LilMissMalfoy / Comments

  • LilMissMalfoy

    LilMissMalfoy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    you know what it might be kind of hard for you guys so i'll just message you the replies cos then u wont have to click back onto my account and scroll through the super long message xx
    February 12th, 2011 at 08:37pm
  • LilMissMalfoy

    LilMissMalfoy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    guys this message will be long so just scroll down to your name ^_^ i hope you guys with shorter messages dont take offence because it's not that i respect the other people over you. I LOVE YOU ALL THE SAME AMOUNT:LOTS!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    SECRETLYINLOVE your comment reply is the first reply I did up there ^^^^
    ok so it’s probably me just being really retarded and you guys are probably sitting there expecting me to reply to your comments individually and me being stupid I don’t know how to do that soooo I’m just gonna reply to them all in one message :D
    LUCCIPOP: Hiii lucy. I’m good thanks. All these lovely amazing special comments just brightened up my mood and I broke into song :D how are you? Xxxxxxxx
    THERAIN'S SILVER: Thank you Autumn :D I think you should watch ‘500 days of summer’ the ending will especially apply to you :D xxxxxxxxxxxx
    FREIHEIL: hiiiii kikki :D not much. Just thinking you guys have been so nice that I should treat you all specially and reply to your messages individually by sending a message your way :D thank u so much for your lovely welcome :D xxxxxxxx
    BRIEELIZABETH: hi brie :D you’re very pretty xx how are you? Thanks for your message xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    MANGAFREAK14: *waves hello* I hope we can become good friends too :D I think that’s exactly what I need on mibba :D thanks for your lovely comment – I think you seem very nice too
    CYDPOOH1: lol that’s great! Now we can rave about……….um……….. who’s that guy I like??? Oh yeah – tom felton :D see how much attention I pay to him? I can hardly remember his name ^_^ anywayyy, we should talk about our shopping interests. As you can tell – I’m about as girly as you’ll ever get. I suppose Barbie comes before me though? And occasionally I do like being a little boyish. But generally I’m all about pink nails and straight…. Well actually curly cos ma momma gave me curlai hair xxxxxxxx
    CarolynLamothe: thank uuu Carolyn. Welcome to my profile :D ^_^ xxxxxxx
    XOSNOWANDSOCCEROX: *gets into car* <<< that’s me coming to stalk you. It’s like you’ve gone into my mind, and then written about me :O I’ve officially tagged you as my best friend –serene nod- I LOVE PLATYPUSES. Hahaaa, pusses. Loooooooooooooool. Platipi. Yeah, me and my friend were talking about platypi the other day ^_^ it’s become out joke now (it’s quite creepy how you talk about platypi). I looooooooove your profile picture :D :D :D :D I’m hyper too. Join the club. I’m weird too. Not like Justin bieber. No, he talks to walls. I talk to myself sometimes. I talk to the sink as well when I wash dishes. I don’t really converse with the sink. I just talk to it. Not with it. I talk to it like structuring my stories with it. So I sit there telling it what’ll happen in my new story. I talk to my mum too but she just hears a random creature in the back jabbering away. I talk too fast. I type fast too. I read fast as well. But I cant run fast. I can paint my nails fast though!! It doesn’t dry fast :/ Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’m a huge bundle of energy :D ok that’s creepy…………………………….. are you…….. stalking me? you’re watching me right now aren’t you? WOMAN AVERT YOUR EYES, I’M IN A NIGHT DRESS AND NOTHING ELSE. no I’m kidding. No wait I’m not. I am wearing a nightdress. But I have jogging bottoms and a tank top underneath it. I don’t think comments can be this long. But I’ll try anyway. I grew an inch in like the past 14 years of my life :| oh well, at least I’m taller than ma mommmmaaaa!! Oh dear I’m listening to Justin bieber now. He’s quite creepy like that. Whenever I type about him to my friends e.t.c. like laughing about him: he comes up on my itunes. I