xChemicalLovex / Comments

  • Lesbianwooman

    Lesbianwooman (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't know if I can wait any longer for Chapter 15 D=
    I love it too much to wait for long time :L
    October 7th, 2010 at 07:11pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    Hi :) Not here to bother you about the rant (not saying that a rant wouldn't be welcome), but to ask you something.
    Do you read Kerrang? (I seem to remember that you do, and that was not my question, btw) If so, is the Kerrang issue with the MCR interview before the one with Muse on the front, or after?
    Because I can't figure out whether it's going to be for sale in Norway soon or if it already is/have/whatever :S x) Kinda weird question, but hey, I am weird xP Seriously, what do you expect?
    October 6th, 2010 at 10:43pm
  • Just.a.Kid

    Just.a.Kid (100)

    I don't know the most of the bands you met either xD Only The blackout and Mayday Parade... And it isn't really weird that you don't know Destine, Only Seven Left and Make Believe, they are all Dutch ^^ And OSL even played on the birthday party of a friend of mine! =D That was really, really awesome!

    And I wish the train would be less expensive. A day to Amsterdam is 32,90 euro! So that's what I pay for the train, and only 27 euro for the concert ticket >.< and I need to buy tickets for the metro and busses too.

    And most of the clothes that I buy are band shirts or hoodies xD Why aren't there any "band-pants"? I've never seen them, but I would buy them if they existed...

    October 3rd, 2010 at 09:03pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    Hi darling ☺
    I love reading your comments! I’ve probably said it before, but they’re awesome and funny and I really enjoy them. So you don’t you dare stop writing them…ever.

    I was afraid your mental reminder totally failed because I checked my comment board at 11.30 and you still hadn’t written anything, but it didn’t so hey, I’m not going to complain.

    I thought you were serious at first, that it really was scary. I’m easily fooled.
    Yeah, maybe I should, except that it would be totally random to throw in an English nickname in a Norwegian conversation…nah, I’d probably pull it off x)
    Haha, that would freak people out.

    No, I just have my pessimistic moments :p 

    Yeah, lately it’s just been raining (a lot!) and I bike to school x)
    Well, I had hoped school was going to be more fun this year, since I get to do more of the things I like in High School, but the teachers put a lot of pressure on us, and I’m not really sure I’m good at this whole photographer, movie director, commercial blah blah thing x)

    No, not giving up on them, just try and use them less frequently ☺
    Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of too. That someone will misinterpret my comment if there are no smileys in it, but I count on you being smart enough to reckognize seriousness from sarcasm.
    :O What? But you can’t give up on a story! In 9 chapters you’ve managed to get 72 subscribers and 109 comments, the most I have on a story is 38 :p 

    Well, why don’t you like it? 

    Haha, me too ☺ I went to Torrevieja (or somewhere around there)
    Oh, that’s too bad. If you could choose anywhere in the world to travel to, where would you go?

    Yes! That is so creepy. And then I start to study people’s face to see if they just figured out what I was thinking x)

    Haha, that sentence I wrote in my last comment confuses even me. 

    Oh, okay, as a walking stick AND a poking stick ;)

    xD Totally random! Maybe they just have a walking stick to look fancy or because their legs hurt sometimes but not always so it’s possible to forget it…OR maybe they thought you looked like your legs hurt so they left it for you….OR maybe they didn’t have enough money so they left the walking stick as means of payment…OR maybe ….nope, out of ideas x)

    Yeah, I’m not really smart in real life, just at school. When it comes to normal stuff like making dinner or getting the goddamn microwave to work, I suck x) It’s from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where Willy Wonka states that everything in the room is eatable, even himself, “But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies”. x)

    Hey, don’t make me jealous x) What are you going to do when you finish school?
    Cool, that is s…wait, you love him as in love-love him or adore him? x)
    Hahahah x) Everything would’ve been so much easier. Btw, watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yqVD0swvWU

    Btw, just caught up with ICTY. I think it’s bloody brilliant! (as Ron would say. Exited for the new Harry Potter movie?) Do you still need help with the plot? I’d be glad to help. ☺

    Yes, I do. And doctors are for pansies x)

    Haha, sure he is. God, that would freak me out too! Hahah
    Well….oh, whatever I don’t have a proper reply to that. Hahah
    No, I was planning on keeping it a secret for as long as I could :p But yes, I am a man in certain countries…

    Yes! I am so goddamn excited! Yes, I have! And I have shown it to everyone I know. (and once they’ve heard it, they can’t get it out of their heads) xD
    You are? Oh my god, I so hate you right now. No, just kidding, but hey, can you smuggle me in too? And I agree that their new looks are awesome and epic and I gotta stop rambling now and using !!! a lot of !!! exclamation marks !!!

