

Ciara Cheyenne Anies

I'm Ciara//Filipino.//Shortt.//Shoes//Despises Biters.//Aim, ccthebesterest.//Twitter; AyyeeitsCiara.//

"Find a person who loves you for exactly how you are. Good Mood. Bad Mood. Ugly. Prettty.
Handsome. The right person is still going to think the sun shines out of your ass.
That's the kind of person worth sticking with." -Juno

Titled as Ciara. Old School is better. Keeping my head up high to be a good
example for Haters. Short, Asian.Filipino. Mess around a lot. Talks too much.
Always likes to keep a conversation going. Doesnt like awkard silences. Immature.
I simply dislike, not hate. I'm a loving person.Prettty slow. I make jokes, but I
hate when people take them too seriously. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I'ma
feel hella bad in the end. NOT photogenic. NOT drop dead gorgeous. Imperfect is
the right word. I like helping out. Piggy back rides. I'm a very straight forward
person. The truth might hurt, but its better than a comforting lie. I never stay mad
for long. I don't like when people are all up in my business. Laughing isn't hard for me.