
I'm Sorry.I'm bored.I have nothing to read.And so I wanted you ask you, all the mibba-ers out there.Are there any stories to read?Anythings fine, except fan-fics.I don't know why, I can't stand them.......Yeah, thanks!~I hope for something good to read.And I hope people are nice out there and won't say anything about my spelling and grammar...*~*~*~No Need to read, but you can if you want...
September 24th, 2011 at 03:22am

Stories I would like to read

So yeah, my first journal. And I'm just gonna post a site to where stories will be held. I want to read them, but just not at this moment. So, I will, hop fully, remember them if i put it here.Read them, if you would like: I know this has to be so much longer, cause apparently when I tried to submit this thing, it said it was too short. now I...
July 27th, 2011 at 09:47pm