Leave The Stripper Alone Sexy and Violent Avenged Sevenfold Love Story
With every step we take, we're falling apart.

My name is Ahleea. I am bi. You dislike that then fuck off. I am a huge rocker. I am in the Deathbat Army!! I am very random and pervy! XD I love music. Music is my life! I love writing stoires. Some people would call me scene/emo. I dont give a fuck about labels. My Top 5 Bands 1. Avenged Sevenfold 2. Brokencyde 3. Suicide Silence 4. Sleeping with Sirens 5. Asking Alexandria I love horror movies!!!!!!!!! BOOOO My favorite cookie is sugar cookies. I dislike crunchy cookies I like them chewy. Best series I have ever read was the Stephanie Plum Novels. They are hilarious!!!!!
With every breath you take, you're dying.