Winter'sEnd / Comments

  • CaliCupcakeMonster

    CaliCupcakeMonster (100)

    United States
    It's from a movie called "The Wood", it was random and funny and decided to make it my signature lol ; )
    March 2nd, 2012 at 03:07am
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    That's good that you have someone who can pull you out. Me, on the other hand, I'm such a reserved person that I don't allow others in to let me out. I'll build my wall, and remain behind it for as long as I can. It sucks, but that's what I do. Also writing helps me through the colder months, allowing me to sink into a fictional world of my own. Also, I think depression runs in my family, because my mother, uncle, and grandfather go through bouts every now and again also.

    But whatever. I just don't want to have children during this time of year, because I will more than likely be one of those mother's who will kill their newborn child.
    December 1st, 2011 at 10:52pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    The loneliness is really the bouts of depression I go through. With it being the change of season, and with everything cold and white where I am, it get's very irritating in mid-February when you're ready for the warmer months. And the loneliness is just how I feel when I'm depressed, which can be triggered by many different things. It sucks, especially when I'm in the deeper blue and feel like I can't get out.

    As for the friend conversation, hahaha, I have one of those. When all of us get together and want to do something, all of us will bug her, but she'll never respond, or if she does, it'll be days. The only real way of contacting her is on Facebook, and even then it's a fifty-fifty shot. She's always working too, so it's very rare that I get to see her.
    December 1st, 2011 at 02:32pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    Haha, thank you. :)

    My family, we're just crazy and we laugh at ourselves. It's quite entertaining, and probably looks weird to an outsider.

    As for my friends, well the group that I hung out with in high school, we still keep in touch, with the wonders of Facebook and texting and whatnot. It does suck when they're not around and I'm going through a bout of loneliness (I'm sort of going through one now, and it makes me wonder if I'm going to be like this for the rest of the winter). But we do keep in touch, which is nice.

    And I'm sorry about being allergic to gluten. That has to suck, a lot. :(
    December 1st, 2011 at 03:44am
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    Considering I want to be a professional writer, I write a lot. But I also use it as a creative outlet, and since all of my friends are at different colleges than me, we don't really see each other unless they come home on weekends, which even then can be a toss up. But I will admit my life is non-exciting at the moment, well, minus the crazy moments when I'm with my family, which also tends to be either during the week and/or the weekends haha. :)

    I know what you're talking about with the friend. I sort of went through something like that in middle school with one, don't miss those years one bit. She would get mad at me, and the rest of our "group" for that matter, over the stupidest, littlest things. It was so dumb.
    November 30th, 2011 at 02:47pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    I've been alright. Nothing major has really happened except writing really. And I'm sorry about the fight with your co-writer, that must have sucked. :(
    November 30th, 2011 at 01:53am
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    Lmao, hey! How you been? :)
    November 28th, 2011 at 01:26pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    Probably, and I hate it now too that if you just smack your child gently in a disciplinary measure, you'll have DHHS on your ass. It's one thing if a mother (or father) are hitting their kids to hurt them, but it's different when they just need a spank because they're being downright nasty. I guess I'm kind of old school, but that's what I think.

    I would do that if I was the one writing it, because he really is a sociopath. But it's what you want to do, and you could also kind of mold Toni's feelings with him following her, like at first she's creeped, but after a while she becomes to somewhat enjoy it. I don't know, but she seems like the type of character to enjoy the darker side of love anyway, so it's just a thought. :)

    Haha, I kind of do. It's just a genre that I like. Although I do try to add other genres into them, like my series that I'm working on, is set around both of the World Wars. History also interests me, especially European history, and I think that's why I tend to put that into my stories. But I'm going back to school as an English major, because I want to try and see if I can take my works to the reader's market, even though I'll be underground more than likely because of the stuff I write.

    Oh, and I feel like I'm intruding with feeding you ideas for your story. I know it probably doesn't bother you, but I can stop if you want me to.
    August 22nd, 2011 at 01:53pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    I'm a hardcore bitch, and I hate it when children start making a fuss over stupid little things, when they throw tantrums. I've come to the conclusion that if I do have kids, I'm going to be the "evil mother" because I'll always be yelling at them. My friends try to tell me otherwise, but I disagree.

