David [O-Nee-San]

I don't know when I'll add chapters to this, so I'll keep this here for safety. =3An original story written by xmr. blackbirdx.I have some pictures of David on my DeviantArt, to be a visual aid for readers. <3A group of David pictures, anda David bust pictureI have a few more pics of David in my gallery; feel free to check it out.And an interview including David but also more of my...
November 18th, 2007 at 08:20am

Lyude [Blackbird Fanfic]

I doubt I'll ever make chapters of this story, so I had to put it here. *sigh*This mibba thing is much more different than I thought.blackbird fanfic [blak-berd fahn-fyk] noun, 1. a fan fiction taking one or more character from a story and putting them in totally new situations that couldnt have possibly happened in the real storyLyude is from Baten Kaitos, an amazing RPG for the GameCube. If...
November 18th, 2007 at 08:18am