TiredOfCountingSheep / Comments

  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    Well, it's actually on my bucket list to write a book or a novel, so maybe this is a good start, haha. Not ever going to happen, but a girl can dream, right?

    It is true that there are quite some bands suck live these days. Though it's not always the band, a lot often has to do with the venue and the material. And I also think it isn't exactly a thing of the present. I remember going to see Sum41 when I was 16 and they were absolutely horrible! I was a big fan of their music and it was such a huge letdown!
    I'm so jealous that you got to see FOB! And Patrick! The record still hasn't arrived yet (hope it will before I leave for London), but I'm excited for it! I think it would be awesome if he did a tour with The Cab as support act. That would be amazing, if they came to Belgium of course.
    I think I have heard Blink's Up All Night already, but it wasn't really memorable I guess. And I have a feeling their old stuff is indeed better. They were in this great period in the 90s and it's hard to recreate that...
    My favorite band I've seen live is easy: Muse. I've seen so many good shows already and for years R.E.M. was my absolute favorite. But then I got to see Muse two years ago (it's hard to believe it's been that long) and I was just blown away. Pure heaven, so so perfect. And Matt's voice is flawless! I think there is a small movie of it on my YouTube (youtube.com/Loor87).

    Ah, that's definitely a great song. I always have a hard time chosing a favorite Beatles song. I'd say it's a tie between Here Comes The Sun and I Want To Hold Your Hand. But that's just right now, it might change again tomorrow, haha. I can't even pick a favorite record, though there I know for sure it's a tie between Revolver and Abbey Road :).
    Taking down the pictures wasn't really that hard for me, since I'd grown out of most of those bands + I put the ones I still liked on the walls in our tv/toy/computer room. My room got new wall paper that time and then it got repainted one more time. It's two shades of dark grey now. I wanted black and dark red actually, but that would've been too dark, since my room is pretty small. So I ended up getting a sofa with a pattern of red roses to spike things up a bit :).
    I do have a facebook. It's Lore Delbroek :).

    And yes, that's basically my main problem with Kelt as well. How she keeps bringing up Ryan. As for the whole being famous thing: I don't feel that's her goal, but it's like... she's always been in the entertainment business and she probably doesn't know anything else.So that's probably why she keeps trying to something entertainment related. The book was definitely interesting. Got to know a lot of things I didn't know about her yet. And about her relationship with Ryan.

    Alex does seem like a pedo sometimes. Especially with the long hair, haha. Seriously, he was actually pretty when he had short hair, but the long hair is just yuck. Like some sort of hobo. I can imagine people thinking that. Especially if like me, they only know him of the internet. I also sometimes think that Ryan needs to grow up or something, but all in all I do agree that people do not cut him enough slack.
    Ryan's voice... I honestly think it's not good, compared to Brendon's. But then, that's compared to Brendon. On it's own I do like it. After stepping away from Panic, I was worried about him being the lead, but he definitely surprised me.
    And I would love to read a book from Ryan! Have you ever read Pete's? Is it as good as his lyrics?

    Paris is really pretty. So many things you should check out when you go there: the eiffel tower, the louvre, the gardens of versailles, notre dame...
    Canada seems interesting as well. I have some far away family living in Quebec actually :).
    And you're not giving NY a bad name, haha. I can imagine not everyone will like it. But I definitely just want to go there some day, there's so many things I want to do and see. I would love to see a Broadway musical, among other things. And The HardRock sounds awesome. I've been there in Barcelona last summer and it was great, but I can imagine the one in NY being a million times better.
    October 20th, 2011 at 09:11pm
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    Once I get started there’s not stopping me ;). I actually wrote that early in the morning (this as well, its 7:45), but didn’t post it until the evening because I can’t log on to Mibba at work. But seems like you were on quite the writing spree as well, haha.

