
This semester marks my fifth semester on the Talon Newspaper staff at school. During my time on staff we've won some pretty big journalism awards, and I'm proud to say I've helped accomplish the goals of the staff.This year I was named the Opinions Editor, awesome, right?! I get to say what I want every month, and I get to be as opinionated as I want. Sounds like the dream position. It's not; not...
February 22nd, 2011 at 04:57am

Rekindling the love.

I spent the last few weeks of 2010 in a never ending cyle of playing all of the My Chemical Romance albums every day, day after day. (Especially after seeing them live and meeting Frank for the second time, can't really beat that) I slowly started to remember why I used to love them so much, and how much I used to love music. And bam. I was back in all of my old habbits. Although I haven't...
February 1st, 2011 at 07:37pm