all time perv. / Comments

  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Ohhh that's sooooo keeeewl. I speak Spanish cuz it's my mother tongue buuuut I understand a little bit of Portuguese because it's like Spanish
    Soooo do you know Spanish ????
    July 1st, 2011 at 03:28am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    I'll call Runnie. Combination between Dannie and Ruby.
    Well I'm from a little island in the Caribbean called Puerto Rico
    What about chu???
    July 1st, 2011 at 02:47am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Hahahah thanks. YaY a rooooomymate.
    What's yours????
    July 1st, 2011 at 02:43am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Still I don't wanna go. I'll get booored unless you move in with me. =D
    Ohhh BtW my names Angely. LoL. Soooo late for the introductions.
    July 1st, 2011 at 02:38am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Ok. Please please please please. Don't take me to daddy it's to hot in his house and he doesn't wanna buy an A/C. Pshhhh Mother Fluffer. LoL
    July 1st, 2011 at 02:24am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Ohhhhh noooo you're coming to get me back to Daddy. Noooooooo. O.o
    July 1st, 2011 at 02:15am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Oh no. I killed her. O.O I'm a murderer
    July 1st, 2011 at 02:02am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Exactly. LoL
    It would be a world full of ducks. XD
    July 1st, 2011 at 01:51am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Hahah yeah I know. I'm soooo used to that that I'm even starting to say that
    July 1st, 2011 at 01:40am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    It pisses me off. Psssh ducking Nazi. Like I can't even say hell it will just be changed to he'll
    See it doesn't even let me say fuck
    July 1st, 2011 at 01:23am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Hahahah yeeeeeah I know. It's a cursing nazi. O.o
    July 1st, 2011 at 01:06am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    *pervy. Psssh stupid iPod not wanting me to curse. Pssh
    July 1st, 2011 at 12:51am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Ohhhh really that's very good to know. I'll make sure I keep them coming...... And not like that percy person. LoL
    July 1st, 2011 at 12:49am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Hahahah yeah totally. He's a very busy man. LoL
    June 30th, 2011 at 11:36pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Of course, I only spoke what in my mind remains true. =]
    Yay! Who is the evil one? Hehehehe. >=]
    He is very creative, zombies, superheros, makes me giggle.
    He is, but I also love that whenever he talks on stage he has such a foul mouth. It is hillarious because you look at the comic, and the things he writes, and then you look at how he talks sometimes and it is just like "am I missing something?" Hehehe, I am sorry I am giggling my butt off right now because it just seems kind of funny. =]
    Aw, that is great! =] I have never checked out twitter oddly enough..I am just not very interested in those social websites. A friend of mine had me create a myspace, a facebook, and a my yearbook, but I never use any other them, I actually deleted one of them, I think I'll delete them all though. How do you feel about websites like that?
    Dude, his arms are freaking muscular. It makes me curious as to how strong he really is... I mean he is such a cute dude, I mean personality wise, but yes in looks too, so it just makes me even more curious. I have the urge to have a conversation with Ray, he seems like he can hold a conversation, and talk about the simplest of things in depth where as other people usually just touch the topic then brush it away to touch another. I think it is awesome that he has the ability to do that, Mikey I mean, and by "that" I mean the capability to hold his thoughts in and avoid having the entire world not know his exact personality. If you want to get to know him then try, but not because of his fame. I find it repulsive when people try to do that, when people try to talk to someone because of their standing position, or their money, or their looks. If we are out in the world without talking on the internet we do want to talk to a person because of how they look, but it is fine if feel that you and that person would get along and have a good conversation where as another person will be at some public place like a coffee shop and they would want to talk to someone else because they seem to be attractive, and their intentions do not start off as wanting to be friends. We all do it sometimes, but when it is a continuous thing it is just disgusting. They are all a bit of a mystery because what we see is skin deep, their lyrics might not be, but the only people that know that are the people that created it. No matter how much research we do, or how dedicated to them we are, or how much we think we know about them, we do not truly know them. Maybe someday some of us will, and that is great for them, but for now I am good with what we have, because it is a privilage to listen to them, to hear them, to see them, etc. They really are something.
    Maybe that bad feeling will go away sometime soon with what I have in store, maybe it will get bigger, maybe it will stay the same. Who knows, Jeffery could be the good guy that saves them all from forces unknown like alien robots. Dun dun dun!
    Love you too! =]
    June 30th, 2011 at 08:58pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Honey, your letter was beautiful, I am not sure if you would get a notification on the comments on that site, so I hope you do not mind that I am putting it on here...
    I am convinced now more than ever that you have more strength than the norm of us. It takes a strong person to hide their feelsing and cope without opening their lips and sharing their thoughts, but it takes an even stronger person to be able to speak up and say things like that. I hope you hear me, because in that moment you really did become a role model of sorts for me, I would hate for you to ever think that you are not strong. We all make mistakes and screw up, but seeing as you're a great person, you get good grades, and from what I think I know you are not going out to do drugs and get drunk I think that your parents are proud of you, I know I am. As for depression it is what you do with it that counts, from what I have read yes, there has been self harm, but I also see that it is not the only escape you have used, and I think that might be what they want for you, a safe escape. You're smart, you're talented, you're strong, you can escape, and you are a great daughter. Maybe it seems like they did not get to see that, but I doubt that. From what I see and have learned they love you very much, and no matter how many screw ups and bad situations there has been they still love you and they know you love them. Your letter is beautiful, and heartfelt honey.