    I’m kind of varied. Though a lot of the bands I listen to have been going at it for a long time already, they just still make records. And I’ve been discovering a lot of older bands the last year or so, so they still count as new to me, haha. You Me At Six started I think started like 3 or 4 years ago. I don’t know that much of them, but I somewhat enjoy their music on cd. Bad live though. I got to went to see them at Pukkelpop (though a festival is always different of course) two years ago and they were just trying too hard. Fall Out Boy is definitely beautiful though! Sucks that I never got to see them live… I almost did, but… Ugh, I still get mad thinking about it :(. Did you happen to hear Patrick’s album yet? My copy got shipped on Monday, so I’m hoping it’ll arrive soon. Curious what it’s going to be like! And yes, they kind of are like Blink it that way, haha. I think they actually opened up for Blink way back! And that’s awesome. That reminds me I still have to check out the new Blink record!

    If only I had the time to sit in a room and listen to music all day… I saw this sign not too long ago that read ‘I want to live in a music festival forever’ and I was all yes, that’s describing me in one sentence, haha. You have a Sgt Peppers? So jealous! I don’t own any of the studio albums on vinyl, but I do have the stereo box :). And I have some compilations on vinyl, which I love. But my favorite record on vinyl is easy: Rumors by Fleetwood Mac. It’s one of the first I owned (it used to be my mom’s), it’s in perfect condition and though that’s the only Fleetwood Mac music I know, I’m in love with it! Now I’m curious about yours, haha. When I was younger (thinking back, that makes me feel kind of old, haha) I used to have every inch of my room covered with posters of bands and actors. But then my room got repainted and I never put them back up. I like them better this way anyway, with just limited and framed things. Now you have to be really good to get on my walls, haha. Your walls sound cool tough! Happen to have any pictures of them? About Keltie… I’m a fan most of the time, she’s very inspirational. Tough sometimes she just gets on my last nerve. It’s hard to explain, haha. Rockettes, Rockstars and Rockbottom isn’t the most profound book, but it’s definitely a good read. And I love her Courage.Passion.HardWork mantra cuff, I wear it all the time!

    I guess I could like Alex if I actually met him, but I just don’t know him, you know? And with that weird vibe he gives me I just don’t know right now, haha. Jon’s shirt are cute yeah, but that’s about all, haha. Ryan could definitely be a writer. Though I must say I’m really, really pleased to read on Twitter that he is actually making music again. Hopefully we actually get to hear it :). Brendon’s voice and Ryan’s lyrics were pretty much the perfect combo (like Patrick and Pete’s), but I’m also happy that Brendon picked up slack!

    That’s the main reason I want to go to Abbey Road, haha. It’s nice, living in Europe. Though I actually haven’t seen that much. Paris, Barcelona, Italy. That’s about it, concerning major things. There’s still so much on my list. But I’d love to visit the US of A! I’m definitely coming to NYC, hopefully next year. Been wanting to go there forever!

    The salt water, I don’t mind too much. But the sea is usually too cold to go for a swim here in Belgium, so not much experience with it… And yes! It’s like, you can protect every part of your body against the cold with clothing, but not your nose. And it hurts when it’s ‘defrosting’ again!
    October 19th, 2011 at 08:23pm
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    Ah, I really should pick it up again. It’s strange, I’ve been craving some older music lately (it’s been ages since I listened to Fall Out Boy), but at the same time I have all this new music I want to check out.
    There are not stupid questions ;). The Get Up Kids are a 90s rock band (era Jimmy Eat World, Blink182), who split up in 2004 I believe, but eventually brought out a new record early this year. I went to see them a week and a half ago (see my Tumblr) and they were awesome :).

    I used to have a really old (like, coming from my grandparents old) vinyl player, but there were some problems with it, so I bought a new one like a year and a half ago. I love it, I love the sound of it. And I love browsing yard sales and so for old records :).
    The idea of putting records on your wall, I love it. I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I saw it in One Tree Hill :). But for now I’ll just stick with playing them, haha. I only have a homemade Beatles drawing and a signed poster of Keltie Colleen’s book framed. Plus my signed poster of Symphony Soldier is on my magnet board. I might hang up some records when I move out though, I really would love to have a room dedicated to music in my house!

