xChemicalLovex / Comments

  • sorriso;xo

    sorriso;xo (100)

    United States
    No one talks to me on here anymore D: I miss you, friend!
    December 19th, 2010 at 08:48pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    Hi, it's only been like *goes to check*..3! days, but I kind of need an answer as to whether or not where going to meet up before I leave :P Sorry for nagging you x) Oh, and would you send me the link to the picture of Cherry (because I totally forgot to ask for it earlier)? :))
    December 17th, 2010 at 07:17am
  • marieway

    marieway (100)

    United Kingdom
    You're welcome! :D I loved it and am well into When Love And Hate Collides right now :D

    Duuuuuude. Your photo with Gerard. I don't even. YOU'RE SO LUCKY. <33
    December 15th, 2010 at 12:58pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    Why, hello to you too x)
    Yeah, but mostly Harry/Draco ones :P and Devihla’s Frerards :D (if you’re not reading hers you definitely should)

    Yeah, you and Devihla are the only people who seem to update now a days, which is totally sad and frustrating. I’ll try to post something new next year (which sounds really far away, but isn’t) ☺

I’m not looking at you in any way because you’re a thousand fucking miles away (but I would give you a “you’re-a-freak” look if I could) x) Nah, I’m joking. I’d give you “I-know-exactly-what-you-mean” look.

    Haha, we’ve had snow lately, but then it melted, then it snowed, then it rained…the weather is crap. But…but snow’s good :D White Christmas, ice-skating (oh, well, technically that’s ice and not snow…) and besides, it’s pretty! (Btw, the schools don’t close here when it snows -.-)
    Yes, fucking -9 :O I was about to keel over and die when I stepped outside. But now it’s about zero degrees, so it’s bearable.

    Yes..wait, what? No…or maybe :P Maybe you’ll get one and maybe you won’t :P You’ve always wanted a snow umbrella? (wow, now I feel like I might have to buy one so that I don’t disappoint you :P)

    Why would your philosophy teacher hate you?
    You skip her lessons? :O
    I just made another teacher hate me (how do I do it?) He was having a lesson with us and then he said something that sounded slightly inappropriate and pedofile-ish (in a very retarded way) and I sort of started laughing. And then I turned to see a classmate of mine laughing too (because he also has a dirty mind :P) and then the teacher was all like “are you laughing at me?” and wanted us to tell him what we were laughing at, but we couldn’t actually say “we’re laughing because you said something that made you sound pedophile” (I sound like a jerk x) so we didn’t tell him. And now he thinks that we’re just making fun of him, and therefore he hates us :S

    What?? I mean: blowjob smiley: =O
    You can’t see that? Indeed, what is wrong with you! :P
    Nope, you’re definitely not the only one x) Dirty thoughts all day long ftw! :P (lets pretend that, that somehow rhymed)

    No, because WLACH sounds gross, whereas WAFOL (waffle) sounds good and edible and I love waffles :D Sneezing or retching, either way, not good…

    Haha, yes, MCR is always so considerate about my wishes when planning their tours. YES I AM! :D In Oslo (Norway) March 16th!!!!! Fucking exited!!! :D


Well, good :D I mean, I’d jump of a cliff if I found out that they’d read any of mine. Seriously…. O.O
    You….are…awesome…. :D (I’m still not over that fact)

    Haha, I so heard that interview/talk thing in my head now. x) (I hope we’re talking about the same thing?) Is it the stupid (but still kind of awesome) Peter Pan-song?

    Oh, Save Yourself is awesome too! :D I really love all of the songs. I’ve bought the CD for my nephew for Christmas, I hope he’ll like it :P

    Haha, glad that I made you laugh ☺
    I know, Harry Potter was awesome! :D Though it did bother me that Dobby looked more…fake ☹ and that they’d changed his voice. Well, I can’t remember right now either, but I think it was (how lame is it that I forgot? :P) the fact that Voldemort’s name isn’t jinxed, because there is no explanation as to how the death eaters managed to find them in that random café x) That…or something else x) I’ll tell you if I remember and it wasn’t that :P

    18th to 22nd :D Oh, that would be so awesome! :D (and hopefully not awkward :P) Really really awesome :D 

