Moving on. 10/28/12

My advice to you: If you ever move away, even temporarily, you had better be prepared to lose just about everything from that place you used to call home. You think that your home and people will be loyal and just fantastic. Hey! You're going to be proven wrong very quickly.Better advice: Cherish the memories. But, when the past drops you, drop the fucking past. You are in a different place, a...
October 28th, 2012 at 08:20pm

Just Can't Find It

Somedays, I sit and think. I look for something, that honestly, I know is not there for me. Why do I put myself through it? I guess I'm just stupid and enjoy hurting.I know that I have to deal with depression, just as a daily thing. Therefore, setting myself up for failure is just beyond me. I hope. I do. I shouldn't.I get told, often. Hey, perk up. Hey, you're pretty, just stop being so down....
September 7th, 2011 at 01:17pm

Febrary 25. A Realization

More and more I find myself losing touch with both morals and meanings. All of the deep values that I used to live by, just seem to have no meaning. I no longer feel the urge to abide by strict study habits, or to upkeep the self-ritious attitude I used to pursue. The magic that exists, must only be found through the simple joys and relaxations of life. Music, calm, sun, sea; I can lose myself in...
February 26th, 2011 at 04:05am

Meanings, Melodic Maybe?

Irrevocably true, yet unbelievable. Why do I feel like there is so much about life that is just not within my comprehension? Am I delving into philosopical issues? Most definately not theological. Never argue with someone who cannot see both sides of the debate. But why is life treated so similarly amongst all participants? Not to say life is a game, yet can it not be seen that way??This is what...
February 21st, 2011 at 11:08pm

Woes of a Candid Life

I’m going to be successful. I will not depend on others for this. I will live by myself. I love solitude, and I don’t constantly need people to make happy. I will do amazing things and love many people. Whether I find someone to spend my life with or not, it does not matter. I can be fulfilled without having someone. Jeeze, I will not have a disappointing life. I will have a good job, and I...
February 19th, 2011 at 05:24am