
United States
Joined date
February 21st, 2011


Ok then, here we go! *deep breath*

10 facts about me:
1. I LOVE to read. I'm a book nerd and I'm proud of it.
2. I adore music. One time I lost my MP3 player and I had totally shut down. I'm am not ashamed of this.
3.I live to draw. I use to draw anime/manga style when I was a child but now its more...realistic, if thats the right word.
4.Yes I do like anime/manga but just a small amount of it. I'm not as crazy about it like I was back when I was younger.(god I feel like a grown up :p)
5.Black,red,blue,purple,green,and anythings a dark shade is good for me. I;m super pale so light colors are bad for me. -_-
6.I'm small, 5'0I can't remember. I'm proud of it because I can fit into a locker! :D WOOT!!
7.I love to eat.
8.I'm a gamer to a degree. I like games but don't play to often due to me being busy in high school. (Jr. year is VERY hard!!!) But my favorite game is Devil may cry and the Professor Layton games! YEAH!:3
9.I can not spell half the time but i try.
10. I consist of both happy rainbows and dark thunder clouds.......and I barf out kittens and puppies when excited. its true

Well its time for the paragraph of random ass shit I should tell you about myself. Okay, I love to chat with new people, it makes me super happy, so chat me up sometime. I like to believe I'm cool but in reality, I'm a HUGE DORK...and I'm loving it. I also tend to be a spaz or way too hyper so sometimes i do NOt make since. You should all expect this of me. >.> Drawing is my passion but I also like to write. Although i have a short attention span most of the time so yeah, who knows when i would finish a story. (Friendly warning lol)

More about me later (due to my short attention span).

(I'm not into furries...but King Kazma is the most badass character in the movie!! GAH i Love him!!)
(Summer wars. GO WATCH IT!) :)