all time perv. / Comments

  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    XD Well that's one of my many reader qualities. xD
    Yes I am very sad Sean did that to him. :(
    Oh you're welcome love. It's no problem.
    August 16th, 2011 at 11:51pm
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    LoL. Me too.
    XD I know it was pure perfection. xD
    August 15th, 2011 at 12:18am
  • KilljoyBekah

    KilljoyBekah (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    No :( cause I actually didn't find out about it until the day it launched.. Which was a big disappointment as I'm a massive Harry Potter fan :/ I suppose I can wait for the full launch in October though :) Did you?
    August 13th, 2011 at 10:53pm
  • KilljoyBekah

    KilljoyBekah (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey, you're welcome :) haha, thanks, Harry Potter FTW! :D
    August 13th, 2011 at 09:30pm
  • Sherlock Holmes.

    Sherlock Holmes. (100)

    South Africa
    Okay, so, I completely suck at replying to comments on Mibba. I blame tumblr, because it is slightly, just slightly, addicting and I'm on it all the effin' time.

    So, I'm restarting our conversation by thanking you for the comments on the Frerard A to Z. I smile so much. <3
    August 13th, 2011 at 06:57pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    Updated :)
    August 13th, 2011 at 12:05am
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    i just started a month ago. ive learned everything that i need to play basic songs and such. im just starting to get into powerchords.. The easiest song i would sudgest you to learn on electric first is Brain Stew by green day :D great song
    August 12th, 2011 at 04:48pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    i think youll like it! are you playing songs yet?
    August 12th, 2011 at 04:02pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    My Bros friend is teaching me at first he told me acoustic is easier but he also told me about electic.. I used acoustic to build up strenght and calluses then switched to electic. Other then that i dont see much difference
    August 12th, 2011 at 03:57pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    Ohmygee electirc is so much easier! The strings are thiner and bend down easier just make sure you build up strength in your fingers
    August 12th, 2011 at 03:36pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    I play both :)
    August 12th, 2011 at 03:05am
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    Pretty good just practicin a little guitar and thinkong about updating.. And youself?
    August 11th, 2011 at 08:05pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    hi! im sam ;)
    August 10th, 2011 at 07:12am
  • cutelilblondey00

    cutelilblondey00 (100)

    United States
    OMG! I haven't talked to you in so long! I am very happy to hear that y'all won't let go of it... I just adore the dang thing too much! <3 its a wondeful story line to be honest. On another note...HOW ARE YOU!?
    August 3rd, 2011 at 04:40am
  • totallymcraddicted

    totallymcraddicted (100)

    ha yeah I didn't know how to name the chap so I just went with Frikey xD I'm sure it's gonna scare a lot of people
    August 2nd, 2011 at 05:41pm
  • totallymcraddicted

    totallymcraddicted (100)

    You're from Portugal? That's awesome :D
    agora podemos se deixar comentários em Português se quiser :)
    July 26th, 2011 at 05:11pm
  • totallymcraddicted

    totallymcraddicted (100)

    my mom's Brazilian, so I learnt to speak Portuguese 'cause we go there a lot to see my grandparents :) Although this year they're coming to Canada.
    so I'm half-brazilian. and yeah, they don't speak brazilian in Brazil, they speak portuguese xD
    July 26th, 2011 at 04:43pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I think for me it is mostly that urge to hear what they have to say even more than other people that roam around here (where I live) because they have touched my life in a way that only a handful (very small handful) of people have. It makes me want to share some sort of bond with them (a friendship basically, I am not sure, just one that appears and disappears when you talk) and hear their thoughts all the more. =] Plus, the way they go about things intrigues me, it would be like being a child and watching a fairy dance, it intrigues you, and you want to know, and see more, you want to know the reason behind it all, and where everything started.

    Oh darling, you are not worthless at all, and I am in debt to your friend for helping you. I do not think that you see what you have achieved in the short time that you have talked to me. You have opened up, and become true to not only yourself, but quite a few other people. You have befriended so many others, even if it is just here on mibba. You have opened up your passions and rekindled some. You have given people joy through words, and even helped others. You have given others a friend, and someone to trust in. You are shining, and showing your colors, and by goodness am I proud of you. You are learning, and growing, and accepting. You even gave up the razor a while ago, and that is not an easy thing. Trust me, you are not worthless, or a disappointment.

