I love A.W Rootbeer

It is 2:36 am and my mind is racing with thoughts of the future...of tomorrow...what will happen tomorrow, will there even be a tomorrow for me...This is the way it always is for me. This is because my biggest fear is Death... I know that we all die but I'm so scared to die. I think about myself dead and I panic...I start to hyperventilate and then I black out....I'm a fuckin freak and thats...
February 25th, 2011 at 11:44am

This is soo lame and So am I

So I'm off again to my sister to see my babies cause I misses them soo much <3 Ahhaha... I am Soo...well bored/tired/lonley/everyotherfuckingthingIwanttobe! :DDDD Yupp....Hmm I think I had not enough coffee this morning... And not enough Avenged sevenfold in my ears yet today :33333 Someone help Im going to drive myself insane with how annoying I am being right now...143!!!!! To all who gives a...
February 22nd, 2011 at 10:38pm