
Hey, my name is Brooklyn but you can call me Brooke or Kikki for short. I really don't care much. Umm I really haven't been on here for a while so I'll finish this late...

Strange Loving Caring

Written Imagination

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: love interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: love interest.

Story Title
Chapters: ??
Status: Active/pause/complete
Focus: love interest.
Thursday, April 6th 2011, 7:56 pm.
Song: Army of Angels-Nadeshda Brennicke
Mood: Feeling a lot better now :)
Update: Whatever it says up there would be my last update :P
So I am new here, as you can see but I will try to come up with some stories and stuff as soon as I can. Oh and I would like to thank my best friend for telling me about this lovely site, Kikki (Username: Freiheil;).
My peeople;

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Put whatever you like here...
Quotes, Music, Likes&Dislikes etc.


This layout was designed by Calli @ She Said Poptarts, the images do not belong to me, they are from here. Textures are from here. Do not remove the credits.