    Yes, that was a very good reminder, I will never ever steal any of your food.
    Oh yeah, because that sounds MUCH better x)

    Nope, I haven’t seen inception =/ I have seen Wolfman though (which was awful) and I sell the dead (which wasn’t all that good either) You? ☺
    Pftt, like you never talk to yourself…
    Yes, lets do that, but lets give her a body too. Becki, meet Kristen! : (:| -8--<

    What is it that your mum and I have in common?
    Haha, well, I sort of did too, after I patted him on the shoulder x)

    SFHS #2 (Who is really sorry for the long wait, and the considerable time it took to catch up with ICTY. And (mohahah) won’t tell you yet what it is I am writing. (Not that it’s really exiting or anything. I just have to see if the story gets anywhere first))
    October 1st, 2010 at 06:35pm
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Aw, well that's good. :]

    And yeeeah, I've been okay. heh, thanks.

    It's holidays here for me right now so that's good. :D My mum doesn't see it that way though coz I don't do anything or go anywhere. lol, I'm such a hermit. :/
    October 1st, 2010 at 03:13am
  • Just.a.Kid

    Just.a.Kid (100)

    I spend my money only on concerts and festivals (and clothes if I need them), but I still can't save xD It's just... The concerts aren't always that expensive, but I've to get there by train, and that does cost a lot of money. ><

    And you're sooo lucky! YOU MET MCR O.O But I shouldn't complain, I've met the All-American Rejects and that was pretty awesome too ^^ And I've some other bands (Destine (x5), Only Seven Left (x4) MiMi Soya (x2) You Me At Six, Make Believe (x3) And I may forget someone >.<) and they're all cool too =]
    September 29th, 2010 at 10:29pm
  • Just.a.Kid

    Just.a.Kid (100)

    Wow.. I can't set myself to save money for 3 years O.O When I earn more money, I'll spend more money... I can barely save money >.<

    And yes, this will be my first time seeing MCR =D The last time they came in The Netherlands, I was 12 and not a real fan xD You've seen them before, right? Yes... You've pictures with the band! O.O I hope they'll do some kind of signing session at Amsterdam... Did you have a meet & greet with them or something? Because I can't see any other people in the pictures...
    September 27th, 2010 at 06:37pm
  • Just.a.Kid

    Just.a.Kid (100)

    OMG!? you're going to almost ALL of their Europian shows!? =O that's soooooo cool!!! And I was overly happy because I could see them once >.< Isn't that incredible expensive? And why not Amsterdam? Amsterdam's cool *pout* =P

    September 27th, 2010 at 02:07pm
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Hello. :] How are you? Long time, no talk. :(
    September 27th, 2010 at 05:17am
  • frankieroxlover

    frankieroxlover (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Grrr! I do not like your computer ¬¬ Hurrah ! im looking for it everyday DD::
    September 23rd, 2010 at 05:30pm
  • frankieroxlover

    frankieroxlover (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    When will part 14 be up D: ? <333
    September 22nd, 2010 at 07:59pm
  • Milky : Mindless

    Milky : Mindless (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's okies :) I really enjoyed it! :D
    September 21st, 2010 at 04:07pm
  • Lesbianwooman

    Lesbianwooman (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I need Chapter 14 D:!
    September 20th, 2010 at 01:06am
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    You still there? :P *poke*
    September 19th, 2010 at 12:41am
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    It's been over two weeks *poke poke* :D
    September 14th, 2010 at 08:20am
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    It´s okay. Turns out I´m a very patient person after all. (No, unless you want to, because then you have my permission to repeatedly mock my favourite smiley)
    Yes, you do, and you have fish memory, but lets not be rude ☺
    Why, hello! What a rare commenter to see on my board! Welcome!
    Is it scary that I love how you have nicknames in England? Like dear and darling and love. That is so unfair! We don´t have that here (or, we may have a few, but it´s not common to use them) I am great! Well, except for the fact that the weather´s horrible and I´m tired and school´s not as fun as I thought it would be and my back hurts from all the stress (It´s not really that bad, I´m just a dramaqueen) How about you? Oh, btw decided not to write smiley´s in this comment (I´m tired of them, and they don´t look awesome here like they do on msn) so if in doubt, ask. It´d suck if you got offended over something I said as a joke. ☺ (Okay, one smiley…actually two, with the one above) 

    Yeah, I just saw your sequel, I haven´t started reading it yet though. I´m glad that you made one. I was missing waffle.
    Trust me, I´m glad I did too! Well, you could (because you´re evil like that) but you didn´t and that´s all that matters.

    I went on a vacation to Spain. It was lovely (though a bit too hot). I spent a lot of money, got a bit of a tan (I don´t tan quickly so that was a surprise) and had a great time with my family! Did you go on any vacations this summer?

