Amelia Rose


yo, wow i havent used that in such a long time.
i'm cathy


i like music

i'm random

and weird

baaaaaaaaaa i'm a ZEBRA!

moo i'm a cat >>> wait no i@m not

ahhhhh I'M DEAD

well that was fun... now for the boring crap you can just ignore and scroll past it


Amy wrote this...

Yes, I am Cathy's best friend and I say that she is the best best mate ever! Nyah! Cathy, you can put the knife down now...

(it's me.Cathy) I don't have a knife, I swear on your life.

Don't believe a word she says, I swear she's crazy...

I am not crazy, believe me if I was crazy then you would know about it, seriously!

????????Put this on your
????????profile if you support


bands I like:

My Chemical Romance
The Used
Elliot Minor
Billy Talent
The Audition
30 Seconds To Mars
Muse (yes Amy i do like them no matter how much i moch them!)
Linkin Park
Funeral For A Friend
I think I better stop here and put etc , otherewise I will be here all night so...



ha!ha! I'm nicking Amy's pictures ha!



things i love:

I love all my friends and would probably kill for them, so it's good to be my friend!
eye liner, oh yeah
colorful clothes,black clothes
random things
stick men
cute boys
me brother( he rocks)
Kevin, everyone knows Kevin!(don't worry I'm being random)
rock music
people good at art
things i hate:

despite what people say i am not vein, it's more complicated than that.
I hate hairdressers, if you have known me for at least 2 years then you'll know why!
wind, it sucks
fish, ewwww fish
bitchy people, i mean why???????
snobby people, i had to live on a street ful of them and my uncle,auntie and their children are!
got to go finish later

oki i will let you into my life....

the name's Cathy/ the age 15 years old?dark hair/blue eyes( yes they are, they are not green)/average height

ppl i luv
ollie(my dirty little Secret)Lexie,Sophie,Beckii,Li
id,Fizzy Joe,Abi,Grace,Rhyan and more JOHNNY
i go 2 blue coat

-meh bezzies
they rock my world
-meh family
wel most of them rock
i rock.shut up you know it's true

our songs:
oki so this is where 'our songs' where but there are way too many to put here peeps. you know what they r so ....

yup im married
but thats another story
which includes........

gummy rings,
some steps we like to call the front terrace
and a loverly girl named danielle
you know what im talking bout....


im weird?


so what?

get over it!


before i kick ur ARSE


here's the peoplei like to love lol hehe

Meh Wife
well i love this girl well loads. she rocks like no other and no's just how to chear me up. we have our arguments but i still love her to bits and would do anything for her.xoxo luv ya

Meh Daughter/Combine harvester/fience
this girl rocks also. i love her to bits. she knows how to make me laugh and i always have a good time when im with her.xoxo luv ya

The one i turned into a dear Verona
ahhh.... now this girl is probly the most random girl i have ever met.... and thank god for that! i dont know what i would do without her. she rocks.xoxo luv ya

violet hill
this girl looks after everyone and is always there to make us feel better. it killed me when she was ill for so long coz i missed(we all did) her like hell. you rock!xoxo luv ya

my bitch kini
ive been best m8s with her since.. well yr 7 n i love her to bits. she's like a sister to me... and she gets me better than anyone else...coz well lets face it she is probly the weirest person most ppl will meet... but she is my kini and thats it! love ya kins xxxx
likes.....rock music.....horror films.....photgraphs.....part y's......her makeup.......clothes......... my walkman.........winter....... ...snow.........cold places.........bright colours.......converse....... ..skinny jeans.......guys that wear eyeliner.........guys that have emo hair/are emo's.......ginger ppl dislikes............chavs the are mean........chavy makeup.......bad photo's.......dull colours........tracky's...... ...people who think they are all that.......lipgloss that sticks to shit

O_o i think i may ahve some form of obsessive compulsive dissorder

oh wow that rocks!