Relationship disasters.

I always have really bad relationships, or I get into triangles and stuff.Like, for example, I had a four month relationship with my ex, and when I fell in love with my best guy friend, I dumped him because I was sick of everything from over protectiveness to commitment, etc.Thing is, the best guy friend also likes me, but has a girlfriend. A girlfriend who is in love with my ex, who is now dating...
August 9th, 2008 at 06:35am

What do I say?!

I confuse myself all over again.Actually, no, they confuse me all over again.How many are there? Well, about... six? Seven? Girls who confuse me as much as Lisa does! (my best friend, who likes to use my prone-ness to confusion to her advantage)Okay, well, I'll try not to mention names, and make this as little offensive/evil/bitchy as possible!So, T is a girl who was going out with my current...
April 14th, 2008 at 08:13am


I don't care if nobody finds this of interest. But it's just another one of my ways of releasing every anger I have at the moment. Dad being the base of my misery.I sound almost pathetic when I tell my friends about it, so maybe just informing a world of creative writers would be a bit better. They always seem to understand.So, Mibba, here goes...My father, a snobby, 'thinks he's all that" being,...
March 17th, 2008 at 06:59am