    Nope I don’t even have a twitter x) Aww, cute :D

    Xoxo SFHS #2 

(Who’s also excited for Christmas (and about going to London), and who’s sorry for the short comment and for somehow thinking that making a lot of paragraphs would help (it didn’t))
    December 14th, 2010 at 11:45pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    It's been 16 days :O
    December 13th, 2010 at 10:30pm
  • drestroyaGirl

    drestroyaGirl (100)

    haha oh my.... xD! I would love to see his face, i hope they come to México the next year, i need another doses of them so bad. So lucky you could see them so fucking near! :3 well... I've already read I Can Transform You! It's so fucking awesome!! i can't wait for the next update... so... please please *o* i know you can!!! every artist has bad times... So do I. But well, gotta take a shower xD! Thanks for the comment, hope to read you soon!!! Take Care (:

    December 7th, 2010 at 08:12pm
  • Lesbianwooman

    Lesbianwooman (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    [i]Sorry if I'm bugging you but... Chapter 18 is very much needed D:
    I think I might die the next time I come on to see if its uploaded and its not :L
    I swear to God, I will!
    November 30th, 2010 at 09:40pm
  • Lesbianwooman

    Lesbianwooman (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey, when will Part 18 be up? I really cannot wait, I want them to kiss :L!
    November 27th, 2010 at 10:25pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    Hi :) That’s fine.
    Haha, me neither.
    That’s actually really sad, because I remember I used to be on mibba all the time.

    That’d be creepy. And then your mind’s mind would have a mind of its own and then your mind’s mind’s mind would have a mind of its own. They’d make a never-ending circle O.O
    Yes, we actually had snow in October. We haven’t had any after that though :( I know, I hear traffic’s a mess when you actually do get it. :P I’m glad we’re better prepared than you when it comes to snow. “A white Christmas” is the best though. Right now, it’s just really cold here, when I walked to the bus early this morning it was -9 Celsius (which is pretty fucking cold :O)
    Oh, that’s too bad. I’ll send you a dozen umbrellas for Christmas then. But you’ll hopefully not have to use them because we’ll have a white Christmas! …or maybe you want an umbrella for the snow
    …but that’s not my point! :P

    They kind of are. This week we made websites, but we couldn’t actually post them on the internet because then we’d have to buy a domain. But mine turned out quite well and even though my presentation was really bad, I hope I’ll get a decent grade. Even though the teacher hates me! :O
    The reason: She told us she’d read us a story (sort of like a fairytale) during our last lesson (last week) and I said: “Oh, cool, but that kind of makes it sound like we’re in fifth grade,” (it does, right?) And she got an expression on her face that was a mix between hurt and angry and then I remembered that she has an education in story-telling...for grown ups (yes, that is an occupation) -.- *facepalm major* *slap to self*
    Haha, it would’ve been awesome if you really did. Yes, that is a blowjob smiley, can’t you see: =o =O
    Well, I can’t remember what you were talking about either, so that makes two of us.
    Yes, it’s basically the same with me, no matter how many people read you’re just never sure. I mean, you don’t know if anyone likes it if they don’t comment.

    You were talking about deleting WLACH (wow, what a horrible nickname :P).

    Yeah, I figured. And I’m so jealous of you…but I’m going to rise above it and not hate you (:P) because really, going to that many MCR concerts is brilliant and I would’ve jumped on the chance too!
    They’re coming to Europe?! Please, please please let them play a show in either Norway, Denmark or Sweden, because then I’ll convince my parents that we HAVE to go to one of them.
    Wow, haha, no, I agree with you that it wouldn’t be very good if Gerard’s read Waffle, though he probably haven’t. I mean, what are the chances of that? You’re just being your old paranoid self, don’t worry.
    :O You met Frank? ….wait, I need a minute….

    But, but, wow! Really fucking wow!
    You’re making it hard for me not to hate you x)

    Aha, but that only proves that I have philosophical thoughts…, which should be a good thing, but you make it sound like it’s not. Either way, I am great and you should all bow before me!

    Is philosophy even a subject?

    I asked you what you were going to study at University, and then when you said you didn’t want to grow up, I told you not to go all Peter Pan on me x)

    Yeah, I know! I wish I could’ve been there :(
    Hahah, he sounds great, and he’s a great actor.