    God, that is so creepy. Now I have to be careful what I´m thinking of.
    Oh, of course you did! I totally believe you when you say that was said with innocent intentions. No, my mind always interprets what you said with not-so-innocent intentions but claims to have done. Makes sense?
    Haha, okay, I shall not use it as anything other than a walking stick!
    I don´t know if that is a compliment or not, but whatever, thank you!
    Hehe, yes, it might have been a bad idea introducing the stick…

    *shocked face*….well, thank you for being polite about it. Makes me feel so much better. I suppose it isn´t, even though it´s “frowned upon in most societies” (I just stole that line from a movie, guess which?)
    Yay, let´s be nerdy together! Even though my history skills outweigh yours by far…
    Haha, we´re in kindergarten when we´re 4. 

    Okay, so it´s kind of similar…but not really…? Haha, no, I get it, I´m planning on going to university too, so I´m stuck at school for three more years…

    Why, yes, you can! Gandalf is awesome…though very old and confuses everyone with the whole talking-in-riddle thing he does. Hehe
    Hey, it´s not that far off, besides I have EXCELLENT hearing. That´s how I know that right now you´re tapping your feet, scratching your nose, drumming your fingers on the table, listening to music and distractedly mumbling to yourself…no? Any of them?
    Haha, it still sounds creeeeeepy…yes, stop talking about it. We are never going to do that!
    Hahaha…though Gollum is kind of scary (and he´s not the prettiest to look at) my mum´s really creeped out by him too and she gets the goosebumps when seeing him on television (or the telly as you british people call it) and not in a positive way! Ewww, ahah. (I feel like I have to laugh all the time instead of the smileys. Hahahah)
    Ahahaha, okay, that really made me laugh. Well, first of, yes, I am King of Banana-land and yes, it is lovely there. No you can´t be the Queen because then you´d have to marry me, which would be really fucked up (no offense. Haha) Be some other important person instead! And…I´m a man because ….wait…I don´t have an answer to that. Ahahah.
    Haha, excellent idea! Let´s get them out of the closetS and into a closet!...wait, shouldn´t they come out of the closets instead? Hehe.

    I hope it is true too! I´d love that!! And it´d be like a late birthday gift! Heard any more about it? I feel like you´re the one that knows everything when it comes to us. Hahaha (God, now I´m tired of writing “ahahaha” all the time. Hahah)

    Ok…ay, remind me never to steal any of your food. You might end up eating me instead…I don’t taste swell (that´s an ugly word), I swear!
    Yeah, you laugh at other people´s pain and humiliation. You once said you´d love to see me slipping and falling on the ice…you evil, evil person!

    I saw that….omg, his hair is brown-blond-ish….not good. *shocked face*
    Okay, film discussion….nah, not seen any of those, I want to go see Inception though! I´ve never liked Toy Story and I´ve never seen Step Up…
But, yeah, feel free to tell me more about them! 

    Oh, okay.
    Haha, yes, that smiley even looks like her. Hahaha.
    Hehe, then me and your mum has something in common. 

    Oh, I do hope so! Hahaha (laughter is starting to look fake now)
    In real life I pat people on the shoulder all the time…I don´t know what´s wrong with me. It´s creepy and I once did it to the headmaster at our school…god, that was embarrassing!

    Yes, yes, I would love to help you out when I catch up, so let me get back to you on that. Mhm, the weathers been crazy and unpredictable lately. First sun and then rain and then sun and then a lot of wind and then…you get my point. Hahaha.

    SFHS #2 (Fuck the third-person speech, and the non-smiley rule (which I made up myself…thank you!!! :DDDDD *smiling like an idiot* I am actually, though not a Frerard…disappointed? :P I don´t know if I will ever get it up on Mibba though, I´m a slow writer and I haven´t had much inspiration lately :( )
    September 1st, 2010 at 11:31pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    Oh, and I haven´t gotten up to date with your stories yet (which is making me frustrated :P) and I´m sorry for that too, will fix it soon ;)
    August 31st, 2010 at 11:04pm
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    Hello :) I realized that my reply to your rant seemed to take some time and so I just wanted to explain why :P School´s just started, it´s weird getting up at seven and going to bed (somewhat) early, so that is making me confused and tired (not to mention homework and boring classes), and I don´t want to sit down and write a suckish rant to you just to get it over and done with. So I´m going to try and reply tomorrow ;) I´ve started writing it, but I didn´t finish and I am going to bed now :)
    Talk to you soon!
    Good night :)
    August 31st, 2010 at 11:03pm
  • Psycho.

    Psycho. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    [i]It's a picture of you and Gerard.
    I was scrolling and did a double take. Haha >_<[/i]
    August 31st, 2010 at 01:36pm
  • Psycho.

    Psycho. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I was looking at this page and was like, I recognise that picture!
    You're on this page o_o
    Thought it might interest you[/i]
    August 31st, 2010 at 03:41am