Ramble VII

I have found it!I have officially found it!I'm a cisfemale demipansexual! And I am so fucking proud that I have finally found the right words to describe my sexuality. Perhaps it's just the high of discovery, but now I can finally say that I'm content with who I am without question.I don't even have a problem with giving long winded answers to people who don't know what the frack I mean by...
October 24th, 2013 at 02:44pm

Ramble V

so it's been a few months since i've updated anything (as my one subscriber ever would know), but I've lost interest in writing when I don't get any feedback, ie: if my story sucks, I have know clue if no one will tell me so therefore, nothing will be updated until I get a few responses from my few readers :)I cannot help but feel conceited when I ask something like this out of someone because I'm...
June 26th, 2012 at 08:11am

Ramble IV

so in my experience, only douchebags wear white sunglasses. it's true. think about it... makes sense.so now that's out of my system...i'm a curious person and i've always wondered if a person's sexuality is much of a big deal nowadays. don't get me wrong, people use the term "gay" in disrespectful ways as well as the "F" word (lol, i don't even like to type it) but maybe the whole not-straight...
March 26th, 2012 at 09:54am

Ramble III

yay! happy ramble!so today I took apart my car's dash 'cause I got this fancy, cool radio only to figure out that I'm missing some key components for the wiring. I've been doing some research and the part I need is about $90, which is not ok for me, lol. if I can't find it cheaper, I guess I can splice the wires myself and go about things through the "scenic route" but it is definitely not...
March 24th, 2012 at 09:41pm

ramble II

*read at own discretion, just my crazy, confused, semi-adolescent thinking. plus I really don't want any hateful comments*so I'm not so sure about this whole gender thing anymore. I mean people are so focused on it to the point of madness (perhaps even myself) and truth be told, I'm a little confused about my *ahem* gender *ahem*so I know that I am definitely not a boy. that I'm positive about...
March 20th, 2012 at 05:55am

ramble I

since this is my journal, i'll treat it as a journal. i'm not too worried if anyone reads it or had an opinion of it. this is just my spot to vent.so i'm not doing so hot as of late. i have about a million and a half ideas for "wolf and man" but nothing fits right. i suppose i can just work on character building for the moment. BAH! my spacebar is being retarded and i apologise if the worlds are...
March 19th, 2012 at 07:49am

the quicksand

so I was digging through all my shit cuz I plan on moving in a few months and I happened to come across the suicide note that I procured up in 2008. no one has ever seen it but I and it was dated (yes dated cuz I'm lame like that to date my own final letter) October 29, 2008. i've only told one person about it and I still wonder if she even remembers that I told her. anyway there was nothing that...
November 16th, 2011 at 10:37am

parental rejection

so I came out to my dad about two hours ago. that was pretty much one of the most horrible moments of my life. I hope he realizes that it hurt as much for me as it did him, to tell him. my soul aches a little bit and my eyes hurt from crying. being rejected sucks but being rejected for who you are by your own parent is completely monstrous. he said " like I don't have enough problems to worry...
August 3rd, 2011 at 08:23am