Woodpecker / Stories

  • Us Against The World

    Us Against The World (19) / Info

    Original fiction (Romance)
    Word count:
    59 406

    He wasn't handsome, muscular or actually good looking to most. He was geeky, wore glasses and told bad jokes. But he listened, cared and was there when no one else was. As a result, I found myself falling in love with him. The problem? He was my teacher.

    July 21st, 2012 at 07:03pm

  • Her Dork In Tinfoil Armour

    Her Dork In Tinfoil Armour (33) / Info

    Original fiction (Romance)
    Word count:
    166 242

    Note to self: When woman of dreams is semi-asleep on top of you, make no movement which may draw attention to the fact that 'squirtle', as she later teasingly called him, was ready to engage in action. Especially as she has no memory of last night's event

    August 17th, 2011 at 11:20pm

    • Completed