    Yes, unfortunately money is always an issue, but I think that it makes us respect, and feel grateful for what we have even more than we normally would. It is still strings! =D And if we ever see each other and we know how to play we need to have a bit of a rock session! >=] Muwhahahaha!!!!

    No one would know how to show their true colors. Flashy, colorful, or even dull clothes can be misleading, and it does not always show us about someone. Chaos would be a world without music.

    Of course, you do not have to thank me for that, and we (the fighters, and you) are going to be strong enough to drag you out. =] If only half way.

    Haha, nah, they just got suspicious, and then they jump hugged me. It was a bit crushing, physically, but it made their day. =P Not sure how, but hey, I won't question it!
    Aw! Girafes are adorable! =D How many spots does Gee have? Does he have those big black eyes? =]

    O.O Oh yeah, see I was only choked, so yeah, yours is definately more dangerous. I wish I had advice for that, but alas I do not. =[ I am sorry! I usually just sink away from everyone, I am not a very social butterfly, so as long as you do not mind the silence that might be able to work, but it could also be used as fuel to add to the fire for them. I am not sure because I have not been there. =/

    Haha, that is okay, I like dragons. =P Among other things. I love cats too, all of them. O.O I usually find sayings that I like to put up on my mirror everyday. I find some wistful things to be useful, and it sparks up my mind, warming it up for me. =P

    What is your nickname? I can not stand it when people purposely try to mess with the supernatural, it makes me question their intelligence level based on what they do. It must have been a very touching moment when you saw those words written in the sky. I believe you did see that. =] You can not really make up seeing words like that in the sky, that would be a bit too difficult to try and convince yourself of, or to even mistake.

    It is not rest that I need I just need some things to keep me going, and it would be nice to find someone my age here to be at the very least a lower level of friends with, instead of making friends with adults and teachers. Then again, most people here that are my age are too imature at times when it is time to be serious, or they are too high/drunk. People here are pretty egotistical, and only care for themselves, most that I come by anyhow, which is fine, but only to a certain extent. It makes it a bit difficult to befriend them when I basically rebel against being friends with people like that, but the people could surprise me so I do need to give them a chance, saying that is easy, the doing part, the action itself, will be a challenge. It is a good thing that I like some challenges! =D
    I really am not as strong as I make myself out to be, it is more so that I numb myself and become insensitive when I either feel hurt or feel that something will hurt. It lessens the damage sometimes, it is more so a reflex/defensive manuver, but at the same time it can also just make things worse off. I can admit that I get scared a lot, and that even though I make it my role to defend and protect those that I deem worth protecting (those that I like, even if it is just 0.000001% amount of like) I can be a whimpering puppy on the inside, but I need to do it. I am not weak because I cry, I am weak because I make myself vulnerable in certain situations and I allow it to completely cripple and demolish me. In truth I am not strong because I have major faulties like being stubborn, hard headed, headstrong (they are all kind of the same thing, but I like the words =^.^=), and hot headed, these are my down falls because when I am in real pain, mostly mental, which is the worst kind to me, but physical too, I hide it. I never let anyone help, and dating back to when I was around 8 some pretty bad things happened and because of the I now have trust issues as well, meaning I tell people things that are usually only skin deep, things that others would know if they ask around, or did a little digging. Things that will not hurt me, not much anyhow. I have major flaws in my person that makes it so I am not strong, but it appears that I have some sort of shiny armor to protect me, when in reality it is just colors and ink painted onto my skin. Wow, that was a lot of babbling, sorry about that! =P Thank you dove for your kind words, I truly appriciate them, and I hate to say it, but at this time I can not accept them, for I do not feel worthy yet, but maybe some day I will be. =]

    They are alive and kicking darling, and if it would make you feel better I am sure that you could send them a letter, or e-mail them or something to show your gratitude, and share your story with them. =] I am sure that they would appriciate it just as much as you appriciate them! It is goo that you will be spending time with your family, I was actually about to suggest that considering your dream, it may help soothe you. =] I hope that you do not wake up crying again, and that you do not have a nightmare, especially anytime soon. Our dreams can at times speak to us, maybe this is some sort of push for you to do something?