wonder if HE watches me in my nightdress. Or maybe when I shower… : | WE WILL GROW TALLER! The short missys should unite one day. They really should. And climb onto each other’s shoulders so we become like a mega tall mash of people. Then we’ll laugh at the world’s tallest man. We’ll laugh until her cries. I’m typing right now. Obviously I’m typing. Haha I bet you’re reading right now :D and I’m listenin to Justin bieber. Bet you couldn’t guess that. I seriously have his album on my itunes. I don’t even know why. I don’t like him much. I mean I think he’s adorable as long as he has no personality. Cos his ego is about as big as his momma’s ass. I’m kidding, I haven’t seen his momma and I haven’t checked out her ass… I think. Yeah, anyway, what year are you in? it sounds really complicated. Hang on I can just check cant I?......... cos I’m stalking you. Lol I’m kidding I can just stalk your profile. No need to go outside IN MA NIGHTDREEEEESSSS. I swear I said it was a dressing gown a while back? I don’t know… It’s not a dress. It’s one of those fluffy things you throw over it. I discovered mibba yesterday. Obviously hahahaha. I can multitask too!! Not very well, but I can multitask. You know some people think multitasking has to be big. I OBJECT (just cos I’m small) EXHIBIT A: I’m using my eyes to view the screen, I’m typing, I’m sitting, I’m listening to music, I’m using my brain. That, is like… hang on….5 things. Is it five? I don’t know. Most people would think I’m doing… two things. NOT REALLLY. :O –huge gasp/intake of breath- (I ate oreos yesterday) ……………………………….. :| I was… quite obsessed with them…. you freak me out girl. Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you raped me. no that’s not funny……. Many people get traumatized from rape. TRAUMATIZED I TELL YOU. Oooooooooh ok I’ll call you fritto from you! Hahahaa frittas. FAJITAS!!!!!!
    ARIS: thanks darling xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    NINJATEE: hi tia. Not much not much. I saw all these messages and I went on a hyper frenzy replying to them xx
    TARAANGEL101: lol it’s not a problem ^_^ it’s nice to be nice. I will do that :D lol because I’m not so bright :P I KNOW RIGHT?!!! It’s like girl… do you wanna depress me any more? Emo 60 years in heaven? OK. SURE. BECAUSE I LIKE THAT EMO STUFF THAT DEPRESSES ME *click* OH LOOK AT THAT! THEY CUT THEMSELVES! I FEEL SO UPLIFTED NOW!! :| I was being sarcastic by the way: I don’t click on 60 years in emo heaven. Frankly that’s quite creepy to be honest. Spending 60 years with someone in a closet. By that time you’ll be GROWING spiders. And OH, MY GOD! Even the BACKGROUND is depressing! It’s like the creators are thinking ‘um… ok, so since black is the new style, lets pick a different depressing colour like….. I don’t know, grey’ but then they decide to actually go for a colour like MAROON…. MAROON. I mean do you actually want to kill yourself from depression? And the people on there? They’re all ‘OH WE H8 PREPPY PEOPLE’…. MAYBE it’s because you don’t know how to S-M-I-L-E?!!!!! I mean sure preps are sometimes mean to them but they sit there like ‘yeah so preps are terrible’ and then they go around bitching about other people’s stories and being flimsy internet bullies. I actually RESPECT preppy people for that. Because at least what they do is to people’s faces: they’re brave. And I’m a prep but hey I’m not a bitch. Would I really be on here if I was a bitch? Ne-ga-tive. Aaaaand I get like A frieking Stars on my work!!!! Soooo they need to go figure :/ I have nothing against emos. I mean I know a pretty ok emo person. Not like BEST BUDS but you know I don’t ignore her kind of thing. And I think they’re actually quite ok: they bring something different to the table. Ok so I don’t agree with their style of clothing but like they made me see that sometimes paramore aren’t so emo-ish and things like that. SOCIALISE WITH DIFFERENT PEOPLE AND DON’T SIT THERE BITCHING WOMAN. Jeez I mean god did optimism ever hurt anybody???? (I mean the mean people not you love) anyway thanks for the message xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    February 12th, 2011 at 08:36pm
  • LilMissMalfoy