    Awesome! We are polar bears that should be in the sun but defy the seasons and stick to winter! Yes, I am a Gemini, maybe we are twins since that is what Gemini is about (if I recall correctly).
    I know what you mean! I have a hunger for magic, and otherwordly things like ghosts. The fact that his power connects him to the spirit realm is astonishing! That sounds cute, spirit animal, it reminds me of Brother Bear, and a movie with wolves called Balto. =]
    Gerard also has a huge vocabulary, even for his age (he is either 33 or 34 I forget, that is not really old actually..I mean look at Green Day, and the rolling stones, etc.). I was a bit suprised that it was that vast. He just comes off as a unique person all around, and like any person there are many sides to him, sides that we do not even know about, which is fine because everyone deserves privacy. The entire band (minus the new drummer, I have not paid enough attention to gather what I think his character is, but I am sure that the new addition is unique as well =] ) is special, and they all have their different personalities that we get to see. MCR is like a little present that the world has been given (do not know how we deserved it, but I will not question why we got them =] ) Frankie seems like the cutie who is a bit hyper and spreads laughter (do not get me wrong, he seems like he can whoop someone's ass too). Ray seems like the genius, and he seems wise beyond his years. Ray seems calculated, and like the person you can have a deep and meaningful conversation with. He seems pretty laid back, but knows what he thinks is right from wrong. Mikey seems like the secret of them all. It seems like we are always trying to figure out who he is, it is not that he changes, it is that we, for some odd reason, can not pin point an exact, coherent description of him. What I have managed to think of him is a bit jumbled and messy but I think that he seems like the type of little brother that you can talk to for hours with about anything, he seems like someone you can trust and rely in and go to if you have trouble and you want to talk. He also seems like the type of person who can get on the "nerdy" side and read comics, and play a bunch of video games (and kick your ass at it). It is always hard for me to explain someone, so I do apologize.
    I still have to show my appriciation for your comment! =]
    I can not help it either so do not worry. =] I am sorry by the way, I only had enough time to read the letter and then I was forced off because the internet went down T.T *sigh*
    Do not be afraid to be blunt! I love hearing reactions to characters and situations the most =^.^= People can say that writing is great, but you really know that they are paying attention when you have their opinion on the scenes that go on, and when they give you constructive criticisum, but the compliments on writing help put the mind at ease and coax the ego a bit as well. =P Though I always deflate mine five seconds after because I do not want to be a hot air balloon!
    Yes, pills are bad, bad Frankie for taking them! Hehe =]
    Gee does not seem to happy with Jeffery (or Frank for that matter) either, so that is perfectly fine, and besides, I love that you have an opinion on him. I will say this though, Jeffery is going to stick around for a while. =P
    June 30th, 2011 at 07:49pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    You must have been pretty young when that happened, if you do not mind me asking honey where is your dad in this mess? You do not have to answer anything, and it is perfectly fine if you do not want to talk about it. Do not worry, as with any other thing I will not judge you, or treat you differently, I find that a bit intolerable when people do that. >.<
    We are June babies =P children of the summer, but I prefer winter, what about you? What season do you prefer?
    Pongo was awesome too. =[ He actually cared about Number Seven, but I see where she is comming from.
    Number Four is amazing! I love how he is in tuned with the dead, and looks like death. He uses those puns in the comic too! Gerard has a twisted, but amazing sense of humor, his mind really is unique if you look at how he words things, and if you read closesly.
    I will definately take a look into that story of yours later today, and I am sure that word will get out about your story, a lot of people seem to love your writing, so I am sure that this will be no different.
    Thank you for the story comment! =] I really tried to make people see that Frank is not some cruel heartless asshole who just gave up Gerard and hated him on a whim, he still cares, but he feels more so betrayed, and I tried to portray that a little in this update. I was mostly trying to make an impact people through his dreams, and some drama is comming up which I am a bit excited for. =P You deserved the A/N by the way, by commenting, and bringing me up about the story. I am not sure if I would have gotten this far if it weren't for the handful of you guys that are commenting. I must forewarn you though that I do not do well on flirty situations so in the future when scenes like that pop up please do not hate me when it is sucky and sloppy (sounds a bit sexual, ah well, haha). I actually laughed when you said that you do not like Jeffery, but keep in mind that Gerard is in the wrong right now. He is on our naughty list, raindeer and snowman poop for him this x-mas. You are right, it is the medicine that is making Frankie this way, but it is for his "health". =P Thank you again for the comment
    June 30th, 2011 at 02:37am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Yeeeeah it's pretty funny. LoL.
    I like Ruby better it's mooore unique.
    June 30th, 2011 at 01:37am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Yeah they call me that. Angy. Lee. Phoenix. Gee. Cherry Lilly. There's a lo mooore. My friends always change them. LoL
    June 30th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • angy_something

    angy_something (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Hahahah you're welcome. Ohhhh and thanks the username is just one of my nicknames. =P
    June 30th, 2011 at 01:24am