
After reading a lot of amazing stories i'm gonna take a shot at making my own. Ive always had great ideas but have been intimidated by the idea of short story writing. But you all have inspired me so i'm gonna try! I don't want to have a definite date because I want to take it slow. But I will promise that I will post it up when I have it finished. I'm actually kind of excited, this will be the...
February 20th, 2011 at 11:27pm


I'm kind of annoyed at my step-brother. He's kind of a douche bag. Your 18, big woop, you still don't have the right to boss everyone around like we're your slaves. I really can't stand him at the moment. He always feels like he's owed something, even though he does nothing. He lives in my house and thinks he can do whatever. Also, (this just might be my anger speaking) But he smells and has this...
February 20th, 2011 at 05:58am