Organ & Tissue donation

You know how for State I.D's you can get a pink dot on it that says "Donor"?Which I guess means that "your wish to save lives will be honored upon your death and will not require consent of any other person."I signed up for that but I feel weird about it now.It feels like I've betrayed my parents, sort of.Because If I die in some sort of accident, and they find my card, see that it has DONOR on...
July 24th, 2009 at 08:37pm

You fail at Mibba when...

I was bored at school today and started writing this. Just for funsies and not to be taken seriously.Yeah?You fail at Mibba when you...-Haven't whored out a story, whether it be your own or another user.-Haven't used the :file: smiley at least once.-Haven't posted a journal asking for Mibba's advice.-Haven't seen at least one journal "tYpeD LiEk Dis".-Haven't gotten married/engaged to another...
March 25th, 2009 at 12:02am

My dad drives me to concerts >_>

Some may view it as uncool that my dad had to drive me to concerts. at first i was emberassed standing in line and my dad would be with us.but is it really uncool?First of all my dad likes to mosh. He like to push people :POh, and this one time at a fall out boy concert, there was this 13 year old boy who wouldn't stop pushing and everyone was annoyed with him. My dad picked him up when he jumped...
April 28th, 2008 at 06:32pm