Mini rant

I need to vent about shit going on in my life.This year has been beyond shitty.I've cut more than times this year than I ever have before. I have a tangle of scars on one area on my wrist, and a heart scar on the top of it. These were not here the year before.I've tried to kill myself, but I can't even do that right.I took 57 extra strength Excedrin, in an hour. I don't know how I'm still here.In...
December 12th, 2011 at 05:19am


To those of you who actually have a reltionship with your mom, I envy you.I haven't spoke to my mother face to face since Monday.She's been ignoring me like a bratty five year old who didn't get their way.The only way she will talk to me is leaving a note telling me to do something.The few words we have spoken have been screams, and ends up with someone storming out of the room.We live to piss...
October 29th, 2011 at 03:29am