
Ok so I know that really this one is a little late in being posted but there is a reason. on this day, 46 years ago, my godfather was born. and i always take a moment to remember him. Because just 4 years ago, my godfather died serving out in Afghanistan along with 13 other brave men when their nimrod crashed just a few miles out of Kandahar. On the 2nd of September, my life changed and so did the...
November 18th, 2010 at 04:35pm


"Respect your elders" How often is it you've heard this phrase? And this is true, we should. They've been through what we have (and probably worse), they give us advice, they tell us off (this is them getting annoyed we aren't taking their advice) and they buy us.....questionable gifts at Christmas. But why should this only extend to the elderly? How many times have you heard people within your...
November 11th, 2010 at 05:03pm


We all think we have plenty of it but the minutes seem to just tick away. tick tick tick. We all wish for more of it, think of what could be achieved with a few more hours in the day! But due to all this sciencey shit which determines that there are 24 hours in the day, it seems that we oh so quickly get bogged down by the little things we 'have' to do. "Oh sorry, I can't go for coffee, I have to...
November 10th, 2010 at 11:17am

Being You

Everybody's school days were different. Some were the neds, some were the geeks, some were just clearly unpopular others had it all, the fake nails, the fake hair and the best designer gear. I wasn't really put into any category. I wasn't popular, I wasn't a complete geek, I was just me, the hyper kid who was quiet in class. But then, I didn't get as much bother as some.Everyone gets bullied a bit...
November 10th, 2010 at 01:37am

It's The Little Things

It 's amazing how much of our day we spend with our heads in the clouds, wandering around in our own little bubbles, stressing about day to day life and not taking in the little things that give us just that little smile to our face. We're quick to remember the down side or the last bad thing that was said to us and all this seems to do is build up a bitterness inside of us, but maybe if we...
November 9th, 2010 at 09:20am

What do you do when that special someone will never love you back...

What do you do when you realise you're in love with someone who can never love you back the same way, never look at you in the same way. Who's only use for you is a late night booty live with it, cos you know its the only way you'll ever feel loved, even if it's only for a night, you know it's the only time they'll be looking at you and thinking more than 'she's just a friend.'
February 3rd, 2009 at 05:10pm