Dear possible fellow kindred soul/perfection as we know it,

Dear _____,To be able to wake up to your dreary ass every morning is a gift, just to be able to lift your spirits on a daily basis is a blessing. I love to make you laugh and the way you smile when you smile at me. Let's drop the world around us and run. Run and see the world. Right fucking now, not later, not tonight, not tomorrow, not even two years from now. No let's run right fucking now. I've...
November 29th, 2011 at 11:18am

To much on my mind

I spent last night crying over him. Wanting to scream in his face, I hate this! How could he give up so easily??? FUCCCCCCCKKKK. This pain is more then I can handle. I wish I could get a hold of you! So I can take it all back, Please I really do love you. I'm pretty sure he hates me by now, which makes it hurt even more. And on top of it all I'm worried sick about him. He takes Vicodin and I'm so...
April 26th, 2011 at 08:07pm

I'm so stupid

I did something stupid. Last night I sent my ex a text about me not waking up, then at 3am both my stepmom and dad come into my room and ask if I had taken any pills, of course I had, I took a lot but they were tiny little ibuprofen to put me to sleep. My ex called my aunt who in turn called my mother. Everything went downhill. I tried calling him to apologize but his mom answered and told me to...
April 24th, 2011 at 10:13pm

Just gotta keep writing those songs^^

Man I feel better after writing those two songs. I sent the first one to my ex (an act of desperation) and he told me he needed time to think. in fact his exact words were :"I need awhile to think...Im not gonna just let it go without some thought...It might take me a week or maybe a month or maybe longer but im not dropping it just yet "I don't know if it's good or not that he said that. My heart...
April 24th, 2011 at 12:29am

Just reach for the bottle of pills noelle, it's not so hard.

Just have to reach over and swallow them one by one. Then everything's gone. All the pain, all the emptiness, all the loneliness. I wish I didn't delete your number, but everyone's right...I need to leave you alone. I just feel so sick inside! I don't eat, cuz when I do I just throw it back up, I hardly sleep because when I close my eyes I see your face. Then if I do sleep I dream about you...
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:13pm

just can't...

I'm not one to force my presence on others. I'm not one to put myself in front of strangers and tell them my name. I'm very shy and very, VERY scared. Everyday I wake up alone and every night I fall asleep alone. I'm just doomed to be alone. Can't these damn people see I'm scared? Can't they hear my silent cries for attention? Does anybody even see I'm on my own here?? I just want to see arms...
March 2nd, 2011 at 12:34am

I'm just going to spill my soul onto here so no judging me>.<

Well I might as well start with my name. Noelle, in full form it's Noelle Victoria Tejeda, I am 16 years of age and my parents are divorced. I mainly live with my mother and see my father every other weekend during the school year and every other week during summer. Sometimes my father's the biggest jerk ever, others he goes out of his way to be with me. my mom supports me no matter what, so in...
February 28th, 2011 at 07:45pm