Diary of a singleton...

This is it; my eighteenth year of being single. I feel like Bridget Jones, and I’m actually quite concerned that I might end up like her at this rate so; my main endeavour for 2009 is to find myself a decent boyfriend, before my eighteenth birthday in October. I am certainly not desperate; I just feel that I am perhaps missing out on the experience and those indescribable emotions that you feel...
January 2nd, 2009 at 01:28pm

Topic Suggestions

I would love to be columnist on Mibba!! But I honestly have no idea what to write about weekly. Any suggestions? I would rather write about topics regarding enetertainment so if there is anything you would like to read more about regarding film, music, books, tv shows, etc, then let me know.Skins series 2 is on our screens next week and I was thinking of doing a weekly column on that which would...
January 27th, 2008 at 04:59pm

Second thoughts

OK, its back to the old 'what shall I do for A Levels?' thing again. Well, I am defiantely doing Sociology and both English Lang and English Lit (crazy I know) but for my last option should I do media studies or single award ICT?? I was originally going to do meida but then I thought that perhaps it makes my options too narrow, and I feel that I'm capable of doing something more challenging....but...
January 19th, 2008 at 05:32pm

Skins series 2

Popular teen drama Skins is due to return to E4 with a brand new series in Februaury 2008. The trailer for the upcoming series was revealed on thursday night on the Skins Myspace sight and has already achieved almost 27,000 viewings. But, what has the trailer revealed? To be honest, not alot. Dominated by images of disintergrating walls, plaster falling from the ceiling and practically the whole...
January 4th, 2008 at 11:26pm

Good books

I have just finished my book and am looking for some new authors to read.So, can anyone recommend any authors or books to me?I like any genre but preferably no books involving any form of child abuse or lots of deep depression although i do love stories where you can really sink into the emotions of the chracters. Also, i would rather adult books than teen fiction unless you know of any relaistic,...
December 15th, 2007 at 04:04am

Help please!

NOOO!! I have my mocks next week and i'm trying to revise for it. Only problem is i just can't revise!! The information just doesn't go in!! I've tried reading, looking at diagrams, making diagrams, asking for people to test me but....nothing seems to work.School have given us this revision help booklet thing but it's so useless. I think that the best ideas are from people with experience so if...
December 13th, 2007 at 10:39pm


I saw Mika at the Brighton centre last night and he was soooo good!! Actually the best gig I have ever been to!! I was almost within touching distance of him. I didn't realise how good looking he was!! such a shame that he's gay though =[ as for his vocals.....WOW!! How the hell does he carry off those high notes??The support band were amazing too!! I got an autograph off the craziest keyboard...
December 2nd, 2007 at 12:42am

Choices, Choices

I need some help!! I have to know by next week what college I'm going to and I'm soooo stuck =[ It's either BHASVIC or staying on at my school sixth form college. Basically education (staying on) vs social (BHASVIC). I'm so unsure!! I've chosen my A-Levels which is a good thing I guess but I don't know where to go to study them! =[Advice on choosing collegs would be much appreciated, and even if...
November 28th, 2007 at 11:36pm

Girls, do you think...?

What would you say?Would you say that it is patronising from your point of view for a man to get out of his seat for you on the train and offering it to you when there is no other seat left?Or perhaps it is considered sexist from a mans point of view by the fact that he feels obliged to offer his seat to the opposite sex?Hmmm....?????Tell me what you think =](why does it have to be 100 words?? I...
November 28th, 2007 at 02:56am

Very strange, I know

Many of us at school had a very weird debate the other day. But i just wanted to see what everyone else thought:It's your wedding night and your new husband/wife leaves you saying 'i'll be back in a minute' so off they go. 10 minutes later they return. (this is the random bit) would you rather them come in laughing at you and throwing loads of mouldy squishy fruit at you or for them to come in...
November 28th, 2007 at 02:49am