    Yeah, that seems like something I could imagine him doing, haha. He seems okay I guess, I’m just not really getting a feel of him, if that makes sense… And Jon… I guess a lot of it also has to do with the lyrics. I mean, Ryan’s lyrics are always great and Brendon’s are awesome as well, while Jon’s are just… meh, you know?

    There probably be lots of pics on my Tumblr. I’m hoping to go see Abbey Road, which is going to be awesome! Not sure if it beats meeting Panic though ;). And no, as strange as that is, since London is only like three hours by train, I’ve never been there been for. And neither have my mom and sister, so it’s going to be crazy! I’ve always wanted to, so I’m superhappy that I’m finally getting that chance. I already promised my mom to show her Starbucks, which she’s never had before :).

    Being different is what keeps the world interesting ;). My favorite is definitely summer, I love being in the water. But spring and fall can be lovely as well. I’m mainly not a big fan (at all) of the cold and snowy/rainy winter, haha.
    October 18th, 2011 at 09:13pm
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    Yeah, same here. Vinyl and CD. Though I must admit I haven’t listened to it in a while. I should pick it up again! It’s awesome, because I only ordered the vinyl, but now I can still play the CD in my car :) I love when you get an extra cd or download when you buy vinyl, so sweet! It’s like when I bought the new Get Up Kids record at their show last week, there was a card in there, saying: ‘due to technical limitations you are not able to play this record on your computer. But go to this website for a free download.’ So cute, haha!

    I’m kind of in the middle about Alex Greenwald. I have honestly never met him and I still have to listen to his old music, but he seems kind of weird to me, haha. Not sure how I feel about him.
    And I feel the exact same way about Jon! He sounded good as backing vocals in Panic and okay in the Young Veins, but in my opinion his voice just isn’t good enough to carry the music on its own.
    Well, I’m excited for you, haha. Though I’m also excited for myself because in that period (leaving November 1st), I finally get to visit London. It’s going to be awesome! And I’ll want to see pictures! Just saying ;).

    I’m sure he would fit right in here, haha. And we didn’t used to get as much snow. But we got tons of it the last two years, starting late November up until late February. It sucks, cause I hate driving through the snow. And yuck, no cloudy rainy summer for me. I really need sun, I’s a sunchild. Really, I get on the verge of depression every winter, because it gets so dark and cold and rainy.
    October 17th, 2011 at 08:01pm
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    Ah, The Young Veins are definitely nice. I actually own Take A Vacation twice, haha. Too bad they already called it quits. I was looking forward to hearing more from them. But Ryan does seem to be working on something new according to his tweets, so I'm curious about that. For some reason I'm not into Jon's single musician thing though.

    And ugh, that's so sucky! It's so disrespectful towards fans. But hey, it's just one out of four (probably five) and everybody is entitled to a bad day I guess. He just needs to learn to leave his troubles whenever he walks onto the stage. And I read on Tumblr you got a meet and greet! Congrats! Kind of very jealous at you right now! I want to hear everything about it!

    Living at home is definitely advantageous (or some word like that, haha). Not much rent to pay, dinner ready when I get home, laundry done. Plus I have a car of my own and keys to the house, so I can go and come as I please. It's pretty awesome at the moment :).
    And well, Ryan has been to Belgium not too long ago, maybe checking out places to live ;). The weather is... Well, not too bad at the moment. But we just had a really sucky and wet summer, so I'm not all too pleased with mother nature at the moment. And I'm definitely crossing my fingers I won't see snow this year!
    October 16th, 2011 at 08:45pm
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    Yeah, I think that’s what I meant :). Sierra just seems overall awesome! And Brendon… well, agreed. There’s not much that boy can do wrong in my book.

