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disrespect your surroundings.

I'm just a regular teenager, trying to find myself in this tangled up world. I'm sixteen years old, which means i'm a sophomore in highschool. I'm done with letting other people try and control me, and tell me what and what not to do. This is my life, and whether the decisions I make are good or bad, they are still my decisions. Like most people, I just want to be happy. Satisfaction is a feeling that I have yet to feel, and I'm not even sure that I ever will. I could never fully give you an accurate summary of myself, because I don't know who I am exactly. I'm working on finding that out, and figuring out what defines me as a person. I'm passionate about alot of things, but a few of my favorites are music, body art, body modification, painting, field hockey, acting, writing, and things of that nature. I have too many petpeeves, and dislikes to count. I'm pretty sure that I'm one of the most blunt people you'll ever meet, and I tell it like it is. I judge stuff before knowing them, and I have an opinion on pretty much everything. I'm hard to make friends with, and impossible to control. But, I'm sure I'm worth your time.