Old Friends

Friends are supposed to be there for you, talk to you, listen to what you have to say, etc, etc, etc. And it shouldn't change in time. But it does.You know those friends you haven't seen in so long, and you go to talk to them, and they've changed? You can't seem to grasp who they are anymore, and they don't seem to care?You know those people you really wish would leave you alone, but when they...
December 29th, 2011 at 11:46pm


My mom came in with an unfortunate announcement while I was hanging out with my friends:My dog died. She discovered him out in the field behind our clothes-line in our backyard, lying down, dead. There were already flies and she knew automatically there was nothing to do. We don't know the cause, and we're all trying hard not to blame ourselves. I've cried off an on and it's really hard. I don't...
July 24th, 2011 at 03:44am

Looking Human for the Patriotic Holidays

Wow. Guess what, mibba members. I'm wearing makeup today. That's new. I NEVER wear makeup. Not even for school concerts. But today I saw that tube of lipstick in my accessories container, and... I just couldn't resist. So now I'm wearing lipstick, mascara, blush, even nail polish. It's weird. But then again, at least I can cover up those nasty dark bags under my eyes and I can look more human than...
July 4th, 2011 at 06:07pm

Wasting Away

129.4. Anywhere else, that number may have no significant value to me. And yet today it has been engraved into my brain. Maybe just because there was another number earlier- in fact only a few hours earlier- that was momentarily important. 131.2.After stretching and working out- which I rarely do- for about an hour, I felt shaky. I actually got a nosebleed in the beginning, but that's a different...
June 27th, 2011 at 04:04am

It Hurts to See

Lately my eyes just hurt. Like I'll look at something and to my eyes, it'll feel like it's painful to behold and it starts to burn and my entire head just feels so.... sickeningly dizzy. Like, the type where you're lightheaded and about to faint. I don't know how to describe it. I just.... I'm starting to think there's something wrong with me. I'm so weak all the time. Sometimes even holding a...
June 9th, 2011 at 03:42pm

So Young

Fifteen years on this planet. What a short time span. I imagine myself growing older, but it takes so long. And then what, I'll look back and it'll seem like ten minutes passed by but it was really like twenty years? Yeah, right. I may have a horrible concept of time, and maybe that's why it feels like even when it does speed by when I look back, the time that I'm there during all that time feels...
June 9th, 2011 at 03:36pm


I was staring out my window last night at the lightning storm. It was past 11:00 already and it was a school night. But I felt so... trapped... that I just couldn't stay in bed. So I crawled out, got dressed and put my shoes on, and walked out into the middle of the storm. Lightning flashed above me in the advancing gray clouds, the slight roll of thunder probably too far away for me to properly...
June 9th, 2011 at 01:52pm

My list of fears

Second day of June, Thursday. A little after 10:30. It's been hot for the past few days but now it's looking pretty stormy and there's a cold wind. Not too horrible. At least there's no tornadoes. Lately there's been some hitting seemingly random spots all over the US. A recent one was in Missouri that was really bad and I just heard about one in Massachusetts. Some even hit in places in New York....
June 2nd, 2011 at 04:42pm

Who am I today?

It's Wednesday, May 18th, I think, 2011. It's 9:25 in the morning and the day is already off to an interesting start.I've looked in the mirror several times today, trying to figure out: Who is this person in front of me I see? It's not me. It's not someone else. It's.... a reflection. There's people in my head, too, other girls that sometimes are there and sometimes aren't. I'm not crazy. They're...
May 18th, 2011 at 03:31pm