OMFGitsBeckiie / Comments

  • Hey love.
    I've started a new story called Danger Line ( ), it's one of my Synyster Gates stories, so don't be shy and check it out!
    September 17th, 2014 at 07:11am
  • Hey love.
    I've started a new story called Danger Line ( ), it's one of my Synyster Gates stories, so don't be shy and check it out!
    September 17th, 2014 at 07:09am
  • Ha, I promise I had a good reason for leaving you hanging! It needed to end there so that there could be a point of view switch. Plus, the next chapter deserves to be a chapter of its own. ^^

    And haha, Zacky can say no, for the record. He's just not even trying to. xD But yes, you assumed correct. Hence Johnny's emphasis on the 'heated conversation'.

    Don't worry, I'm about to update again! Thanks for the comment, love!
    May 1st, 2014 at 11:32pm
  • Hahaha, yeah... Matt was getting on his last nerve with some of the guys' interjections back there; I wanted to simultaneously laugh at the situation and wring all of their necks.

    No comment on if you're right or wrong about things with Zacky and Brian getting really bad -- it's questionable how much worse it could get. Aaaaand, we'll just have to wait and see how Zacky decides to respond, too. Maybe he'll pull his rank finally, or maybe he'll go back to his not-fighting-back thing... or maybe he'll find a new way to respond. We'll see. (;

    Sorry for the vagueness of this response, haha, but I didn't want to give everything away. Thanks for the comment though! You know by now how much they mean to me! (At least, I hope you do!)
    March 11th, 2014 at 03:20am
  • Oh, Drake... we never really know what he's doing, do we? Haha, no need to apologize for your excitement! I totally get it. I was hoping Drake's appearance would be... surprising and interesting. Though, admittedly, I was hoping more people would immediately catch on that he clearly was making a play. I mean, no one thought he was sincere about the whole family reunion thing... but I don't get how people could think Drake was that out of touch with reality and wouldn't already know Zacky was around. /shrug.

    Yeah, Drake wouldn't have called out her name and done the 'oh, is it really you? I thought you were dead!' thing if he didn't already know she had lost her memory. Why bother? Last he'd been face to face with her, he'd shouted that he was going to kill her and drag it out until she begged for it. Clearly if she remembered him, his best move would've been to attack or capture her in a surprise blitz kind of thing, not a friendly greeting in the hotel lobby.

    I'm glad you approve, haha! And don't worry, I'll be updating again soon! (: Thanks for the comment, love! It's very much appreciated!
    March 9th, 2014 at 07:24pm
  • Hey, girl! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on the last two chapters! And I'm super sorry for not taking the time to comment back until now! I won't make excuses; I'm just a terrible person. xD

    Whether she ever shifts again or not is something that'll come up in the future... And we'll definitely find out about the blood thing, don't worry. There's definitely something going on if none of the Rinaldis ever allowed it, that's for sure.

    I'm glad you enjoyed Zacky's little tricking comment in the last chapter; that was one of my favorites, too! You won't have to wait long for an update, don't worry! And the guys will be reappearing soon; I couldn't keep them out forever.

    Thanks again, love!
    March 8th, 2014 at 04:32pm
  • Hey girl! Thank you ever so much for being super-duper-awesome and commenting on the last chapter! xD But seriously, your understanding and support mean the world to me, and I truly mean that.

    I'm glad you found the update adorable, and I hope future chapters will be just as touching. Zack's definitely been very open with her, you're right, and I for one hope he continues to be. He definitely feels guilty, but like you said, he should, and he seems to realize that. Haha, you're also definitely right about how Old Ava definitely isn't the most forgiving of people, so we'll see how that plays out if/when it does.

    Thank you for the concern, too! I'm actually all good now, and I managed to find a super amazing living situation, so all is well. I hope you're doing great, as well! (:
    January 27th, 2014 at 06:11am
  • WHAT?!
    How do you manage to update right while I'm in the process of typing a comment to the last chapter!
    I'mma read and comment on that chapter now, too. (:
    January 2nd, 2014 at 03:48am
  • v. I still haven't read that new chapter, and I'm killing myself over here thinking of all of the possibilities! Don't worry; I haven't forgotten!

    Thank you for the comment on the latest chapter, though! I'm assuming you know by now how much I appreciate you taking the time to tell me what you're thinking! (:

    Her wolf side is definitely a point of interest, that's for sure, especially when it appears to be present when it comes to their bond, but then appears to be non-existent when it comes to her natural instincts. The doctor unfortunately will not be making an appearance in the next chapter, but he will appear in the one after that, so you won't have to wait too long to hear what his conclusion is!

    And Matt... well, he's usually pretty good about keeping to his word. Hopefully this issue won't be any different.

    Thanks again for all of your kind words!
    December 30th, 2013 at 05:44pm
  • Hey, girl! I've got like a million things to thank you for, so I apologize if this comment gets long, here. But thank you so much for both of your comments on the latest two chapters of Slip, and for taking the time to respond to my comment on Dancing With Demons! Seriously, you've pretty much made my week so far.

    I laughed at your "Fuck this bitch, I mean, witch." comment! Seriously! And you were right, of course; it really didn't take much convincing at all on Zacky's part to get her to come back with him. Almost strange, really.

    And I'm glad you loved the latest chapter, of course! I was worried people would find it too unbelievable, the way she and Zacky are acting right now, but I'm glad that you and the others seem to approve. As to that hope of yours... all I'll say is that if she gets her memories back (and that's a big if; nothing's guaranteed here), she won't be exactly the same as before. Experience changes people, after all, so being a 'different' person for months would definitely have an affect on her. No promises as to whether that would affect her 'coldness', though.