    Yes, I haven’t got the CD in the mail yet (I ordered the 2019 bundle, and as you might know some shit went down and things fucked up) so yeah…but I borrowed the record from someone else to rip the songs onto my mac, so I’ve been listening to them non-stop. All the songs are great, so I can’t really pick any favorites, but I really, really like Sing, Bulletproof Heart and Destroya :D

    Oh…well in that case, I might see you there then. Though you won’t see me because I’m a man and you have no idea what I look like as a man (not that I think that you have any idea what I look like as me either) so I’ll probably stalk you…

    Anyways, yes, I have seen Harry Potter (finally something I beat you at). I thought it was great! :D The actors did a wonderful job, the plot did (for once) closely follow the book, and it was sad at times, funny at times and pure epicness all the way through! You should totally look forward to it. I’m actually going to see it again at the cinema next week :P They changed one major thing in the plot which kind of bothered me though…have you read the books? If not thenI’m not going explain because I’ll only spoil some of the movie for you.

    Thank you for being on my team :) Haha, yes x) One can only dream…

    I’m really excited about it, though I’m trying not to think about it, because I was so stoked the last time and then I felt really awful when we couldn’t go. So I’m going to believe it when I’m actually on the plane. Btw, there really is no way to say this and not sound creepy, but don’t you live near London? :) If so, we should meet up (if you want to, that is :P) because, hey, I don’t know when I’ll be able to travel there again and it would be really awesome :D

    Yes, babies are really cute. Except when you have to change their diapers or when they puke on you… :P

    xoxo SFHS #2 (Who’s tired and has a headache and is really going to bed now)
    November 27th, 2010 at 12:47am
  • KaileyAllOver

    KaileyAllOver (100)

    United States
    Hey :)
    You should check out my new story
    November 25th, 2010 at 02:50am
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    It's been 18 days :D Would love to receive a rant! :)))
    November 10th, 2010 at 02:02pm
  • frankieroxlover

    frankieroxlover (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Okies :)<3
    I cant wait xx
    November 2nd, 2010 at 01:01pm
  • frankieroxlover

    frankieroxlover (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Part 17 D:! When will it be up :)?
    October 30th, 2010 at 09:28pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    Hi, dear ☺ (←omg, a smiley!) That’s okay.
    Well, of course I do, why wouldn’t I? :D
    …That sounded kinda creepy…but oh, well, I’m used to that.

    Haha, they don’t work for me either. My mind simply refuses to cooperate with me most of the time.
    No, I haven’t (yet). I’ll try to do it sometimes this week though. People will probably give me that “you’re-crazy” look that I know all too well :P

    We had snow yesterday! (until it started raining, because that ruined everything). But that’s weird. I mean, it’s only October!
    Haha, the weather does not cooperate with you either, then? :P I have a distinct feeling that the weather hates me, because every time I bike to school it fucking throws everything in my face!

    Yeah, we have two weeks with each subject (sound, film, photography, graphic design and web) :D When we had sound we made radio commercials and interviews, in film we made a short-film with the subject “guy meets girl”, in photography we made collages and took a lot of photographs (duh…) and now we’re doing graphic design. I’ve made booklets about Harry Potter and Graffiti (pretty random) and business cards.
    It’s a lot of fun, but it’s a bit scary too, because they expect me too be good at all this :O (not a blowjob smiley….even though that was good idea if I want to get good grades. Just kidding xD Hopefully you got that…) 

    That sucks. How did they react?
    Haha, poor thing, you’re traumatized now.

    Any reason why there was a Kristen smiley in front of that statement? :P Indeed you can’t. There are a lot of people who read even if they don’t comment, so you shouldn’t disappoint them :D Need any help?

    LA sounds good! I’d probably wanna go to New Zealand, or New York (or, like you said, anywhere in America)…Greece sounds nice too, or Japan :D …whatever, I don’t really know, there’s too many countries too pick from.
    I wanna travel a lot when I grow up!

    Well, I don’t know…wait, Lucius Malfoy! :D He has one, and he doesn’t look like he needs it. And neither does Gandalf or Saruman (I know they have them for magical purposes, but whatever…and the are kind of old :P)
    Oh, I’m glad I don’t have a job (actually I’m not, because I could use some money) Haha x) Yes, that was a bit of a stupid suggestion.

    Haha, that really made laugh. Well, yes, school is real life (not a figment of our imaginations) but by real life I mean life actually worth living. You know, school’s not really living, therefore it isn’t “real” life. (And there you go, that is my horrible excuse for making such a horrible mistake as saying school is not real life.)

