8 March 2015, Part 2

I have been at my cousin's house for ANOTHER 5 hours. I've got a killer outline going for the 4th chapter of Android and I'm so psyched about it. I've been texting with [Toro; laughs] all day and I really am feeling great about this story. my ass is completely numb from this fuckin uncomfortable chair and I just could not give less of a fuckalso when I hit a wall I watched Life on the Murder Scene...
March 9th, 2015 at 04:12am

8 March 2015

I'm coming by and checking on my cousin's pets while she's on spring break and I've been here since 11:30 this morning using her wifi since I don't have internet at my own apartmentit's now 5 pm holy shit where did the day goI've been working so hard on Android lately, but I can't remember being this excited about writing since I was a teenager. like I haven't been this into fic in... six? seven...
March 8th, 2015 at 11:08pm