Breakthroughs .

I felt something today . It may have been only for a second , but it was there, and it was bright. Happiness .It was as I was getting ready for bed and putting my hair up in a french braid when I smiled at myself in the mirror, and felt really good. And untied from the giant knot that is the struggles of being a teenager .Yeah . It was really nice , and a moment that I'll play back from now on ....
January 8th, 2011 at 09:07am

Confusion .

I think I've become confused. But not that typical "why did Sally do this" , its a biggy .Extreme , life changing moments have occurred in the last 2 1/2 months and yet I still feel empty. I should feel sadness and regret yet I feel no pain . I feel nothing . It's like a numbing sensation that feeds on the attempts to feel something other. It's like a big gaping hole in my stomach thats trying to...
January 6th, 2011 at 08:14am