Check this out!

So I am going to college in a couple of years and I'm trying to help my parents pay for it. So I found this site where you write or do other things, send it to them, and you are entered to win scholarship money for college! Well, I have the opportunity to win $500. For every person I refer to this site who makes an account with them, I am put in the pot to win $500! That's one semester's worth of...
June 13th, 2011 at 09:45pm

I don't know how to do this

It's not journalling that I don't know how to do. I know how to do that, duh. But I don't know how to do something I want. Because, you see, I want to become a Christian. I want to be devout and loving and to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and the Lord. But where do I start? Do I start reading the Bible? What do I pray about? How do I convince my mom to take me to church? What do I tell my...
May 17th, 2011 at 02:29am

All I Know Is... The Mall Is Expensive!

Clothes are a necessity, right? I mean you can't go anywhere without clothes. In fact, a lot of places have signs that require them! So if clothes are a necessity of life, or at least highly recommended, why do we have to pay some much for it?The mall is a great place to hang out and get some cute clothes and good snacks, but it's difficult to find clothes at an affordable price, especially on a...
March 26th, 2011 at 12:56am

All I Know Is... I hate animal abuse

So I'm watching Animal Presinct on Animal Planet and here's what I have to say to the evil, terrible human being that abuse animal: they need to all go through the same thing thay they put their animals through!I don't understand, I honestly don't! Animals are living creatures, too. They feel pain, both emotional and physical. You wouldn't throw a baby over a fence and leave it caught in the...
March 24th, 2011 at 03:42pm

All I Know Is... Entry Four

All I know is... Ouch. I got my wisdom teeth pulled out today, and I'm on Vicadin. Ouchy.So today I'm going to be brief so I can sleep, but what's your opinion on the dentist? I've heard people say that they were deathly afraid of it, and I've heard other people who say they love it. Personally I'd rather not go to the dentist but I don't hate it.Post some comments and please tell your fellow...
March 23rd, 2011 at 10:59pm

All I Know Is... Entry Three

So I have yet another project to do over spring break. I finished one and I have one more to do: a scrapbook about "my trip to the Netherlands," which I didn't actually go on, but that's what the project is. But it's not the project that is getting to me, even though I really don't like spending all that time on projects if he's only going to through them away. But projects that are as elaborate...
March 22nd, 2011 at 08:53pm

All I Know Is... Entry Two

All I Know Is I need to come up with more creative titles aside from just "Entry yada yada yada!"Anyway, I am going to talk about two things today, one very briefly because I want to talk about it more later.The first thing is that I went to see I Am Number Four yesterday and OMG it was awesome. And Alex Pettyfer (The guy who plays John) is FIIII-INE! But seriously, it makes me want to read the...
March 21st, 2011 at 03:33pm

All I Know Is... Entry One

Hey Mibba users! So I'm going to open by saying: I am a very opinionated person. It has gotten me into trouble in the past and I really don't want it to get me in trouble on this site. So if you, the Mibba community, would be so kind as to be nice, I'd appreciate it greatly. I welcome the opinions of others in comments or messages, but I don't want negativity towards me or other users. Thank...
March 19th, 2011 at 09:35pm