A Nightmare to Remember!

I was in a mysterious place. The place was like frozen in time. Every thing was black and white. I was running but it was not me who was running. I had long brown hair and extremely pale skin. I was afraid, afraid of whatever that was chasing me. For a moment I looked back to see what my pursuers was doing but there was no one. Then I came face to face with a door which was not there earlier. It...
February 7th, 2011 at 01:11pm

Character Assassination

The word literally means killing someone's character. This is very common in our life. It is not confined to specific places or people. Anyone can do this. Even the people dear to you can stab you in the back.The people who assassinate your character may be doing it purposely or unintentionally you may never know.The most common example of character assassination can be seen schools where every...
February 5th, 2011 at 07:33am

A New Start

Every might comes to an end. Every end leads to a new begining just as every night gives way to a new day. Every body faces a new battle each day. The size or importance of battle does not matter. Winning of world war and getting work done in your office are both important. The only thing that matters is that you survive. Survive to make a new start. Death is death whether you die in a plane crash...
February 3rd, 2011 at 05:45pm