all time perv. / Comments

  • theword4live

    theword4live (100)

    United States
    Me too<333
    I wish that I could go see them some time.../: but I doubt that I'd ever be allowed to... I wasn't even allowed to go to a tour this summer...

    But anyways thanks!(: <3
    July 7th, 2011 at 01:03am
  • theword4live

    theword4live (100)

    United States
    Thanksss<3 :D they are one of my all time favorite bands<3(:

    Anywaysss.... I updated!:D
    Proud of me?(: hahah
    July 7th, 2011 at 12:27am
  • theword4live

    theword4live (100)

    United States
    Yesss!! BVB is freaking amazing!!<333 :D
    Haha but alright.(: I will try to update as soon as possible.<3
    July 6th, 2011 at 11:24pm
  • theword4live

    theword4live (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the story comment!<3
    and yeah, I was a little upset too that no ones really commented. I haven't had anyone comment since the first and second chapter basically.. -.-
    I'll try to update as soon as I can, but my computer isn't working really well. I have three more chapters typed out, but I have no internet at the moment, so I might just end up typing it on my ipod.. -.- well enough of my rambling... haha anyways, thanks again for the comment.<3 (:
    July 6th, 2011 at 11:03pm
  • Whatsername'97

    Whatsername'97 (100)

    United States
    :3 i'll update Under Pressure hopefully tomorrow :D
    July 6th, 2011 at 09:20pm
  • KimmaLoveLaugh

    KimmaLoveLaugh (100)

    United States
    Totally acceptable! :D :D (You make my stats go up!) Haha, just kidding, <3 <3 <3
    July 6th, 2011 at 09:01pm
  • Whatsername'97

    Whatsername'97 (100)

    United States
    thanks for the other comment too x)
    July 6th, 2011 at 08:49pm
  • Whatsername'97

    Whatsername'97 (100)

    United States
    omg thanks for the story comment :D I REALLY appriciate it :)
    July 6th, 2011 at 08:48pm
  • totallymcraddicted

    totallymcraddicted (100)

    Thanks for the comment ^^
    Ps: not lame at all, I cried writing it...
    July 6th, 2011 at 04:48pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Oh wow, I hope that you got a good amount of sleep, and that will get a good amount tonight too. =]
    If you do not find people to relate to sometimes you feel alone, and isolated in the world. I do not think that people are ever alone in their thoughts. If someone has an odd, spontanious and crazy idea I am sure someone has had it, or will have it as well. That is what I like to think anyhow, what are your thoughts about it? =]

    Well then MCR is going to be around for-fucking-ever. There are going to be so many people 25 years from now still cheering them on and holding up vintage shirts of them.

    They kept me from pulling the actual plug on my life. I had tried self harm before, and it was never that I was interested in dying, or interested in attention. I simply did it because I was curious, and then I liked how the blood came out of the wound. It was poetic to me. I was never addicted, and I only did it a few times. I was never into cutting to leave the world, in fact a group of friends and I set up a way that we thought was the most "honorable" for us at the time. I would have done it. I slept with knives under my pillow, under furnature, in furnature...One day I was surfing youtube, or something, and I came across their song "I'm Not Okay". My friend had had me listen to it a few times before, but I never really LISTENED. I listened that time, and then I listened some more, and sifted through some of their other work. The point is that when I was alone, and completely isolating myself, and when I was seconds away from throwing my life away they helped open my eyes. It makes me smile that they are out there still saving the world.

    Ugh, I hate that. Other than those jerks how was it? What did you do?
    Aw! I'm sorry that you got a headache! =[

    I'm sorry! I did not mean any offense or anything by saying happy 4th! Please forgive me!

    I feel fine, it will probably take a few days of being off of them to get back to that stage though. No one will really notice. I do not really want to feel numb right now anyways, my mind is in pain, I could feel it with the medication, and it will not heal if I can not scout out the reason and emotion. I hate the medicine right now, it makes me feel weird. At first the medicine never made me feel weird, the only problems were at night (I would either not get sleep, or I would sleep way too long and still be tired as hell, and it would make me forget some things at times), but after a few consectutive months of taking it...I just do not like it. I do not HAVE to take it anyways, it is optional unless I get super crazy and kill a person for looking at me the wrong way or something like that. That would mean that I would be sent to a looney bin and forced to take medicine, hahaha.

    I'm so proud of you! That is magnificent! =] Good job! It might be, but at the same time MCR does seem to make it around the world quite a bit lately, so maybe you'll have your chance again soon. =] I know I was certain that MCR would not be comming around here anytime soon, hell I expected them to take another 4 year break or something, I was shocked to find out they will be here in October, but alas, I will not be going as well.

    I am going to try and type some of the next Frerard chapter today, but then I have to get ready to go to my aunts for the night. Hopefully I will be able to get some in.

    What are you doing? How are the days and nights treating you?
    July 5th, 2011 at 07:52pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    You are such a little cutie! <3
    July 5th, 2011 at 12:49am
  • totallymcraddicted

    totallymcraddicted (100)

