hot...
August 15th, 2012 at 12:05pm

I don't even know?

I was supposed to be going out today but now I'm not because my mum thought I was going to get kidnapped O_o I don't even know. So, now, instead of spending the day out with my friends at a country park, running around yelling lyrics and pretending to be fairies (This is how we always act. People have shouted at us before :c), I'm sitting in my room, eating biscuits, drinking tea, and writing 4...
August 11th, 2012 at 03:37pm

la la laa

I FEEL LIKE I'VE CROSSED A LINE WITH THE CANNIBALISM THING IN MY NEW FICI APOLOGISE FOR BEING SO WEIRDBUT SERIOUSLYARE YOU GUYS OKAY WITH THISIT'S BASED ON AN OLD SCOTTISH TALE THAT'S SUPPOSEDLY FACTthat's all I wanted to say okay so I need more wordsallow me to rambleI'm watching pirates of the caribbean and aw it's always awesome to watch. Yeah.I was in a guitar shop earlier and they had a Syn...
August 9th, 2012 at 08:35pm

I never used to see the point in blogs and now I cant stop writing them help

my girlfriend thinks I have BPD or Biploar Disorder and she wants me to talk to my Guidance Teacher about it when I go back to school...Yay? Idk. I dont really know what I'd be saying. Like, I've been researching them and I have some symptoms of both...but like...idk. I don't really want them to be like 'Yeah, you have ____' if I end up going to the Doctor's about it. I dont know, I guess I'm...
August 8th, 2012 at 09:08pm

random blog of pointless rambling

hello peepsIts hot and sunny today. Twiggy does not like this. Scotland isn't supposed to be a hot country ;c But me, my girlfriend and my best mate went into town and it was fun because we were all walking around with our arms round each other and people were looking at us funny and we saw people from school and there are probably going to be rumours about us being in a threesome or something...
August 7th, 2012 at 08:25pm

sort of talking to myself but yeah i need to rant somewhere so ignore this if you wish idc

so um yeah i've been feeling really shitty for ages and just ugh why i hate itmy friends all seem to be talking to me less and less and when they want to talk to me or see me i cant be bothered with them or i get snappy or narky or just act generally cuntishand then idk if you guys know anything about my gender issues but yeah i identify as like in between genders which sucks sometimes because...
July 29th, 2012 at 09:13pm

Smatkins, Sequels and a holiday to North Berwick...

Good Afternoon/Evening/Morning/whatever time it is when you're reading this.I have nothing to do so I thought I'd post another rambly, crappy blog. :D I hope you dont mind. And even if you do, that's just too bad because I'm posting it anyway. Hah.So. I have writers block for The Devil Inside.... again. (I keep having writers block and then suddenly I write like three chapters and post them all at...
July 20th, 2012 at 03:23pm