    My puppy, Shadow, she is very young, only a year and a half, and not even really that yet, and she is already pregnant. I am scared for her safety and health, and the safety and health of her babies. Also I was one of the main people to raise her from the time when she was a young pup, and she would sleep with me and everything, heck, she would not go to the bathroom outside when she was a puppy if I were not there, and it is like having to watch her grow up in litteraly about 9 weeks. From a puppy to a mother, it scares me, and brings tears to my eyes.

    Aw! =[ I think tomorrow is Sunday so maybe we can talk again soon! =D Unfortunately it took me a while to get back to you =[ which I am sorry about! I hope that you have a great time dove!

    Things are alright. I broke down not too long ago because of some of the comments about gay people some people have said at my school, and because it seems like my father wants me to be straight. He tells me that I do not know what I want and some other things, and that he does not want me to tell his side of the family. His side of the family does not take too kindly to "gays" (more a reason not to see them, because it just hurts), and a lot of the time it seems like he himself is homophobic too...He told me not to talk about being gay (bisexual really) infront of his children because he does not want them to learn about that, and both of my parents used to scold me when I say a chick is "hot" or something along those lines (I would never say anything passed sexy, it is far too innopropriate, and even when I say that I only say it to my fourteen year old brother who likes to talk to me about girls), and it just got to me. Thankfully my mom is 100% supportive of me now, but my kind of hurts to just think about it. Gosh, I feel so pathedic for crying over it, but I can not do anything else about it.

    How have your days been dove?
    July 22nd, 2011 at 11:31pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Hopefullyyyy you'll like the update when you get back, <3.
    July 20th, 2011 at 08:20pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Maybe it is both of us, or even Mibba. There is magic in the air! Sorry, I had to say it! =P Hehe!I think it is both of us that are allowing each other to be ourselves, and let others be themselves. I, again, know what you mean by not being very social, I usually pass the day by with speaking only a few lines, and hiding out in my room to read in my own little realm of magic and wonder. =] What about you? How do you pass the days by? (Jeesh, I am really getting off of our topics today, haha)

    Thank you, recently I have been more protective over them, and a bit more mother-ish. I have to watch them half of the day most of the time, so it comes naturally by now. Some things in the house have been scaring them lately. Weird things have been happening in the house. Shadows, footsteps, voices, creaking, and even apperations, not full body to all. It scares them, and when they are scared I make it my role to try to protect them, and to check things out, even if I get scared. It sounds crazy, I know, but I have had some experiences of my own with stuff like this when I was younger, except no one was there to help me through it until my later years where I made friends with people who could help me with that stuff. I sort of know what to do now. Have you ever had weird experiences?

    I would fight for her, I truly would, but when fighting for her I am fighting her, and I can not keep fighting her. If she wants to get away I have to let her, because I do not want to be the reason for her sorrow. If I have to be in pain for her to be happy I will smile because she is happy, but I do not think she is happy, but at the same time I can no longer try to be her happiness, because not only does it seem that she does not want it, but I can not do it because of what it does to me. Many people have told me that our relationship was abusive, and for the past two years of our about three year relationship (not girlfriend relationship, just friendship) it has been getting worse and worse, and I can not keep putting myself through that, especially if she does not want me anymore. I am not saying that it was always bad, or that all of it was bad, because there was a lot of good, but it is time that I start trying to climb out of the hole this has put me in, because I have slipped, and fallen too much, and if I go back now, then I will never be able to come back, and I will probably not see the light of day again. Our relationship was great, but it was also terrible, and it is one of the things that sent me into plotting my own death. I think as time passes by you will learn the entire story, but for now you know this, if you have any questions I will answer, and if you went through something that this reminded you of then please do tell me about it, my doors are open, and I am ready to listen without judgement. =]

    What was the nightmare about? Was it your parents again? Are you okay dove? I know you said you are fine, but I am sorry I can not refrain from asking.
    I am alright, a little scared, I found out my puppy is pregnant. Thank you for asking! =] How is everything going?
    July 19th, 2011 at 10:16pm