    Thanks =D
    and I completely agree with you. :(
    July 4th, 2011 at 08:32pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Good Morning! Or afternoon, or night time O.O Haha =]
    S.E.T. Hehe, awesome, our name made a word too. Haha, well the word seems innocent enough, but people will be very confused when, and if, we have a full blown discussion using the code word "bunny".
    =^.^= it is great to find people who share the same thoughts as you, it is much better than out there in the physical world where everyone else is either fake, or completely different.
    Really? I thought Ray had a kid, hm, ah well. I hope if he wants a family that he can start one sometime soon, the same goes for Mikey. It is cute! To be their child, I am not sure, but I hope that they all have a good life. =]
    Yeah, it seems like they are not in the mindset of music is a job. We all interpret things differently, but I think they put enough emotion and breath enough life into their every note, their every riff, their every beat, and their every word for it to be interpreted many different ways. It is pretty diverse which, I think, allows a lot of people to be able to relate, and I completely agree with you on being able to relate. They were my back bone when I felt I really needed it. Without having listened to their music I might not have gained some of the insight I did, and I might not have made some of the descions I have today. They helped me save my life in my perspective, they opened my eyes bit by bit with each song.
    No, it is fine, how did camping go? Did you enjoy it?
    Happy 4th of July. =]
    I am okay. I am having my moods operate me a bit this week, or maybe this entire month. I am deciding to give in and dive into my characters, to do that I must feel all of my emotions. (I could not really because I should be taking a mood stablizer considering I have depressive bipolar disorder, but the key in that is control over myself when around people, and that will be yet another great challenge for myself. I know that I can do it though, and it is safe for me to do for myself and others. Sorry about the paragraph O.O).
    How are you today? How have you been? =]
    July 4th, 2011 at 08:11pm
  • Sherlock Holmes.

    Sherlock Holmes. (100)

    South Africa
    Hello there. c:
    I found you through Letters To Heaven (your letter was beautiful, by the way), and I've seen you around on Mibba before, so I decided to check out your profile.
    You seem pretty awesome, so I figured I'd introduce myself. I'm Jen. c:
    July 3rd, 2011 at 08:30pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Yay!! =^.^= I will be secretly evil, will you as well? We can use kind words as a disguise. Bunny can be murder or something XD
    It makes me wonder what else he can do..He has already done so much with his life, and it is not even halfway over, hopefully I mean.
    Hm, that is not too bad, I had friends who would have accounts for every website that is known to man. I never knew there were that many websites, it was pretty scary.
    Haha, I kind of understand you there. I mostly want to see how far he can through, how much pressure he can put onto something, to what extent can he compress something, and such. He seems so sweet though, so it is a bit difficult to imagine him acting like one of those body builders with the huge egos who walk around trying to impress people with strength and smashing cans with their hands and heads. For an odd reason I want to see how far he can throw is mean, and probably unjusified, but I do.
    I think I would want to have a one on one conversation with them all just to see a bit of who they are as individuals are before maybe talking to them all in a group (not that it would ever happen, and I am fine with that knowledge, for now).
    We are very alike in that sense then. I find wanting to talk to someone because of some tangible thing like money and looks, or something that is not as tangible like fame is sickening. I frown upon it. We are all guilty of wanting to know people because of looks, because that is a first impression, but with that some people take in the way that a person organizes themself. You can tell more than most people know just by observing how someone looks. You can tell if there has been abuse in their life (not because of bruises), you can tell if they are a hard worker, you can tell if they are easy going, you can tell if they are humorous, you can tell when they are on edge, you can tell if they have some sort up stuck up bitchy-ness to them, you can tell if they have a big ego. You can tell so much about a person by observing them for five minutes, but it takes a while to be able to tell all those things, and get them right. It is a learning process, but I think that it is a unique talent.
    Precisely! That is one of the major questions that I want to ask as well. A simple how are you, and basically what you summed up, how they are coping with their lives. That seemed like a very tragic event, when their Grandma died, I was not listening to MCR when that happened, but I heard that it took a terrible toll on them. I also heard that when Frank's Grandma (I think it was his Grandma) he took some time off, it is terrible when someone close to you passes, and I am guessing that they are still trying to cope, but I hope that they keep them in their memories and carry them with them everyday. They all seem like good daddies, I am not sure if Mikey is a parent, but I am pretty sure the rest of them are. Frank is adorable when he talks about his two little girls. It kind of makes me all warm inside to hear him talk about them because he sounds happy. That is what I wish for each of them. I want to talk to Ray about anything ranging from how the covers of cords tend to be black, blue, red, or white, to life in general. Behind every person leads a life. No matter how much digging and investigating we do we will never truly know what goes on in that life unless the person opens up to us. By trying to dig and investigate I feel that we are pushing them away, and I hate that. I hate that people do not know what privacy is. I love to learn about them, but if they choose to tell us, not if it is forced out into the world, or if it is through that type of corruption. It infuriates me, and fustraites me further to know that no matter what I say there is nothing that I can really do.
    I like to listen to their lyrics, and their music, the instruments, and their voices (because even though Gerard is the front man Ray and Frank do a bit too =] ). It plays with my emotions a bit, and some songs I can relate to. I like that there is diversity with them. It shows that they are pretty open minded (quite the opposite of ignorant in my opinion), and that there is not just one thing to life, there are many. It shows them changing and evolving as people, but their personalities do not necessarily change, and they do not change because the world wants them to. The change seems almost like watching them standing in a hole and the progression of getting out of it.
    I know! Hehe, so far anyhow. =P
    <3 Have a sweet day evil twin of mine!
    July 2nd, 2011 at 08:29pm
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Hahaha that's greeeat buuut when you're taking about something important and people start asking you to repeat it pisses me off
    July 2nd, 2011 at 03:41am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    That's sooooo awesome. I truly don't have any accents buuut when I say some words I say them with a british accent or some other accent. It's pretty awesome
    July 1st, 2011 at 06:28pm
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Ohhh awesome. I looooove accents. Those are very keeewl.
    I just posted ^ in my profile. Pshhhh idiot me.
    July 1st, 2011 at 03:52am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Exactly just change a bit of stuff here and there and voila it's Spanish. LoL
    July 1st, 2011 at 03:47am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Yeeeeah totally. Thats sooo keeeewl
    July 1st, 2011 at 03:34am