
Journal Three.Insults.We've all been called names, we've all called people names. At least most of us have, we're not perfect. Some people take it and just laugh it off, some take it personal and will wallow in self pity for days. Truth is, there's always going to be that one person who will never like you. They'll always try their best to hurt your feelings and make you look down upon yourself....
June 21st, 2011 at 09:52am

Embarrassing Moments.

Journal Entry Two.Embarrassing Moments.We all know those awkward moments where you could whip out a knife, cut the tension, and the serve it on a silver platter. I seem to have that a bit too often, including my most embarrassing moments. Half of my time is me mulling over the stupid things I did in the past a can still feel that burn of embarrassment. When I was in eighth grade, we were in the...
June 17th, 2011 at 07:53am


Journal Entry One.Piercings.When I was little I had noticed that my cousin, Becky, had gotten a belly button ring. Throughout my life I've been told I'd look good with one. And throughout my life I've been told by my parents that I either have to be eighteen or out of the house. At first I understood, I was young and piercings other than ears would probably have been a bit out of ordinary for a...
June 17th, 2011 at 04:23am