    You could use other examples too, and if you wanted to get really crafty, you could make Jude attempt to stalk Toni or something, like what characters do in crime shows. The one that comes to mind for me is Criminal Minds, but that's because I like the show. But I know what you mean by making the characters realistic, because sometimes I have a problem with that too. I don't want to be too vague or too blunt with the character, and sometimes, especially if the character is complex.

    I've dabbled with a few other genres, and I've posted a few on here. But the one that I've stuck with the most, and sort of have established myself with is dark romance. It's just something where sky's the limit for me, and I can warp it in any way that I want.
    August 21st, 2011 at 02:55pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    I just don't agree with how our culture is trying to teach young girls that it's okay to be a slut by the time they're twelve. If I ever become a mother, my daughter will probably hate me because I will try my hardest not to let her fall prey to the sexed up standers of America's culture.

    I've tried reality fiction so many times that I just can't really do it. Or if I do write reality fiction, it won't be in today's time, it'll be more along the lines of historical fiction. I don't know, I've sort of already established what I will mainly write with, like what genre and what not. But I can also play around with it too, add new twists and whatnot.

    That's the joys of writing, no matter what genre you're good at, you can always twist it to make it your own. :)
    August 20th, 2011 at 07:21pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    I know what you mean about breaking away from the pack and trying to make it your own. I do that when I dabble with reality fiction, and I've discovered I'm not much of a reality fiction writer. I run into too many walls.

    But your story does sound interesting to me. :)

    And I'm sorry about the Aladdin spin off, those absolutely suck. Plus I hate spin offs anyway, and I try to avoid them at all costs.
    August 20th, 2011 at 02:24pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment on "Mystic Lilith" again. :)

    Yeah, he has some control issues, as I like to put it.

    She did in the first draft, and more than likely will do it in this draft. I might put more emotion into it because in the first draft I just had her confess to him that she runs from her brother is because he's an obsessive brat. I tend to add more emotion, which, hopefully will work. :)

    But she will be with Viktor, I just have to figure out which chapter to add him in. :)

    Thanks again for the comment! :)
    August 20th, 2011 at 02:18pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    I'm happy I didn't offend you, that makes me happy because that's the last thing I want to do. :)

    That story that you were telling me about, during WW1 sounds interesting. I like stories that aren't considered the "typical story for teens" or something similar. So I will be definitely checking it out if you're going to post it on here. :)

    As to the feminist conversation, I agree. I'm not a total hardcore feminist, but I strongly agree that women should be payed equal wages, and should be educated and aren't sex objects put on the planet just for man's sexual fantasies. I also wish women in general weren't so obsessed with how they look. Yes, I know a lot of them do it because they feel sexy and attractive, and I have nothing against that. But I don't agree in handing your ten year old daughter a stick of eye liner and saying "This will make you more sexy Lily, so men will want to fuck your brains out." Yes, I know I'm going to extremes, but that's just how I feel on it.

    As for my story, I think I'm just going to give her the physical appearances, at least what I envision her to be. Although her character does have a temper, as I've displaced in the update I posted yesterday. I don't know though, she's kind of intimidated by her brother, and afraid of what he can, and more than likely will do to her when she steps out of line.
    August 20th, 2011 at 02:08pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I've done a lot of research on the myths because I'm sort of a feminist, but not a hardcore one. And I was writing a Lilith/Lucifer story a long time ago, well, one of many before just giving up and writing the other one that's on here. It's amazing though how Christianity won't even acknowledge Lilith before Eve, but then again, Christianity has also been good at covering things up. Well, the Catholics anyway. (And I'm sorry if I offended you, that's the last thing that I want to do, it's just how I feel, and I'm not a Catholic or Christian for that matter haha.)

    The first draft, I kind of toned him down for the middle of the story and brought back his obsessive side towards the end. I really don't know what I'll do with him in this revised edition, but I'm thinking of keeping him nasty throughout.

