Next Week's Story Updates...

So next week, I have to take these tests called the AIMS. All around Arizona, it will be AIMS week for us kiddos.During AIMS week, we have to get to sleep earlier than normal (I have to sleep before 11 AM!) and we actually have to eat breakfast. We have to study for Math and English. We have three tests; Writing (Imma ace it ;D <--Cocky Bastard XD), The English Reading test and the *Shudders*...
April 11th, 2011 at 05:58am


Disregard it before I get too many self encouragement comments lol.I have biopolar and can switch moods faster then you can turn on a light switch :/So yes, I'm going to keep writing...I'm 99.9% I will keep writing I mean. ;)My moods switch very fast, so don't be offended.You did nothing; my brain did! *le gasp*So now, it's back to looking between my homework and my pencil, debating if I should do...
April 7th, 2011 at 07:00am

I Didn't Want To Grow Up, But I Pinched A Penny And...

I've decided to grow up.So the thing with this whole "growing up" concept is because I had a realiezation that I'm so very immature, little-kid-like and...well, just, A little girl.I shouldn't be a little girl; I should be a decent teenager.I think that I’m too, well…immature. Like, I can’t help but always say a “That’s What She Said” joke, or be too gross and….boyish, about...
April 7th, 2011 at 05:27am

My Online Apology To "Kofi Monah"...

Dear Kofi,I am sorry that I told you that Kentucky Fried Chicken went out of business on April 1, 2011 (April Fools, you hoe). It was a joke and I am a wonderful liar. I'm Mexican, Kofi, come on now. And you've known me since 4th grade. Remember, me and you were the darkest and most ghettoist kids in class? Remember when we had to play slaves in that one fucked up play?So please, forgive me. I...
April 3rd, 2011 at 12:21am

Live Journal and DeviantART

I recently got a Live Journal...but I can't figure out EVERYTHING about it. I mean, I know how to work somethings, but other parts, I'm confused as shit.Aways, does anyone want to help me out here by giving me some advice/pointers to the website. I really like the site, but some help would be nice.Other than that, I would love it if someone would tell me they had a Live Journal too, so I can talk...
March 16th, 2011 at 08:47pm

Calling Fellow Killjoys interested in being in a story!!!/An Important Message To Those Who Have Ever Read “Catch Me, Use Me, Kill Me”

Hi there fellow Killjoys and friends!Obviously, since you clicked on this entry, you’ve heard of my Killjoy Story, “Catch Me, Use Me, Kill Me.” on Quizilla (If you haven’t and think you might like to read it, message me about the link ;) ). Here’s the update for that one: I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to post Chapter 29. With that being said, may I propose my idea on how to...
March 9th, 2011 at 04:10am