    And yeah, Zack's definitely being... different. I don't know that I would personally describe his behavior as gentlemanly but I definitely see where you're coming from. The next chapter will feature at least one of the other guys, so you've got that to look forward to, but it might be a while before everyone finds out, just so that you've been warned.

    Pshh! You're very welcome, but I didn't do it because I'm a kind person (and can I get you to tell my friends that? they seem to think otherwise, no matter how often I tell them I'm a nice person...), I did it because I truly love your story and think everyone else will, too. (: But, again, you're very welcome!

    Also, I just saw that you've updated again, and I promise you that I am going to comment the shit out of that, but I'm forcing myself to wait until tomorrow to read the new chapter. I've got to get through all of the comments I owe, or else I'm never going to get to them. But let me just say that I am sooooo excited!
    December 28th, 2013 at 06:17am
  • Oh, I absolutely loved your comment. Seriously, it easily made my day when I read that! Thank you ever so much for taking the time to leave something so detailed and entertaining for me to read!

    It's crazy, I know, but what else is new? Hopefully the next chapter will help with the confusion! And yeah, I'm not surprised you thought it was just someone who resembled her at first; hell, so did Zacky, and that would have been a great conclusion.

    I hope that that victory dance of yours was an embarrassing one. xD And holy crap, I'm laughing about the Brooklyn accent thing!

    I'll definitely update very very soon, because I can't just leave a cliffhanger like that, can I? And thank you ever so much for all of your kind words! Seriously, you're the best! (:
    December 11th, 2013 at 01:05am
  • Hey! I just wanted to drop by and thank you ever so much for the kind comment you left on the latest chapter of Slip! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!

    And haha, if Matt wasn't intimidating enough for the witch, then I'm not sure anyone else could have helped out, but I'm sure he'd appreciate the effort! Yeah... this story is going to be a bit wider focused than the last, if you couldn't already tell by the inclusion of a witch. It should be interesting. (;

    Haha, while I'm sure Matt would have also appreciated a hug, I'm fairly certain that pushing Kat away would have gotten your ass kicked. xD But thank you for sharing all of your inner thoughts like that!

    And seriously, thanks again for the comment and all of your kind words; your posting made my morning!
    December 8th, 2013 at 03:15pm
  • @ Elkling
    It's not a problem :)
    This is actually the first Jimmy story I've ever read, and I'm quite anxious to find out whats next. Please update soon :)
    December 6th, 2013 at 09:27pm
  • Thanks for the comment on Scared and Lonely! <3
    December 5th, 2013 at 08:32pm
  • I totally understand! I've been wanting to wrap my arms around Zack and never let him go after everything he's gone through in the story! All I can say to hopefully make you feel better is that the sequel will not end as depressingly as the prequel did. I mean, that doesn't really say too much, but it's something, yeah?

    And thank you for the comment on the first chapter! I know no one was really expecting the story to open up that way with Bri and Zee... but it is what it is. Matt's definitely right about him needing to take some time and get his shit together, so hopefully his time away will help him heal a bit, yeah?

    You're most welcome, and I hope I don't keep you waiting too long for the next chapter! (:
    December 5th, 2013 at 04:39pm
  • @ addictedsevenfold.
    lmao! well I'm excited for the first installment. :)
    And no, I don't expect you to apologize lol. Though honestly, stories have never gotten me to that point. Tearing up, sure. But not full out crying on the verge of sobbing. It was definitely tragic and not what I expected. I really wanted to jump into my laptop screen and become text to hug and console Zack. He is my favorite after all. I love your writing and I love your work. I can't wait for Slip :)
    December 5th, 2013 at 05:27am
  • Hey again! I'm sorry for being so slow, but I come baring good news! I'll be starting to post the sequel any minute now. (:

    Anyways, I wanted to thank you so much for commenting on the epilogue! It really meant so much to me to hear that you were really affected by the epilogue and that it had you in tears like that! Seriously, I don't have words for how happy it makes me to hear that you really loved the story and my writing and everything.


    Seriously, thank you so much! I'd say I'm sorry for making you cry, but I'm really not, so I'm not going to lie. x)
    December 4th, 2013 at 10:57pm
  • @ addictedsevenfold.
    Well I hope you post soon :) and I know the feeling, every time I finish a story its like you're losing a piece of yourself. But that's what sequels are for! :) and I'm glad that my comments make a somewhat positive impact. You're an amazing writer and trying out a new writing style for this story worked out for you :)
    November 11th, 2013 at 03:38pm
  • Oh, you're entirely too kind, love! It seriously means the world to me to hear you say all of those things; I truly mean it. I'm so glad that What We Left Unsaid has been suspenseful enough to hold your interest for so long, especially since I know I've been a little bad about regular updates lately. And I'm so happy to hear that you enjoy the writing style! It was kind of something that just happened on it's own for this story (my usual writing story is nothing like this).

    The epilogue should be up pretty shortly, so you won't be waiting for long! I can't decide if it'll be posted tonight or not, though. It's written and everything, but it's so hard to post that last, final chapter... I don't want the story to be over, yet!

    Thank you for the comment on the last chapter, by the way! I know, it was pretty cruel of me to end the chapter that way, but it had to be done. I do promise that I won't leave it hanging like that for long, though!
    November 11th, 2013 at 01:47pm
  • @ addictedsevenfold.
    AHHH oh my gawddd. I am most definitely going to be into the sequel. When I say that this story is one of the best stories I've ever read, I truly mean it. I read a lot of stories on my downtime, but after a while I tend to lose interest. This story in particular has kept my on the edge of my seat, or bed depending on my location, the entire time. I really love your writing style and ideas and this story has not had a single boring chapter. I really can't wait for the next update and when the sequel comes into play. :)
    November 11th, 2013 at 04:49am