    You really are lucky! My most seen band is a Belgian band called Clouseau, which is strange, because even though I like their music, I’m not that much of a fan. I still think it’s kind of sad that Panic broke up. A lot of the bands I listen to seem to break up/lose people/rearrange over the past few years, but Panic was the one that really broke my heart doing so. I was fairly sure they were going to be okay just the two of them, but it still sucked. Curious, was he like drunk on stage or was he drunk when you met him? Neither are nice, but if he waited till after being on stage… well, I must imagine it must have been a rough period for them. Still not nice though. But hey, if it’s the second: at least you got to meet them!

    Greta does have a great voice! And I love how in the world of Fueled by Ramen, she used to be the girly girl. I kind of miss that. I should check out her new project… And Stamps is added to my list (I have too many lists for too many things).

    I do, I do. And I just started a PhD, so I’ll be here for three more years at the minimum :). It definitely takes a toll, the driving so long, but it’s worth it in the end. I’ve thought about moving out (I still live at home), but then decided to opt against it in the end.
    And that’s pretty cool! We have some beautiful cities over here. Not like Rome or Paris or so, but still beautiful in their own way. Plus we have beer and chocolate and a great great music scene :).

    And yes, that does make sense, haha.
    October 13th, 2011 at 07:53pm
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    Oh, was it the tour TAI and The Cab did together a while ago? One of my favorite pics ever of Beckett was taken that tour. Plus they did this super funny cover of ‘Put a Ring on It’ by Beyonce! I shall definitely search! And yeah, same with me. A lot of (ex) Fueled By Ramen singers make me incredibly happy: Alex, Brendon, Patrick (cannot wait for his album to arrive!), Sierra, William.

    Ah, still so young and innocent ;).

    You’re going to see Panic in October? Lucky you! I’ve seen them in May and it was one of my favorite concerts ever (which means so much coming from me, since I’ve seen pretty much everybody and their mother perform…)! I so hope they come back to Belgium again soon!

    The Hush Sound! Now you’re making me want to listen to Goodbye Blues! Pretty much my favorite recent (or well, somewhat) vinyl purchase! It really is the perfect album for vinyl! And that’s cool! I now have to add them to my list of bands to check out, haha.

    And well, technically my stereo starts playing at 5:06 until 5:11 and I get up at 5:16. Pretty random as well, haha. But yeah, it’s like that pretty much every Monday-Friday. It’s because I live 1.5 hours from work. And if I leave this early (I leave home at 5:50), then I am at work early and I can get home at a decent hour (usually, if I don’t get stuck in traffic I’m home at 5:30 pm). If I leave later I’ll get stuck in rush hour and that’s just crazy. It’s kind of a hassle sometimes though and the lack of sleep is catching up on me now that it’s getting colder and darker. But I absolutely love my job, so for now I’ll try and manage.

    And well, Ian is just very lovable, haha. He always feels like a cute little brother, but then you see him on stage and… Damn!
    October 12th, 2011 at 06:15pm
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    I'm jealous of pretty much everybody who got to meet him. Did you happen to get a picture with them? Can I see?
    I wish I could have seen TAI too. I missed them last time they were in Belgium. It's so strange, I was just saying to my friend on Friday how we needed to go see them :(. But, as sad as it is, I am definitely excited for William's new project!

    Well, my friend has never heard the first album (I only have that on vinyl, which makes it hard to play in my car, haha). And I think we would both agree that he sounds older (and I personally think he sounds more sexy too ;)) on the new album. But since he's two years younger than my friend and I, he still sounds kind of young :).
    Ian definitely has some mad skills. I was at his side of the stage when I went to see Panic and when he did some grinding: awesome! It's such a treat to watch him play :).
    And I'm the same way when it comes to thank yous! It's basically the first thing I'll read, haha. That's cool that Stamps thanked you! May I be curious and ask why? I honestly don't really know them, but if my memory is correct, Ian is somehow involved?