    I don't know though.
    August 19th, 2011 at 01:55pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the comment on "The Mystic Lilith". I'm happy you're enjoying it so far. :)

    I'm actually planning on updating that story either tomorrow or Saturday, leaning more towards tomorrow. With how my writing system works right now, I'll write an update for my other active story and then update for this story and vice versa. So an update is already to go for both stories. Sorry if that's confusing, I can't really explain it.

    Dmitry's reaction will be interesting to say the least in the following update. I have a feeling I'm going to make him more nasty than I did in the first draft, and he was pretty bad back then.

    As to Lilith's name (which I'm assuming is the name you were referring to haha XD) I got it from a number of places, which all stem from the same idea/area. I got her name, and description of looks (at least what I envision her and from different sources I've read) from the demon known as Lilith. She goes after babies and eats them in Hebrew countries, that's the most common one. Another was she was the mistress of Lucifer, that myth is not so widely known, but I do believe it in. I actually have another story on here that I wrote a long time ago that is centered around my believes of both Lucifer and Lilith. Another myth that she's in is she was known as Adam's first wife, but she wouldn't go underneath him when it came time for intercourse. String all those together, and essentially they form a story, legend and/or myth. But when it all boils down to it, that's where I got her name from, the Hebrew demon who is known for eating small children and babies.

    Haha, sorry for the long explanation. I really like the name, and with my own personal believes, decided to just take the name. :)

    Thanks for the comment also! :)
    August 18th, 2011 at 01:56pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    Yeah, grammar really isn't my strongest either, even though I am a writer and I'm getting into English for my "career" for a lack of better terms.

    But the more you write/read, the better it will get. Another person on here told me that a while ago, and it is true. :)

    I also try not to let it get me down, because if it does, it'll only get worse. And we all have weaknesses. :)
    August 15th, 2011 at 05:03pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    No problem for the comment. :)

    Haha yeah, I do that too when I update sometimes, especially when I'm tired. I'll breeze right through it and not even realize a mistake, so it's completely fine and understandable. :)

    That's cool, I like all the influences. And both of you probably will, because even if a story is heavily influenced, it can become it's own. Both of you are good writers, so I see it working. :)
    August 15th, 2011 at 04:45pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    Haha it's okay, we're only human, so we're suppose to make error. :) I just hate it when people are all, "Blah! You told me i was wrong, how dare you!" I know that's a stupid example, but that was the first thing that popped into my head.

    And I agree. I have a lot of silent readers on my stories, both active and completed. It makes me happy that people like the stuff I write, because it is different to what is traditionally seen on this site, but still, it's nice to know how the reader feels.

    That's why I tend to leave comments on stories that I like. And I like yours. :)
    August 15th, 2011 at 03:57pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    Fruit juice is amazing, my favorites are apple, mixed berry, cranberry (any combination really), and grape. :)

    It makes me a little sad now that I don't have any in my house currently.

    And I'm currently reading "With All the Little Pieces", and I must say that I'm enjoying it. I'll leave a comment on it, because it's always nice to receive a comment. :)
    August 15th, 2011 at 03:38pm
  • Lady of the Moon

    Lady of the Moon (100)

    United States
    It sounds interesting, so I will check it out. :)

    And co-writing projects are always fun. I've never done one because number one, I'm too independent, number two, I don't think many other writers would like the ideas I come up with, and how I go about them, and number three, I would rather work alone. But that doesn't stop me from reading co-writing stories. I really admire people who do those types of projects, because I can't. :)

    And I want to thank you for having me be one of your favorite authors and that you admire me. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. :)

    As for your coffee question, I'm not really a coffee drinker (more of a tea drinker), but I know people who are. I actually have two friends who go to the same college who drink excessive amounts of coffee, and both of them went through caffeine withdrawals at the beginning of summer break. It doesn't bother me when people have that "illness", it's just one that I will probably not get in on. I do like coffee, I just don't like heavy amounts of it in one day. I mainly drink it to either stay awake, or get rid of a headache.
    August 15th, 2011 at 02:55pm