floraXXXfauna / Comments

  • *cuddlesssss*
    Miss you xoxo
    January 18th, 2014 at 03:15pm
  • Hey bby girl!
    Missing you xoxo
    December 27th, 2013 at 02:33am
  • Oh my god you recommended me, you fucking QT xD
    June 13th, 2013 at 08:39pm
  • I totally LOVE how you hate brown nail polish.
    Like I don't even know how that's awesome, it just is.
    Besides, how are you muffin?
    How's life, your dad, work?
    Tell me these things <3
    December 4th, 2011 at 06:11am
  • I'm glad I don't sound lame, and I'm really glad your excited to be friends with me too :D:D Well some people can go fuck themselves pahaha xD I do get where you're coming from though, my best friend is very unaffectionate, purely because demonstrations of affect are hard for her, she only hugs her friends and she can't touch her family and she hates being physically touched you know? But it's just one of the many things I love about her :'D I don't really see anything wrong with it either to be fair, I think it's very cute and certainly what the female versions of Gee and Mikey would do :) Paha, I can see January being very chatty and lively in person, she's really lively over mibba comments and you have to be lively to show liveliness online! Which is a good thing, don't get me wrong :D:D N'aweh bless, that sounds very Mikey-like, I love it :D And yes of course I'll write you some Frikey goodness :D:D I'd love to see whether you dig it ;D Writing is really opinion based, some people hate my writing because it's long winded and waffling, so I wouldn't say it's better than yours; ever. However thank you for the compliment. I really love The Angel And The Gambler though, in my opinion short updates are better, believe it or not xD I know, and I've told my mum and SHOWN her the interviews but she still hates them with a passion and thinks I'm brainwashed apparntly, because 'they don't care they want to see their music' Gah she's a bitch! Wow, I can't wait til I see them, and yeah all the people who understand me the most are MCR fans you know? I think everyone is conneccted in a way; all the MCR fans I've gotten to know I feel a connection with. I guess having that connection and feeling it at a gig would just be the most intense experience ever, I can't wait to feel it tbf.
    See, that's how I feel. I think the alternate universe idea is really out of the box and imaginative. It's truly a work of art!
    Ah :/ Do you want to leave it at that? And things sound so sad, but I guess the one good thing that's come out of it is the strength of your relationship you know?
    What do you work as?
    And yeah, *Grrs at mibba* and pahah, thank you :)
    July 27th, 2011 at 05:13am
  • Awweh, that's just so fascinating that you are your sister are like that. I love it so much! I'd kill to have a sibling as close as that. You're really lucky (but I'm sure you already know that) I'm really excited to be friends with the both of you (god that sounds sooo lame xD) Tbf, I was going to comment on how you and January reminded me somewhat of Mikey and Gee. Would you say you're more like the Mikey figure or Gee? God I know, he's so talented and amazing, and all the shit he chats seems to just ooze in meaningfulness (if that's even a word.) I seriously look up to him, he's the sex, specially with his red hair xD It's not creepy that you see your sister as your own Gee, I think it's beautiful. I see my friend from here; Em as my Frank. She doesn't know it trololol, but that's how I see her. I guess when I get some time I'm just going to have to write you one. I wouldn't say I'm an amazing author, but one of my stories has like 125 comments... so that's gotta say something right? I'll dedicate it out to you and then you can say if you enjoy the pairing :3 PAHAHAHA. That my friend is a very true statment! I'm so excited for you :3 I've never seen them live because my mum thinks the Daily Mail are right about them -.- It's international news that basically called MCR a suicide cult. Urgh it makes me so angry, but yeah. I'm not allowed until I'm 18; ONE MORE YEAR TO GO. FUCK YEAH! I'm so glad you see that as their golden era too, I just love all the songs from that era, like every single song. And LOTMS and everything :3 All the interviews and tbh, I miss the old fanbase. Not that I have anything against the new wave of killjoy fans, I think some of them are WAAAY out of line... Privacy for the Iero! Paha.
    Yeah, my music rescued me too. It's like my whole life reside in the lyrics and the riffs/beat/melody. It's unreal how much I am into my music compared to those who I know irl. And I agree, it's my entire existence.
    Can I ask what he did, or is that something you don't want to share?
    And I worked my fucking ass off at work, and my legs killed, and I woke up real late so tbh I haven't actually done much :'D
    Do you work?
    July 27th, 2011 at 03:23am
    And now I look like a dweeb. >:(
    July 27th, 2011 at 02:44am
  • Urgh had a huge comment typed out to you but mibba deleted it.
    I was talking about how I havce an interepid zest for learning about other peoples normal daily routines in other countries because I love to understand life in different countries.
    I went on and on about how awesome it was that you and January were so close and about Waycest and how you probably understand it better than most.
    I went onabout straightforwardness and how I'm similar but developed manners and pantience due to ignorant british people.