    LilMissMalfoy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    okiiie so i'll just reply to all of you in one go in my next comment xx
    February 12th, 2011 at 08:05pm
  • LilMissMalfoy

    LilMissMalfoy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    thankuuu secretly in love. i dont know if i can like directly reply to your comment or not. i'm not very bright :P Xx
    February 12th, 2011 at 08:04pm
  • TaraAngel101

    TaraAngel101 (150)

    United Kingdom
    heyy, thanks a ton for ur comment, I REALLY apprectatiate them all... so lemme kno if u have any queries on formatting and stuff, always happy to help... p.s: I've shifted from Quizilla too!
    February 11th, 2011 at 05:08pm
  • NinjaTee

    NinjaTee (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Welcomes to Mibba
    Im Tia
    Wats up? :)
    February 11th, 2011 at 04:59pm
  • Aris.

    Aris. (375)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Welcome to Mibba, love
    February 11th, 2011 at 12:54pm
  • x0snowandsoccer0x

    x0snowandsoccer0x (105)

    United States
    heyy there! *waves enthusiastically* WELCOME TO MIBBA!

    HIIII YAHHHH!!!! OMG I AM A PLATYPUS NINJA!!!!!! check out my awesome skizzles! KA-POWIE! *epically fails and hits a tree* ouch! hurt my beaver tail =/ tooo much awesomeness :)

    if you haven't noticed, I'M HYPER! and crazy! and weird! like all the time! i'm like a H U G E bundle of energy in a skinny little 5'3" frame. I GREW AN INCH! but i'm still tiny -__- darn my shortness =/ i WILL get taller! hopefully ='(

    at the moment, i am listening to music, drawing molecular lewis structures for my chemistry homework, making a jeopardy game for Lord of the Flies for english, and surfing aimlessly on mibba. oh yeah, i can multitask. (no not really =/)

    mmm . . . mini oreos (my OBSESSION!) . . . yumminess <3

    kk so enough of my comment rape. hope ya love mibba! byeas!

    February 11th, 2011 at 03:08am
  • Kuruizaki_Yuki

    Kuruizaki_Yuki (100)

    United States
    Hi welcome to MIbba ;)
    February 11th, 2011 at 01:53am
  • LikeAHawk

    LikeAHawk (100)

    United States
    hey welcome to mibba:) check out my story:)
    February 11th, 2011 at 01:24am
  • cydpooh1

    cydpooh1 (100)

    United States
    heyy welcome to mibba! i love harry potter too, and shopping haha!
    February 11th, 2011 at 12:35am
  • Mangafreak14

    Mangafreak14 (100)

    United States
    Hey! I'm Julia! :D You seem nice. :] I hope we can become good friends and stay in contact. =3 Well, Hope to here from you soon! ^-^ *waves goodbye* o3o
    February 10th, 2011 at 11:28pm
  • brieelizabeth

    brieelizabeth (100)

    United States
    Hey I'm Brie(:
    February 10th, 2011 at 11:17pm
  • Freiheil;

    Freiheil; (100)

    United States
    Hallo, welcome to Mibba!
    I'm Kikki, what's up? :}
    February 10th, 2011 at 11:09pm
  • TheRain'sSilver

    TheRain'sSilver (100)

    United States
    AWESOME USERNAME!! im autumn nice to meet u and welcome to mibba
    February 10th, 2011 at 11:06pm
  • Gisaon

    Gisaon (100)

    United Kingdom
    Helloo. (: Welcome to Mibba.
    I'm Lucy. How are you?
    February 10th, 2011 at 10:55pm
  • SecretlyInLove

    SecretlyInLove (110)

    United States
    Welcome to Mibba. I love your username-lol
    February 10th, 2011 at 10:38pm