    What’re you gonna study there? :) Well, just don’t turn into Peter Pan or anything, right?

NO WAY?!? I…am... so…jealous…of…you…right…now o.O
    You have to get his autograph! And pictures!
    … in fact you should just follow him around everywhere he goes. :D
    But you NEED to get me his autograph! :P

    Haha, I know. It’s like “Imagine if we’d walked all the way” fake laugh haha, don’t be silly!” That part always makes me laugh x)

    You’re welcome! Well, I have no idea what you’ve planned, and I just want them to get together soon! So that’s my proposal… ☺

    Oh, just Bananaland (definitely), Kazakhstan and Peru ☺ And I doubt I’ll ever met you in any of them…

    Following as in going to more than just one concert? :O
    I wish they were touring somewhere near here, but they don’t and so I can’t go.
    But I’m happy for you, and I hope you have a fucking great time!! :D

    Me neither, but I’m definitely going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 :D I’m super exited for it! And it looks like it’s gonna be great :D One of my friends saw Vampires suck, and she said it sucked x) But I don’t know, it might be good ;) Haha, Kristen isn’t impressed with most things, if her facial expression is anything to go by.

    Me neither, probably something cool ☺

    Btw, me and classmate got into a discussion (it started when we were googling for Harry Potter pictures to put in our booklet, and we came across a photo-shopped one of Harry and Draco) about who Harry Potter would be with if he was gay. I’m suggesting Draco, but my classmate thinks Ron’s way better! He keeps saying that Ron’s always there for Harry, and he almost sacrificed his life for him and so on and so on, and my arguments just can’t compete with that (Draco looks WAY better, Draco is more talented) so…who do you think? (and do you have any good arguments? :P) I mean, if Draco really was nice (under the crappy façade) he would be better, right? …right? O.O

    Oh, and I’m going to London in December (18th to be exact) ! :D Wheeeee, I’m super-exited for it…and we’re going to a Shakira concert (which is weird) and I don’t even like her x) But whatever, I can’t wait to raid the bookstores and spend all my money on pointless stuff!

    I don’t think I’ve told you this (have I? Maybe…) but my niece was supposed to be born on October 30th. She arrived yesterday instead! She is super cute! :D We visited my brother and his girlfriend at the hospital, and I got to hold her. ☺

    xoxo SHFS #2
(Who wants another chapter of ICTY and haven’t re-read this comments, so beware of the mistakes)
    October 23rd, 2010 at 05:00pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    ...okay, now it's been 20 days :P Pretty please? :D Because I'm your SFHS :)
    October 20th, 2010 at 04:22pm
  • Annalia

    Annalia (100)

    That way seems to work for you. You make great stories :)

    I used to do it that way, sort of, and get stuck all of the time, but now the reasons that I get stuck are different. I know how I want my character to feel and what I want them to do, like, say I would know that I want Frank to decide to seduce Jaden, but then the part where I get stuck is on what Frank will say and how I will describe it. I have to make up a whole conversation and describe feelings and that's where it starts to be a matter of slogging through one sentence at a time.

    I'm hoping that that is something that gets easier with time and practice. I'd like to be able to update faster.
    October 18th, 2010 at 02:52am
  • Annalia

    Annalia (100)

    Yeah, I've been ignoring a lot of my subscriptions on here. There's only a few I always look at, and yours are in that list :)

    Sorry I've been taking so long, but I have been working on the next chapter of Boring, it just doesn't thrill me yet. The way that I write is with a little inspiration for a sentence here, and a little inspiration for a sentence there. That's how it is with wording, anyway. Plot is different. Plot is fast and easy. Do you find it the same way?
    October 15th, 2010 at 10:33pm
  • OurCarnageNow_x

    OurCarnageNow_x (100)

    You whole-heartedly deserved it. =)
    October 12th, 2010 at 10:37pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    I figured you did :D Is it the one right after the Muse issue? :P Awesome :D

    And so are you, my dear SFHS :)

    Okay, cool :D And don't worry. I've been having a stressful time lately too :S
    October 9th, 2010 at 10:15pm
  • Sybil Vane

    Sybil Vane (100)

    United States
    HEY dude, just reminding you that my courseworks are still alive! well I think so x_o BYE! <3
    October 9th, 2010 at 01:33am