    And thanks! I actually overslept yesterday (normally I get up at 5AM, now it was 7:15 :S), so I caught up on some sleep, haha. Your stories are on this weeks to do list!

    PS: that gif of Ian on your profile is superdistracting and kind of scary. But also cool, because it's Ian :).
    October 11th, 2011 at 08:57pm
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    From what I've heard he sounds like a total sweetheart. I just hope I get a chance to actually seem them. Unlike TAI :(.

    He does sound incredibly sexy. Though I was playing it in the car last night on the way home from the Get Up Kids show and my friend said that he sounded very young, haha.
    My favorite is Endlessly, because... Well, doesn't every single girl out there wish Alex is singing this just for her? Swoon...
    Also: Is that the song Ian plays guitar on? I did not know that, but I've been wondering. So thanks for figuring that out for me, haha.
    The physical copy is simple but nice. The thank yous are super cute, because the basically thank everybody and their mom, haha...

    I promise I shall definitely check out those stories and let you know what I think. Later though, off to bed now, since it's passed midnight again and I really need to catch up on some sleep!

    PS: I started following you on Tumblr :).
    October 9th, 2011 at 12:26am
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    Oh, I definitely hope I will! Crossing my fingers that the band will play in Belgium soon. When did you get to meet him? And how was he? I always love to hear the stories/see the pictures of people who have met him :).

    The album, I think it's... amazing! It's strange, because it's really poprock, even a bit towards R&B, which normally isn't my thing as all. But Alex's voice is soo freaking perfect! And it's so diverse, it has ballads and powerrock and dance to songs and singalongs songs. I love it! When it came out I played at work nonstop on repeat for two weeks, haha. And then again in my car when I finally got my physical copy. So happy with that! Though I'm still trying to figure which is Alex's autograph on the poster that came with it, haha.

    And thanks for the lovely comment on the story! And no need to bash your own stories. I'll be the judge of that ;). I'll be sure to check out your stories when I find the time.
    October 4th, 2011 at 09:03pm
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    Thanks for the lovely comment! I totally agree that Alex is amazing! I wish I can tell him that in person one day :).

    Btw, shameless self promotion: If you happen to be interested in reading stories about Alex, there's I have one finished and am currently in the proccess of writing the last chapter of the other one. And the new one also futures Ryan Ross :).
    October 1st, 2011 at 12:13am
  • Big.Hype

    Big.Hype (100)

    United States
    yes! haha you're power is strong!!
    August 20th, 2011 at 05:42am
  • Big.Hype

    Big.Hype (100)

    United States
    haha yes all because of you!
    August 20th, 2011 at 05:22am
  • Big.Hype

    Big.Hype (100)

    United States
    haha oh you inflate my ego haha one day it will burst
    August 20th, 2011 at 03:46am
  • Big.Hype

    Big.Hype (100)

    United States
    well I am glad you enjoyed it =)
    August 20th, 2011 at 03:35am
  • Big.Hype

    Big.Hype (100)

    United States
    haha I just texted you to let you know I updated lol
    August 20th, 2011 at 02:55am
  • Big.Hype

    Big.Hype (100)

    United States
    I love yours though it's so fun! and aww thank your friend.
    August 20th, 2011 at 02:00am
  • Big.Hype

    Big.Hype (100)

    United States
    haha I love that you liked it =)
    August 19th, 2011 at 02:54am
  • Big.Hype

    Big.Hype (100)

    United States
    haha true which makes your following even smaller haha

    aww I'm sorry can I possibly cheer you up? I'm going to the tmobile to get them to unfreeze my phone lol
    August 4th, 2011 at 04:44am
  • Big.Hype

    Big.Hype (100)

    United States
    hahahahaha that'd be awesome!
    August 4th, 2011 at 04:04am