heaven help us now
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My name is Jessica, but most call me Jeka. I am a very strange person. I know that much. .

Contact Info:jekajaded@hotmail.com

I am eighteen and live in New Jersey. This place, I will forever call home. I have moved a couple of times and didn't like it. I believe that home is where you feel safe, where you can sleep. where you can laugh and cry. Home is where I want to be.

There are a couple of things that I enjoy in my life. i love to draw, it is my passion. I can do it for hours and hours. Time, there is no time with art. I paint too, I have done a few pieces, but I'm getting there.I want to major in fine arts. I'm currently attending a community college and taking journalism, but I plan to switch majors. It has always been about freedom of expression. without art, I am nothing. (: I like to set my mind with paint. I love colors, I love shapes, I love how objects can be viewed in one's eye. Ever since I was little I loved Art. It was only four years ago that i took it seriously. Another thing that I like to to is write, way before I wanted to do Art, I wanted to become an author. I always knew that writing was a challenge. Writing a book is a challenge, a story can be anything you want. i have written stories before, but I just viewed it as something of a hobby. Something to let my feelings out. Poetry too, i loved making long worded poems. Any feeling can be put into words.

I love to live life, laugh, and be myself. There is no one out in the world who can tell me who I am. I am me and nothing else. I have struggled on finding out who I was in the past, I have an idea now. I want to live a happy life doing the things I enjoy. It's all a matter of mindset. I make weird noises, I can scream, yell, make random comments. It's just who I am. Call me weird, but I like it.


If there is one band that I love, it is My Chemical Romance. I have followed them since I was probably 13. Their songs are amazing. Ray Toro has magical shredding skills, so does Frank. Mikey is way too cool to play bass, but he does it anyway and he's amazing. Gerard way has inspired me to do more art, he writes with passion, and he is a crazy bitch. haha. Seriously, this band is my band. They came from a small place and they have made it big. They believe to be yourself no matter what and to forget those who judge you. They are the highlight of my life. I do fangirl once in a while about them, but hey, it's highly healthy.

If you want to see any poems of mine, just ask (:
Layout by Claire @ liesforaliar
Photo by Andreas Stridsberg
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