Adreea Elizabeth // 20

Previously known as xxlustxxvampirexx

FeatheredFiend is a strange, strange girl named Adreea. Her favorite bands are Ludo, Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, Guns N' Roses, Motley Crue, AC/DC, and so many others it would take her years to name. She doesn't like to party, but she loves to hang out with her friends. She smokes and brushes her teeth after every cigarette, because she's a psycho. She loves Lestat De Lioncourt, Pyramid Head, Legolas Greenleaf, the demon Crowley, and Loki/Gabriel/Trickster. She doesn't like Bleach and Twilight, although, she does think that Bella should have chosen Jacob because who wants a boyfriend that sparkles? She hopes you love her stories. :]

Hello there! I know, I'm insane. You don't have to tell me, these things are extremely known to all those who communicate with me. I'm a bit out there with things and am known to make an entrance. I quote random shows, including ones that have been long since over.

I'm also friendly, despite the things that have been said about me in the past on quizilla. I love talking to people and can be annoying, or so says my sibling(s). Even my five year old step-brother thinks I'm annoying, that right there is awesome! 8D

Feathered Fiends is a site I run on freewebs for giggles. It's still under major construction. Bare with it.

February 25, 2010 | 12:25 a.m,

Mood: Tired
Music: None
Watching: Dead Man Walking Update: Alright, so here's the deal. I have Violence Fetish's update almost done, a sequel to the Lestat fic in the works, a Supernatural piece that's dying to be posted, and I'm going to be Beta-reading my sister's update for her fiction after everything is finished. I've been watching horror movies all night and watching for The Final and Dread to come on, but I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm actually extremely tired, emotionally mostly. The boyfriend and I had gotten into another fight tonight and it kills me, little by little.

However, let's not get into that. I'm just too tired to fuss over him when it's obvious that he's not going to fuss over me. Think I'm just going to sit back and write out the updates and what not that I feel like posting, do the beta-reading, and continue to watch horror flicks. ehh, what else is there to do right now?

February 23, 2010 | 8:52 p.m,

Mood: Hyper
Music: Ludo - Please
Update: Alright, so I'm working on getting all my files over here. Expect to see the Lestat story coming first. I'm not sure how much I'm going to get done because my sister will be home from classes around 2:30pm. That means she's going to want her computer back and is going to kill me for making this site. Watch it, buddies!


Will You Love Me With All Your Black Heart
Status; Complete
Characters; Andreea/Lestat
Summary; Andreea was a normal girl, a little sheltered but normal. Until she learns a dark secret, one that will flip her world upside down.

Violence Fetish
Status; Active
Characters; Leliana/Pyramid Head
Summary; In Silent Hill, not is all that it appears.

story title
Status; Active/Inactive/Complete
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summary; Short summary

story title
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summary; Short summary

story title
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summary; Short summary

Layout by natalie at Living The Lie