    And I can't remember the rest and I'm very disenchanted with life atm due to the deletion of a comment that took me 20 mins to type >:(
    I'm about to do some e-learning shit for work (I get sacked if I don't) I'll try replying again later <3
    July 27th, 2011 at 02:43am
  • Ah my dear I would reply to your gorgeous comments you left me but currently I am doing my e-learing shite for work (I get sacked if I don't D:) However I shall be done soon! 4 slides left to read and an assessment :) Alls I can say is I find it amazing that you and January see yourselves as Gee and Mikey, funnily enough I was going to say something about your relationship being like theirs in my last comment! And I find it fascinating why it's the reason for you guy's obsession with Waycest, probably because you understand sibling bonds better than most. It's all so fascinating. I'm like this little nerd that's obsessed with knowledge and exploration pahaha, so talking to people from different countries about their lives really interests me; I'll probably be asking about your day and the 'normal and average' things in your life with interepid zest paha. So sorry if that's rather wierd. As for the straightforwardness I am also very similar, however I have developed extensive manners and patience because british people are ignorant and intolerant to straightforward people and I am met with a lot of bitchiness due to my straightforwardness :/
    July 27th, 2011 at 02:39am
  • Awweh that's such a touching story <3 I love how close you and January are; it's beautiful :) WOWOWOW. As a HUGE Frank fan, I really, really love that! That's amazing *high fives* I love that you do school projects on them :3 I'm quite the same xD Although other British people can be bitchy about it >.>
    Oh wow! I must say Mikey is my second favourite after Frank; but there's something about Gee; it just makes him sexy, even though he's not the most physically attractive (in my own opinion) I think it's just his epic personality tbf. I too love Frerard; but I also love Frikey... Do you?
    That's really different; I'm not that much of a fan of live performances; it gets me sad because I want to see them live like right that second. My favourite believe it or not has to be Bullets or Revenge. I see that era as their golden era tbf, I just love it so much.
    Your music taste is SO kick ass, mine is REALLY similar, I love having music taste in common with other people. It's kind of crucial for me that people I make friends with have similar music tastes. Music is actually my life and if you disagree with my music; it's like disagreeing with me. You know?
    How was your day honey-bee?
    July 27th, 2011 at 01:59am
  • Ah I was a little shy of giving any type on con crit; as you're January's sister and I didn't know if you liked it or not. You get some people on this site; you con-crit them and they go SIC and shout at you in A/N's and like I didn't wanna get January's sister mad or something because she said she's really protective and I think you'd both make amazing mibba/ online friends. Here's the dealio; you get out another kick ass update and I'll leave you a comment as long as the ones I leave on January's work ;D Good deal?
    I'm just about to read your long comment and reply :) <3
    July 27th, 2011 at 01:51am
  • Oh yeah, and what's it called? xD
    July 26th, 2011 at 04:46pm
  • Course I'll read it, I have work in two hours and I'm in the process of getting ready (yes it really does take me that long O.O) however when I get in I'll be buzzing to read it. I'll probably be looking forward to it all day now :''D
    And wow, I didn't know she was lazy pahaha, bless her little socks xD
    I have a few Frerards if you want to check them out :)
    How long are you been a fan?
    Are you a Frank or Gee person?
    And which is your favourite album by My Chem?
    What other bands do you like?
    Do tell me if I ask too many questions xD
    July 26th, 2011 at 04:46pm
  • Hey dude omg you wont believe it but im goin to c Posion Motley Crew aand the New York Dolls next week in PA!!! lol kinda miss school only cuz it was wicked funn lol but anyways lol how did u get ur backround to b like tht like holy shit!! lol obssesed much??? Now should I b worried about u lol
    July 9th, 2011 at 05:11pm
  • dude i could say tht maybe your stories will give me nightmares but its al just cause ur mind is sum where else then Land lol
    June 21st, 2011 at 03:28pm
  • I am so excited for it! Two of my favorite bands in one night! I just got the tickets in the mail last night.
    June 21st, 2011 at 02:25pm
  • Ah thank you, the thing I like about writing is that I can pretend that I am in my own little world.
    It is actually better than reading what someone else has written because you are the one creating it?
    Sorry blabbering.
    Hi, hello. xD
    June 21st, 2011 at 02:08pm
  • Ahhhaa! New Revolution! :D Power against the man! Lol. So we got Nuesurgeon Zombies and Poison Control Vampires. What else? Hmm....
    June 21st, 2011 at 09:27am
  • Lol. Hahaaa, that would still be cool. Imagine a zombie being a brain surgeon.
    "Doctor, the patient has a brain tumor and we must--! What the hell are you doing?!" "Nurse, Im removing the tumor." "By eating it?!" "Excatly." Lol. xD
    June 19th, 2011 at 04:08am
  • :) Thanks. I would be soo scared to do that for someone. And 12 yrs of school? Damn.... Thats alot. But at least you help people and make serious money. $:)$
    June 18th, 2011 at 05:56am